
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2005-03-11 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #445 - A Friday Whirl Through The Capital

Friday 11th March 2005

Hello lovelies! It's Friday, the sun is shining (a bit!) and this Pink Tutu is ready to take on London! I'm officially starting my weekend adventure, arriving in the capital bright and early after a delightful train journey from Derbyshire. Yes, my dear readers, I've hopped aboard the choo-choo to immerse myself in London's magic, and let me tell you, there's no better feeling than a Friday morning arrival, the city's energy already buzzing with weekend excitement.

This week's travels were made possible by my fantastic performance at the Derby Theatre - what a great turnout and such a beautiful response to the 'Nutcracker' repertoire! You wouldn't believe the joy I got from seeing so many little girls gazing in awe at the graceful ballerinas on stage, their eyes sparkling with wonder, maybe even inspired to spin and leap in their own little worlds. Perhaps, just perhaps, they'll even be sporting a pink tutu themselves one day! πŸ˜‰

A Tutu-ing Delight: First Stop, Harrods!

First stop for any Pink Tutu in London? Why, the one and only Harrods, of course! This iconic department store is a mecca for fashionistas like myself, and with the glorious scent of luxury perfume in the air and aisles brimming with everything from shoes and handbags to home dΓ©cor and gorgeous gourmet treats, how could I resist?

As I gracefully flitted through the shoe department, my eyes were practically popping out of my head. So many beautiful shoes, perfect for a ballerina in her pink tutu! I picked up a few pairs to try on – a delicate pair of ivory stilettos, perfect for a theatre opening night, and a chic black ballerina flat, ideal for hopping on and off the Tube. I knew I couldn't resist treating myself, though I knew my credit card would be whimpering after the whirlwind shopping spree. But hey, that's what ballerina life is all about – a bit of splurging now and then!

Catching the Latest Theatrical Show

My afternoon was booked solid with the biggest thrill: seeing "Miss Saigon" at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane. The sheer scale of the show was magnificent, and the heartbreaking story and passionate performances had me absolutely mesmerised. There was an extraordinary talent on stage – every single dancer, singer, and actor giving their all, creating pure magic on stage. Seeing the entire audience, their faces lit by the stage lights, totally absorbed by the story, brought a little tear to my eye.

I love these big, sweeping musicals. It makes me appreciate even more what I get to do, to share the story through dance. Seeing how each member of the audience responds to every song and every step fills me with excitement – what will tomorrow's performance bring, what story will we weave through the beauty of dance? It really is such an honor.

Finding Some Friday Night Fun in Covent Garden

Once the last note of "Miss Saigon" echoed in the theatre, my inner foodie was yearning for some tasty treats. A hop on the Tube (and some adorable selfies with tourists impressed by my pink tutu, of course!), brought me straight to the heart of Covent Garden.

What a treasure trove this area is, from the charming little stalls to the stunning Royal Opera House and the endless dining opportunities! I had to try the famous street food stalls – a scrumptious crepe stuffed with Nutella and strawberries (my guilty pleasure!), followed by a refreshing bubble tea with popping boba. The best thing about Covent Garden, aside from the delicious street food, is the people-watching. It’s like watching a movie unfold in real life. You can see a little bit of everything – musicians busking, street performers showcasing their talents, tourists with wide-eyed wonder at their first visit to the heart of London. It's exhilarating!

Ending the Day in Style

My feet may be aching slightly, and I might be a little overwhelmed by all the dazzling delights of London, but one thing is certain: This Pink Tutu is already brimming with exciting plans for the weekend. I have a secret rendezvous with a vintage fashion store in Notting Hill tomorrow - fingers crossed for a divine find! Maybe a little something sparkly to compliment my pink tutu? I’m so excited, my darling readers! Be sure to check back next week for all the fashion details and a peek into the magical world of Notting Hill.

Until then, keep twirling!


P.S. Be sure to follow me on Pink-Tutu.com! I'm always adding new content and insights on ballet, travel, and of course, everything pink and tutu-licious!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2005-03-11 Exploring London