Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2005-12-30 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #487: A Whirlwind Friday in the Big Smoke!

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, and guess what? I'm back in the bustling capital for a fabulous Friday adventure! A long journey from Derbyshire, but totally worth it for a day of shopping, shows, and sparkling London life. As always, I'm rocking my signature pink tutu, which naturally attracted a whole host of admiring glances from the commuters on the train. I love the way it brings a bit of magic to everyday life!

This week's adventure began at the crack of dawn with a delicious cup of pink-hued raspberry tea (essential fuel for any ballerina!). My packed suitcase was bursting with tutu-tastic outfits for the day's activities - and let me tell you, I have quite a few planned! My trusty travel bag also carried my trusty ballet shoes (essential, just in case the opportunity for a impromptu pirouette arises) and my favourite pink feather boa - it's good for a dash of extra glam, you know?

I settled into my first class carriage, taking in the sights and sounds of the countryside scenery speeding by. A friendly gentleman across from me, spotting my pink tutu, gave me a charming wink. "You're quite the sight, love," he chuckled. "Never seen a tutu on a train before!" He clearly knew his London fashion history! It was a nice change from the usual disapproving stares you get on the Derbyshire bus. It goes to show that the people in London are open to all sorts of unique expressions, especially if you wear a dash of pink!

Finally, arriving at Euston station, the air hummed with excitement. I was greeted by the sounds of bustling commuters, the smell of coffee from nearby cafes, and the feeling of pure urban energy that can only be found in London. Time for my first shopping stop, naturally - Selfridges! You can never have too many sparkly pink accessories, you see.

Stepping inside the grand store, it felt like a fairytale come alive. I whizzed through the aisles, taking in the dazzling displays of clothes, shoes, and makeup. A vibrant display of fuchsia pink handbags nearly caused me to swoon - my heart knows no colour other than pink! I also snagged a delightful little feather boa, just a little lighter pink than the one I had brought, because one can never have too much feather boas!

A quick pit stop at the delicious café (with a cup of pink lemonade, naturally!), and then off to Covent Garden for a much anticipated theatre experience. It was a real treat seeing "The Nutcracker" again, my favourite Christmas ballet. The costumes were gorgeous (especially Clara’s tutu!), the dancers were absolutely amazing, and the story transported me straight into the magical world of sugar plums and snow fairies. For someone who lives for the magic of ballet, it was the perfect Friday afternoon.

Walking home, a charming, street performer had a mini stage set up - with pink! He invited me to join him for a duet and I accepted with delight. My impromptu pirouette landed with grace, garnering delighted gasps from the onlookers! What a thrill it is to bring the magic of ballet to the streets! The Londoners are an appreciative audience!

That evening, as I dined at my favourite Italian restaurant, I enjoyed the delectable smell of Italian cuisine and the bustling conversations swirling around me. It was a delicious treat after my busy day. I indulged in a generous serving of pasta and a refreshing glass of strawberry lemonade, dreaming about the incredible experiences my tutu had brought me.

It was already quite late, so I reluctantly hailed a black cab, feeling the satisfying tug of my feather boa against my cheek. Back at my hotel, the twinkling lights of London, glimpsed from the window, shimmered like a magical backdrop to a whirlwind day. My reflection in the mirror looked at me back – a beautiful ballerina in a pink tutu, full of energy and joie de vivre.

Even as I finally drift off to sleep, the sounds of the city gently lull me into a blissful slumber. With dreams filled with pirouettes and pink-hued adventures, I eagerly anticipate my next London adventure! And maybe even an impromptu performance, to spread a little more pink magic across this wonderful city.

A little note from Emma:

To all my dear readers, if you ever find yourself in London, be sure to let loose, have a laugh, and indulge in all the fun that this incredible city has to offer. And hey, don’t be afraid to add a little pink to your outfit! The magic is waiting for you. Until next time, keep dancing, keep smiling, and keep shining your unique light!

Please check out my website: and let me know your favourite pink things in the comments!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2005-12-30 Exploring London