Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2003-12-19 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: A Whirlwind Friday in the Big Smoke! 🩰

Post 381: Friday, 19th December, 2003

Hello darlings! It's Friday again, and I'm finally back in my London digs, my little pink-hued sanctuary after a gloriously girly trip to the big smoke! It feels so good to be in the city that never sleeps – the energy here just fizzes. I am living for all things London this weekend, and you know what that means? Another post for the ever-growing #PinkTutuBlogLondon!

A Ballet Train to London Town!

Let's rewind to this morning! I woke up feeling like a sugar plum fairy in my cute little flat in Derbyshire. My lovely little sister made me a breakfast fit for a ballerina – pancakes shaped like tutus, of course! After saying goodbye to my adorable family, I took my favourite pink suitcase and headed down to the train station. You know me, darling, it had to be pink. A girl has gotta make a statement!

You won't believe this, but I actually spotted a girl in a pink tutu on the train platform! Talk about a tutu twin! Turns out she's a ballet teacher – you never know who you'll bump into in the great city of London!

The train ride was absolutely lovely, though the journey wasn't without its adventures. Imagine my horror when I accidentally spilled my chamomile tea all over my pristine white tutu – what a drama! Luckily, I had a spare – gotta be prepared for such eventualities, you see! It's a good thing I had my emergency tutu bag, which is stuffed to the brim with backup essentials – hairspray, safety pins, a whole emergency pink ribbon kit, you name it!

Oh My Tutu, A Theatre Night In London!

And so, I arrived in London, buzzing with excitement. My aim today was simple: a spot of shopping, a show in the West End, and to soak in the sights and sounds of this iconic city. You see, my little flat in Derbyshire has been my home for the last year. But nothing beats the bright lights and the electrifying atmosphere of London!

But first things first – shopping! I took a brisk stroll from the station to the glorious department store I always visit, filled with beautiful dresses, coats, shoes and accessories! It was my own personal heaven, especially for the upcoming Christmas celebrations. Let's just say I did quite a bit of damage (oops!) and couldn't resist a fabulous pink party dress for a special ballet soirée coming up in January!

Once the shopping rush was done, it was time for a pre-theatre dinner. And, you'll never guess what? They even had a delicious raspberry and cream cheesecake - I swear, life in London is practically designed to be lived in a pink tutu!

Speaking of, it wouldn't be a true London trip without seeing a fabulous show! Today, I caught the final performance of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at Shakespeare's Globe theatre – a truly magical experience. I was completely entranced by the incredible performance. You simply cannot beat the sheer theatrical energy of seeing a ballet under the beautiful London sky!

Dancing My Way To The Pub!

Feeling absolutely enchanted, I hopped onto the Tube for a swift journey back to my little flat near Notting Hill. Now, you might be wondering what a ballet dancer does for entertainment after seeing a performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream?” You're right, darlings, it's practically criminal not to be at the pub! I just had to have a spot of liquid courage – they have this delightful cocktail called "Pink Lady" – it's practically a necessity when you're wearing a tutu! So, a little pink-themed tipple, a bit of friendly chat, and a fantastic view of the illuminated streets, made for the most magical London evening!

Pinking the World: My Mission!

You know how much I love London, and its vibrant and artistic spirit makes my little ballet heart flutter. Seeing such incredible theatre productions and performances just fills me with inspiration – the energy, the creativity, and of course, the gorgeous costumes. Every time I'm here, I get that little extra bit of motivation to put myself out there – on the stage and out in the world!

Speaking of spreading that pink ballet love, I met this really sweet man today! You know those cute little red bus kiosks around the city? He works in one, and I ended up talking to him for a good hour. It turns out he loves ballet! He even admitted he'd be open to wearing a tutu (but not in pink, apparently). Now, it’s my mission to change that, and he's the first target on my "Pink the World" quest! What can I say? I'm pretty determined!

Till Next Friday Darlings!

So that wraps up another exciting week for this little tutu-loving ballerina. It’s been such a fun-filled and girly weekend – I am so in love with the magical city of London. And remember, I have lots of new #PinkTutuAdventures waiting for you all in the next few weeks – all leading up to Christmas!

Until next Friday darlings, don’t forget to keep smiling! Don’t be afraid to twirl! And remember to subscribe to the Pink Tutu Blog to follow my next adventures – I have a special announcement coming soon!

Ciao, Ciao!

Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2003-12-19 Exploring London