Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2003-12-26 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #382: A Whirlwind of Wonder in London Town!

Happy Friday, lovelies! It's Emma here, and I'm absolutely bursting with excitement to share my London adventures with you all! It's December 26th, Boxing Day, and I'm finally back in the capital after a gloriously festive Christmas spent in my cosy Derbyshire cottage. Trains are my favourite mode of transport - there's something magical about whizzing past the countryside, imagining all the stories unfolding in each quaint village and bustling town. And today, my destination? London! It's always a joy to arrive at Paddington Station, the hub of so much adventure and the starting point for my own London escapade.

Speaking of adventure, today's all about exploring this magnificent city. My aim? To share with you all the pink-tutu-worthy treasures I unearth along the way!

I must confess, after the indulgences of Christmas dinner and mince pies, a walk through the crisp London air is just what the doctor ordered! My pink tutu - a stunning number I found tucked away in a hidden shop in Notting Hill - twirled with me as I set off towards Hyde Park. The sun was shining, making the winter frost glisten like a thousand tiny diamonds, and I could practically hear the joyful chatter of Londoners enjoying their Boxing Day strolls. The park was bustling, with families enjoying a game of football, children feeding the ducks, and couples cuddling on park benches.

After a stroll through the park, I felt the rumble of my tummy telling me it was time for a spot of lunch. I found myself drawn to a charming little café on the edge of Hyde Park, serving up delicious organic soup and freshly baked bread. The café had a vintage feel to it, with mismatched furniture and twinkling fairy lights, making it a perfect little sanctuary to escape the December chill.

My afternoon was all about indulging in a little London retail therapy. First stop? Covent Garden! There's always something so captivating about the bustle and energy of this iconic square. It's a veritable haven for vintage finds and unique treasures, so I spent a good hour perusing the stalls, my pink tutu swirling with every step. I picked up a beautiful hand-painted china cup, the perfect souvenir from my London escapade.

Speaking of pink tutus, I spotted a stall selling the most incredible collection of ballet shoes! Imagine my delight - each one adorned with dazzling glitter, pearls and sequins, some even in that glorious shade of pink! I knew I just had to share this with all of you, my darling Tutu Tribe. This stall, I’m certain, will become a new London go-to for my tutu needs!

My next stop was Oxford Street - it's hard to resist the lure of this famous shopping haven, even for a pink tutu-loving girl! My mission? To scout for some glamorous new evening wear, something with a touch of sparkle and whimsy, perfect for my next ballet performance. I had a fantastic time browsing through the dazzling display of evening dresses, each one more extravagant than the last!

But alas, after hours spent trawling the stores, the day was quickly drawing to a close. With aching feet, but a heart brimming with joy, I decided to end my day at one of my favourite spots - the Globe Theatre. Even from afar, this majestic Elizabethan playhouse always takes my breath away. It's simply steeped in history, and as I sat on the banks of the Thames, watching the winter sun paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, I felt a deep sense of wonder and connection with this magnificent city.

As twilight descended, it was time to make my way back to Paddington Station. I couldn’t resist squeezing in a last-minute treat – a warm chocolate brownie and a cup of steaming hot chocolate. I savored every delicious bite as I reflected on my magical London day, a day that truly captured the essence of the city's vibrancy, creativity and endless charm.

You see, my lovelies, it's not just about the pink tutus (although they do add a touch of whimsy, don't they?) - it's about embracing the spirit of London. It's about venturing beyond the familiar, experiencing the unexpected, and discovering hidden gems tucked away in its vibrant streets. It's about allowing your own imagination to twirl, and letting the magic of this city sweep you away.

And for me, the true magic of London lies in the stories that unfold on its stages, the energy that flows through its streets, the laughter echoing from its cafes, the whispers of history woven into its buildings, and the vibrant colours that paint its diverse canvas. It’s about allowing yourself to be swept away by the joy of discovery. And my lovelies, that is exactly what I want to encourage in each and every one of you. Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone, to embrace your inner dreamer and explore the wonderful world around you, with a pink tutu in your heart, of course!

Until next week, darling Tutu Tribe, stay twirling!


Emma xo

Pink Tutu London Blog -


As for this Friday's entertainment, I couldn't resist squeezing in a trip to see "The Nutcracker" at the Royal Opera House. It was a dazzling production filled with delicate grace and stunning costumes! The magic of the Christmas season was simply palpable, and seeing the sugar plum fairies flit across the stage was truly enchanting! I can't wait to take my Tutu Tribe to a ballet next week – who's joining me?!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2003-12-26 Exploring London