Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2006-06-02 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #509 - A Whirlwind Friday in London!

Hello lovelies! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, and I'm bursting with excitement to share my latest London adventure with you all. I'm back with another fabulous Friday post for my blog, straight from the heart of the city.

This week's escapade began with the familiar, comforting rumble of the train leaving my little Derbyshire station behind. You know the feeling, right? That mixture of nervous excitement and pure joy when you're heading to a new adventure in London? For me, there's something utterly magical about those train journeys. They give you a chance to dream, to plan your day, and to admire the world outside your window, a world that seems to move past so quickly, yet gives a sense of grounded reality too.

London always welcomes me with open arms and, after a quick, cheeky little peek at the fashion scene at Euston Station (you know me - always keeping my eye on the latest trends), I was off to find my first destination - the magnificent Royal Albert Hall.

A Royal Afternoon at the Royal Albert Hall

It's simply breathtaking. The Royal Albert Hall, this magnificent Victorian structure, feels like it whispers with history. It's no surprise that this is where I’m spending a gloriously girly afternoon - I'm attending the world-famous Royal Ballet's performance of Swan Lake.

As a passionate ballet fan, you can only imagine how thrilled I am. A pink tutu in a beautiful theatre watching Tchaikovsky's masterpiece, I truly feel like I've landed in a fairytale! Every aspect of this performance - from the costumes to the set design to the incredible athleticism of the dancers - leaves me speechless. The performance makes me swirl and twirl and tap my toes along with the rhythm of the music - it really does take me on a magical journey.

But this adventure doesn't end there.

Shopping Adventures with a Pink Tutu Twist

My little toes need a little pampering after that performance so I head to a sweet boutique called "Tutu Twirl" in Kensington - what else would I visit? It's bursting with vintage and modern tutus in every shade of the rainbow. This isn't just a store - it’s a haven for ballet fans!

And can you guess what colour caught my eye? That’s right, darling, a stunning pink tulle confection, complete with hand-sewn beading - a little bit of magic in the form of a tutu for my very own collection!

Afternoon Tea with a View

Then I'm off to afternoon tea! It's a tradition I simply can't miss on a trip to London. Today I chose the "Afternoon Delights" tea at the stunning Savoy hotel, with its views over the River Thames and its stunning decor. The whole experience felt incredibly glamorous.

Who knew tiny finger sandwiches, fluffy scones and delicately brewed tea could be so satisfying?

Street Art: London’s Colorful Canvas

Feeling perfectly satisfied with all that sweetness, I headed out to explore the vibrant street art scene of Shoreditch. I love this area. It feels so dynamic and creative, like a vibrant mosaic of culture and colour. It’s like an open air gallery, and it’s impossible to resist grabbing your camera and capturing a piece of its artistry. And with my trusty camera in hand, I started taking snaps of every wall that spoke to me. It's inspiring to see art that is bold, free, and unapologetically itself.

Later in the day, I found myself feeling the need for some more classical art - the Tate Modern called to me.

Tate Modern: Finding Artistic Inspiration

This incredible building, a repurposed power station that overlooks the Thames, never fails to amaze me. From the striking modern art exhibitions to the panoramic views from the rooftop - there’s a feeling of sheer energy in the air. The exhibitions make me ponder, reflect, and really engage with the beauty of the artistic world.

Even the cafe serves as an inspiring hub for creative conversation, with its glass walls providing views across the cityscape. I can't leave without admiring those vibrant displays of colour, and this year I fell head over heels for a striking sculpture by Anish Kapoor.

As the day began to fade, I knew it was time to head back to my Derbyshire home.

But London leaves its mark, don't you think? The energy of the city, the passion for creativity, the buzz of activity - it fills you with a feeling of magic.

I hop back onto the train, my bag full of shopping treasures, and my heart brimming with joy. Another Friday in London, another collection of unforgettable experiences, and another opportunity to share the love of ballet, tutus, and all things pink with the world!

So tell me, my lovelies, what have you been up to? What Pink Tutu-filled adventures have you been having?

Keep your tutu twirling and your smiles shining!

Lots of love, Emma xx

Today’s highlights

  • A performance of Swan Lake by the Royal Ballet at the Royal Albert Hall
  • A vintage pink tutu find in a boutique called Tutu Twirl in Kensington
  • A luxurious Afternoon tea at the Savoy Hotel
  • A vibrant street art exploration of Shoreditch
  • An inspiring afternoon at the Tate Modern, with the sculptures by Anish Kapoor taking my breath away

Pink Tutu Tip of the Week

For every London trip I take, I love collecting little souvenirs, especially those inspired by art or ballet. Today’s pick is a small wooden swan statuette from the Royal Albert Hall Gift shop. It’s now resting proudly on my ballerina shelf in Derbyshire!

Check out my other posts at

Catch you next Friday! xx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2006-06-02 Exploring London