Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2002-10-18 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! 🩰💖

Post #320 Friday, 18th October 2002

Hello, lovelies!

It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu aficionado, and guess what? I'm in London! 🎉 The big smoke! The city that never sleeps! The epicentre of everything fabulous! And you bet your bottom dollar I'm spinning my way through it all in my favourite pink tutu, of course. 😉

This trip has been a long time coming. I've been saving up from my ballet performances (did I tell you I just nailed a pirouette sequence in Swan Lake? My pointe shoes are practically glowing!) to afford a weekend of London fun, and let me tell you, I'm making the most of it.

Now, before I tell you all about my day, let me tell you how I got here:

Train Journey: A Ballet of Speed and Style

Forget driving! I am a firm believer in train travel, and the journey to London is pure ballet magic. This time, I was aboard a Virgin train, all plush velvet seats and whizzing landscapes - a true ballet of speed and scenery. I found myself lost in a good book (naturally, something about ballet!) and, by the time I got to Euston Station, I was practically doing pliés in my seat, so excited to be here.

London: A City That Makes Your Heart Do a Grand Jeté

I always feel a bit like Cinderella stepping into the royal ballroom when I arrive in London. The energy is electric, and it feels like anything is possible! The bustling streets are a dance of sound and movement, and even the buildings seem to hold their breath, poised for a dramatic entrance.

A Day of London Delights

My day began at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Oh, the history! Oh, the glamour! The stunning dresses, the exquisite furniture, the intricate ceramics... I swear I spent a good hour lost in the Fashion and Textile collection. My favourite dress? A magnificent 18th-century pink silk gown - my inner pink tutu-clad self just went weak at the knees. 😍

Lunch was at a quaint little café just around the corner, with the most delectable coronation chicken salad sandwich I've ever tasted. After lunch, I wandered through the Royal Parks - Kensington Gardens, to be precise. The trees were ablaze in autumnal colours, and it was simply breathtaking.

After a short rest and a little touch-up in my mirrored makeup compact, I hit the West End. Tonight's performance? None other than Cats! The iconic musical! It was pure purrfectly theatrical mayhem - think graceful felines dancing on the rooftops, fierce jazz hands, and a whole lot of feline fabulousness. The whole experience was so invigorating and colourful! I felt like I'd just stepped out of a fairytale, or maybe, just maybe, a Broadway production.

London: My Muse

My evening ended at the theatre, filled with that glorious sense of excitement and joy that only London can provide. London inspires me! The creativity, the glamour, the history... it all washes over me like a gentle wave, making me want to dance and dream.

The Pink Tutu Movement: Expanding the Dance Floor

Every city, every adventure, is a new stage for the Pink Tutu Movement. It's time to embrace your inner ballerina, ladies! Step out in that pink tutu and spread the joy.

Don't worry, you don't need a full-on tutus to join in. It's all about feeling your best and adding a dash of fun and flair to your style! Whether it's a pink scarf, a blush-coloured lipstick, or even just a sparkly hair clip, let your inner ballerina shine. You go girl!

What I'm Loving This Week:

  • My new pink ballerina flats. They're the perfect footwear for all-day exploration!
  • A gorgeous vintage pink brooch I picked up in a charming antiques shop in Derbyshire. I'm definitely adding this to my collection.
  • The pink cake I'm going to treat myself to in a charming little café tomorrow. After all, one can never have too much pink in their life! 🍰

Stay tuned, my dears, for more pink tutu-filled adventures from London! I'll be back next Friday with more fabulous updates. Don't forget to check out the rest of my London posts on

Until then, keep dancing! 🩰💖

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2002-10-18 Exploring London