Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2005-09-23 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! #473

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, and guess what? I’m back in London, the city that never sleeps (and honestly, neither do I when I’m here!) This week’s post is all about my Friday jaunt, brimming with girly delights, dazzling sights, and enough tutus to make your head spin!

Train Journeys, a Ballet in Themselves

Leaving the rolling green hills of Derbyshire for the hustle and bustle of London is always exciting. Stepping onto the train, feeling the gentle sway, and watching the world flash by is almost as enjoyable as pirouette practice. This time, my journey was particularly enchanting because I was wearing my new pink lace dress, with my favourite Pink Tutu embroidered on the pocket. Every passing landscape felt like a ballet stage set – a glorious tapestry of nature ready to inspire a whole new set of choreography!

London's Grand Entrance: Paddington Station

Arriving at Paddington station was like entering another world – a world of towering ceilings, ornate arches, and the constant rhythmic pulse of the city. The station was buzzing with energy – families clutching suitcases, businessmen dashing to meetings, and tourists with cameras snapping at every angle. But you know me – I couldn’t resist twirling in the spacious concourse. After all, there's no better way to greet a new adventure than with a pink tutu pirouette!

Afternoon Tea with a View: The Shard

London wouldn't be London without a proper afternoon tea, right? So, I popped over to The Shard – the tallest building in the UK! The views were spectacular! The whole city stretched out beneath us like a glittering panorama, from the shimmering Thames to the iconic landmarks that dotted the landscape. I felt like a tiny fairy dancing amongst the skyscrapers – and of course, my pink tutu perfectly matched the delicate sweetness of my afternoon tea!

Fashion Feast: Oxford Street Shopping Spree

Who can resist a shopping spree in Oxford Street? It’s a retail paradise for any fashionista, with endless rows of shops catering to every style and budget. I always make time for my favourite haunts like Topshop, H&M, and Selfridges – and let's be honest, you can never have too many pink tutus, right? I picked up a few new pink items for my wardrobe and treated myself to a sparkly headband for an upcoming show.

Ballet Delights: A Breathtaking Show at Sadler's Wells

What’s a trip to London without a dose of ballet? After an afternoon of retail therapy, I was eager to see Giselle, a breathtaking production at Sadler's Wells Theatre. The theatre is always alive with excitement - dancers dashing around, musicians tuning their instruments, and the atmosphere fizzing with anticipation. The performance itself was mesmerizing – a stunning mix of grace, drama, and emotion, all wrapped up in intricate choreography and dazzling costumes. I almost forgot to clap during the final curtain because I was lost in the world of Giselle!

Dinner and Dance: A Romantic Night Out

No visit to London is complete without a romantic night out, and tonight was no exception. I chose a small, charming Italian restaurant tucked away in a cobblestone alleyway – La Luna. The flickering candlelight and the tantalising aroma of freshly baked bread transported me to a fairy tale! After dinner, we wandered along the River Thames, taking in the lights of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament reflected in the dark waters. We even spotted a few couples taking advantage of the river's beauty for their own romantic pirouettes!

Final Touches: A Nightcap and Reflections

My nightcap at a quaint pub in Soho rounded off my London day. It felt perfect to relax and reminisce over a hot chocolate – savouring the day’s experiences like the sweetness of a delicious dessert. As I settle in for the night, my heart overflows with joy and appreciation for this amazing city. London, you are a constant source of inspiration for me – a ballet in motion, a tapestry of fashion, a dream come true!

Remember, darlings: Pink tutus are not just for ballerinas – they're for every woman who wants to embrace life with joy and a touch of whimsy! And, don’t forget to check out my website,, for all your latest pink tutu fashion tips, ballet reviews, and travel adventures!

Stay tuned next week for another Friday post!

Lots of love and twirls,


P.S. I’ve had lots of requests from my lovely readers asking how I finance my travels! Well, the secret is... my ballet performances! Each twirl, each grand jeté, and each graceful leap contribute to my adventure fund. So, the next time you see me perform, know that you’re helping to fuel my journey to London, Paris, and beyond! Don't be afraid to share the magic of pink tutus!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2005-09-23 Exploring London