
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2005-11-18 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! - Post 481

Friday, 18th November, 2005

Hello my darlings! I'm back in London again! This time, I've decided to ditch the car and travel by train ā€“ itā€™s such a civilised way to get around, you know. All those comfy seats, a cuppa in hand, the scenery whizzing past the window. Honestly, it feels like a little adventure in itself! I feel a bit like a Victorian lady in a lovely gown on a grand voyage!

I'm in the Big Smoke this weekend, courtesy of a lovely performance at the Royal Albert Hall ā€“ you wouldnā€™t believe the fabulous frocks in the audience! I may have even spotted a couple of other pink tutu aficionados (discreetly of course! We must always maintain the mystique!).

Anyway, I've come back to the capital with a little list of must-doā€™s and this time, it's all about finding the ultimate pink tutu. I can hear you thinking, Emma, you have hundreds of tutus already, what could you possibly be looking for? And you know what? You're right, darlings! It's true, my collection is expansive, but that's never stopped me from adding a new, stunning, showstopping piece!

So, naturally, I had to hit the streets of London and let's just say, my little pink heart was full! From Covent Gardenā€™s buzzing streets, where I indulged in a delicious croissant from the boulangerie while watching some delightful buskers, to the elegant window displays of Harrods, I found a pink dream! You'll be seeing all my spoils very soon on my Instagram (I'm @PinkTutuBlogger if you're not following me already! Shame on you! Ha!)

But it wasnā€™t all about the pink tutus! The city itself is an incredible tapestry of culture, history, and frankly, an utter delight.

This afternoon, I took a little walk through the park. There was a stunning display of fiery red leaves, reminding me that the seasons are indeed changing. Itā€™s funny, when youā€™re in a busy city like this, you almost forget the natural world!

For the evening, Iā€™m heading to the West End to catch ā€œThe Lion Kingā€ ā€“ I've been yearning to see this show ever since I was a wee lass, and my expectations are HIGH! And yes, darlings, I may just be sporting a pink tutu, if I feel it suits the occasion!

After the show, a quick hop to one of London's famed supper clubs is on the agenda - all glitz and glam for the night, naturally! London really knows how to party!

Stay tuned for a follow-up post about my experiences in London this weekend ā€“ I have so much more to share, from secret little boutiques bursting with colour and sparkle to some of London's most inspiring street art (oh how I do love a bit of colourful graffiti!).

Oh! And donā€™t forget to join the pink tutu movement ā€“ this isn't a fad, it's a lifestyle. The world needs a little more colour and joy! And honestly, who doesnā€™t want to feel like a magical ballerina princess? (Just ask my local library staff about my "pink tutu Wednesdays". It's been such a fun project, getting kids excited about reading and the joy of getting all dressed up! Itā€™s an added bonus when I hear they want to ā€œbe a ballerina princessā€ when they grow up, too! Maybe theyā€™ll even wear a pink tutuā€¦)

Thatā€™s all for now, lovelies! I'll be back next Friday, but until then, get out there, explore the world and, most importantly, wear pink tutus with confidence!

Love and glitter,

Emma xoxo

Post Script: I'm always on the hunt for the most beautiful and stylish tutus. So, tell me, where are your favourite places to find amazing pink tutus? Leave your comments below, and donā€™t forget to check out my latest post on the "Pink Tutu Blog" website - www.pink-tutu.com - where Iā€™ve included pictures from my adventure so far in London, along with links to some of the shops Iā€™ve been visiting!

*PSST... A Few Tidbits for the Curious: *

For those interested, this post features Emmaā€™s take on London ā€“ a place filled with wonder and excitement. I'm sure many readers have their own experiences in London theyā€™d love to share! Remember, we're all on this adventure together. Iā€™d love to hear about yours, as Iā€™m sure my fellow readers would as well!

  • On this date in 2005, there were several things happening around London and beyond that Emma couldā€™ve referenced in her blog:
  • "The Lion King" is a hugely successful stage production and was already enjoying its continued popularity in Londonā€™s West End.
  • The Royal Albert Hall was also likely hosting a ballet performance as Emma notes in her blog that she is there for a performance.
  • News around this time:
  • The then-new 2005 iPhone is unveiled to the world, bringing exciting technology into peopleā€™s lives.
  • Britain is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Notting Hill Carnival, with vibrant and colorful celebrations.

    Emma could easily weave these into her blog post as relevant highlights to a Friday evening in London. She might even mention having caught the new iphone news on her way into London via a tabloid newspaper at the train station!

For those unfamiliar with the magic of ballet, consider how this element impacts the world around Emma ā€“ how does she see it? What does it mean to her? How has it impacted her? These could be all topics Emma might cover as a dancer herself who relies on her passion to help fuel her travels and lifestyle!

Please let me know if you have any more questions! I am here to assist.

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2005-11-18 Exploring London