Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2001-05-04 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Friday 2001-05-04 - A Whirlwind Day in the Big Smoke!

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your resident tutu-wearing traveller, and it's time for another instalment of my London adventures! This week marks post number 244 for my London blog – can you believe it? Time really does fly when you're wearing pink and twirling through the city.

Now, where were we? Ah, yes, this week I found myself back on the train to London! As usual, the journey was a delight. Something about the rhythmic clattering of the train tracks against the backdrop of rolling green countryside always makes me feel wonderfully calm and creative. And this time, my pink tutu perfectly complemented the blooming spring flowers. You can’t get more charming, can you?

This time around, my trip was fuelled by a thrilling mix of ballet and a hankering for London’s famous shopping scene. And oh my, what a whirlwind of a day it was!

First things first, I headed straight for Covent Garden. The iconic building, with its stunning red brick facade, is truly awe-inspiring. I always find myself taking a deep breath, and just soaking in the atmosphere before I even step inside.

I was so excited to see The Sleeping Beauty at the Royal Opera House! The performance was just divine. Tchaikovsky’s music is a true masterpiece, and the choreography – well, I’ve got to hand it to the dancers, they made every step and pose look effortlessly elegant. The whole thing was a feast for the senses, and by the end, I felt like I had literally been whisked away into a magical fairy tale.

Afterwards, a quick stroll around Covent Garden itself is a must! There’s so much to see – colourful flowers, quirky street performers, and oh, those tantalising aromas wafting from the nearby restaurants! A quick cuppa at a cute little café provided the perfect post-performance pick-me-up.

My love for ballet always intertwines with a love for beautiful clothes, and London’s boutiques just beckon to me! My first stop had to be Liberty. Oh my, the exquisite silks, the sumptuous prints, the delicate lace, everything I love! After a careful (and by careful, I mean I took my time!), I found the most adorable lavender satin scarf. Perfect for pairing with my tutu for those spontaneous city dances.

Next up, Oxford Street, where I lost myself amongst the dazzling shops. I must admit, my focus this time was firmly on finding some chic and oh-so-feminine shoes to go with my new scarf! The choice was overwhelming, but I finally settled on a pair of beautiful blush pink ballerina flats. How fitting, right?

After all that shopping, I treated myself to a delicious high tea at The Ritz, surrounded by beautiful people and even more beautiful food! The classic finger sandwiches, delicate pastries, and delicate scones, were simply heavenly! I did find myself wondering whether ballet dancers have to forgo all this yummy goodness to stay in tip top shape! But then, perhaps, a delicious high tea is just another type of artistic performance… Hmmm, food for thought, isn’t it?

Of course, no London adventure would be complete without a visit to the world-famous theatre district. There was so much on this night, I practically had to pull out a calendar! The sheer volume of talent on offer here in London is a constant source of wonder. This evening, it was The Lion King for me! It was so well-executed - stunning visuals, phenomenal acting, the animals brought to life so beautifully. The sheer joy and laughter echoing throughout the theatre was a sight to behold! I honestly never want it to end.

I spent a good while simply marveling at the buzz of activity around me – the excitement and anticipation of theatregoers rushing towards the building, the air filled with laughter and excited chatter. A moment, a feeling, I always savour.

Speaking of savouring things, that brings me to another very important topic for today’s blog: Dinner! Oh, London, how do you make every single thing taste so delicious! I must say, the city really did exceed my expectations with its diverse and utterly fabulous dining scene! This evening, it was a delicious, perfectly cooked fish and chips, and oh my, the side of mushy peas was divine! A truly British feast fit for a ballerina, wouldn't you say?

The rest of my London evening was a perfect blend of a quiet stroll around the city, soaking in the sights and sounds, and a lovely catch-up with my friend at a trendy pub near her flat. It was a good dose of real, raw, and wonderfully inspiring energy that made the perfect counterpoint to the elegant theatre and dancing I'd seen during the day.

The sun dipping behind the cityscape cast a magical golden glow across the city and I realised with a sudden wave of warmth that, even though I was miles away from my cosy Derbyshire cottage, this vibrant, colourful, and exciting city felt like home!

That’s a wrap for today, darlings! Next week, I’m back on the train for another exciting adventure in London. I'm already dreaming up new tutu outfits and thinking about which theatrical performance to catch next! I can't wait to see what wonders await me. But for now, it’s time for a long, relaxing bath and a well-deserved cup of chamomile tea!

Oh, and just a reminder: spread the pink tutu love, my friends! Let’s make this the world of twirling and colour! And don't forget to head over to for more weekly updates! Until next time!

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2001-05-04 Exploring London