Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2000-02-04 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #179 - Friday 4th February 2000 - London Calling! 🩰💖

Hello darlings! Emma here, back with another fabulous Friday from London town! It's officially Pink Tutu Blog London, and guess what? I've finally made it to the Big Smoke, all thanks to a couple of brilliant ballet gigs back in Derbyshire - such a fab excuse to get out and about. And trust me, a train journey is no chore in a pink tutu! 😉

It feels like ages since I was in this buzzing city. I can't tell you how much I love the feel of London; the sheer energy is infectious, it's like a tonic for the soul!

This time around, I've decided to embrace the city like a true fashionista, armed with my trusty camera and my favourite pink tutu. You see, dear readers, I have a very important mission - to spread the pink tutu love far and wide. Every Friday, my London blog celebrates this delightful garment. It's my way of celebrating the joy of dancing and the power of expressing yourself through fashion! And if I can inspire even a few of you to embrace the pink tutu, then I've done my job!

So, let the adventures begin!

Travel by Train: A Delightful Dance!

I just adore travelling by train. There's something so charming and romantic about it - it feels like stepping back in time. I'm a complete train enthusiast! This time, my journey to London was extra special. As I watched the rolling countryside whizz past, the scenery changed like a beautiful stage set, and I couldn't help but feel like I was in a musical! I envisioned a whole scene with me dancing down the train carriage, spreading joy and tutus with each twirl. Alas, I kept it to a mere skip or two, because, you know, keeping it classy, ladies! 😂

A Pink Tutu for Every Occasion

When I reached Paddington station, the crowds, the taxis, the excitement of it all - it just called for a truly spectacular pink tutu outfit. Today, I've chosen a dazzling, fluffy tutu with layers upon layers of tulle, and I've paired it with a vibrant, bubblegum-pink knit top. The look is absolutely show-stopping - I practically glow! 💖

London's Theatreland: A Magical Evening

You know what's always on my list in London? Catching a show! This Friday, I'm taking in the beautiful musical My Fair Lady. This classic is just perfect for a night of singing, dancing, and all the loveliness that a West End musical offers. The costumes alone are guaranteed to make my heart flutter with excitement.

But of course, before I head to the theatre, it's a must to explore the West End and its endless shops! Shopping is always a big highlight of my London trips. I'm always on the lookout for gorgeous fashion finds that will complete my pink tutu wardrobe. You can be sure I'll snap up a few goodies - maybe some dazzling new earrings or a fluffy scarf! 😉

Where to Go, What to Do

Here's a sneak peek at my Pink Tutu Itinerary for the day!

  • Breakfast at the Orangery: I simply adore a good breakfast and London has some delightful options. My morning will kick off with a beautiful English breakfast in a charming café. It's perfect for fueling up before my shopping expedition.

  • Oxford Street - A Fashionista's Dream: No trip to London is complete without a walk along Oxford Street. From top to toe, from budget-friendly bargains to the ultimate luxury brands, this shopping haven will keep my Pink Tutu heart thrumming. It’s the ultimate spot to find that perfect, eye-catching accessory. I am on the hunt for the perfect hat! 👒

  • The British Museum: Culture & Inspiration My love of all things beautiful extends beyond fashion. A trip to the British Museum is a must - it’s full of amazing treasures and artifacts from all around the world. It’s fascinating and inspirational!

The Art of Ballet:

Of course, a trip to London wouldn't be complete without an amazing ballet performance! This weekend I will try to sneak in a show at the Royal Opera House. Watching world-class dancers on stage is truly inspiring. I love that magic feeling of transformation and flight. It feeds my imagination and keeps my passion for ballet burning brighter than ever!

Dinner & Dance!

Later on, I'm thinking about exploring Soho - a true London vibe with charming streets and delightful restaurants. The perfect way to end the day! After all, life in London, and the art of living, are all about that delicious mix of excitement and relaxation, elegance and fun.

* Pink Tutu London: A Final Note*

It’s a busy few days but it wouldn't be a proper Friday without a London blog! It’s been a delight to share this whirlwind of an afternoon. Next week, I’m off to a dance school in the heart of London - maybe it’s time for another ballet masterclass!

Do keep an eye out for next week’s London blog. Until then, dance on, lovelies, and be bold! Don’t be afraid to let your pink tutu spirit shine, even if it's just a twirl or two! 🩰💖

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2000-02-04 Exploring London