Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2005-07-22 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #464 – A Tutu-tastic Friday in London! 🩰💕

Hey, lovely readers! It's Friday again, and guess what? Your favourite tutu-clad blogger is back in London! After a whirlwind week performing in a magical ballet production back in Derbyshire, I packed my trusty pink suitcase and hopped aboard the train to the big smoke.

This Friday’s adventure started with the familiar, yet always exhilarating, sound of the train rumbling onto the platform. Oh, I love train journeys. There's something so peaceful about watching the countryside blur past the window while I lose myself in a good book (or a fab fashion magazine, naturally!).

London always greets me with a hug of excitement. As soon as the train pulled into King's Cross Station, the familiar hustle and bustle of the city hit me like a burst of energy. I love this energy – it’s infectious. You can feel the history, the culture, the excitement just buzzing in the air.

I know some folks say the city can be overwhelming, but I find it utterly invigorating. There's so much to see, so much to do, and of course, so much to shop for! Today’s agenda, though, was firmly focused on exploring the incredible theatre and fashion offerings London had to offer.

After dropping my suitcase at the charming boutique hotel in Notting Hill – my absolute favourite place to stay in London – I began my exploration of the West End. My mission, you see, was to soak up some culture and find inspiration for a new blog post, as well as for a possible tutu-themed outfit for my next performance!

My first stop was the gorgeous Dominion Theatre. My goodness, I was practically buzzing with excitement as I approached it! It’s so impressive! You know I adore those majestic Victorian buildings. It was impossible not to feel a thrill of excitement, just knowing that countless theatre legends had graced its stage.

After a quick browse at the souvenirs and an obligatory selfie with the Dominion’s impressive façade, it was time for the real treat - "The Phantom of the Opera". What a show! Every performance of Phantom leaves me spellbound, and today’s was no exception. From the hauntingly beautiful music to the breathtaking sets, the entire experience transported me to another world.

The costumes! Goodness me, they were incredible. All that luxurious velvet, satin and sparkle, with dramatic, elaborate details… I almost wanted to leap onto the stage myself! And, speaking of costumes… can you guess who had the best costume? That's right - Phantom himself! (If only my Tutu could be that mysterious!) The entire theatre gasped in unison at his magnificent masked reveal, his elegant, all-black attire, and that mysterious cloak… Talk about a dramatic entrance!

My heart was still pounding with excitement long after the show finished. I absolutely love London theatre! So much passion and creativity – a wonderful reminder of why I'm so committed to my own art, the ballet!

Of course, after such an inspirational evening, my stomach was calling out for a lovely meal. Thankfully, I'd been watching "The Great British Bake Off", so my research was already done – a delectable dessert was in order! So, off to a charming little café for some heavenly strawberry shortcake (topped with whipped cream and a hint of rosewater – a little indulgence goes a long way!).

I must say, my post-show indulgence put me in just the right mood for my second London highlight – Oxford Street! The heart of London fashion! What a treat! I practically pirouetted into every shop.

The shops were full of beautiful new arrivals. My mission: find a fabulous outfit for my blog shoot the next day. After all, I can’t blog about fashion without rocking a show-stopping ensemble, can I? After a lot of (highly necessary) browsing, I found a perfectly gorgeous dress - it’s an exquisite pink silk number. It fits my pink Tutu perfectly – talk about perfect synergy! And, of course, I also snagged some adorable ballet-themed accessories to match – a gorgeous, sparkly ballerina brooch and a pink ribbon headband with little ballerinas on it!

Now, you all know I love to wear pink, so of course I was in pink heaven – think pink floral print scarves, delicate pink cashmere jumpers, gorgeous pale pink brogues, pink silk clutch bags…. (Just trying to inspire my readers, if you haven’t noticed!)

After a final detour for some delectable pink cupcakes, I headed back to my hotel, feeling utterly delighted and positively inspired by my Friday in London. A magical performance, delicious treats, and gorgeous outfits – it truly was a tutu-tastic day!

Tomorrow, I have a grand plan – a photoshoot with my new outfit (including the must have pink cupcake in hand) to create an inspirational fashion post for you! Stay tuned to the Pink Tutu Blog – London on Monday for that one!

Until next time, my lovelies, remember… Life is better in a pink Tutu! 💕

P.S. I’m now dreaming of my next performance, maybe back in Derbyshire... or perhaps in London? Hmmm... what should it be, ballet-lovers? A classical piece or a contemporary masterpiece? Let me know in the comments! 😊

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2005-07-22 Exploring London