Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2006-05-26 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #508 - Friday 2006-05-26 - A Whirlwind Day in London! 🩰💖

Hello my darling tutufarians!

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for a new Pink Tutu Blog London post! I'm Emma, a twirling enthusiast with a passion for all things pink and a sprinkle of magic! As always, I'm thrilled to be sharing another London adventure with you! Today I decided to swap Derbyshire's rolling hills for the bustle of London, travelling by train, of course. I always find the rhythm of the railway carriages rather calming, a good spot for jotting down blog ideas!

This week I'm dancing into the weekend with an exciting combination: theatre, ballet class and some fabulously frivolous shopping, followed by a divine dinner of fish and chips.

A Morning of Elegance and Grace

First stop this morning was the Royal Opera House for a mesmerising ballet performance. It was "The Nutcracker", a truly enchanting experience! Tchaikovsky’s score had me utterly captivated. Every movement was so fluid, graceful, and full of life. Seeing the delicate work of the dancers made me wish I was up on that stage, pirouetting alongside them! I know, I know, "Emma, keep your dreams of a prima ballerina career grounded!" 🩰😉

Afterwards, I dashed across town to a wonderful dance studio tucked away on a side street near Covent Garden. This was no ordinary class, oh no, this was a "Ballet Bootcamp!" It’s all the fun of ballet, but with an extra touch of energetic strength training - my legs are already feeling a little wobbly. 💪

Afternoon Shopping Adventures!

Lunch was a quick bite at a tiny café near the studio, and then… well, you all know how I love to shop! 🛍️ I spent the afternoon navigating the glorious world of Covent Garden's boutiques. Today, my obsession with anything pink (and fluffy!) took hold, resulting in the acquisition of two darling pairs of ballet shoes, perfect for twirling and an abundance of colourful ribbons for decorating my tutus! Oh, I just can't help myself. I simply must share the world's love for pink tutus!

Fashion & Tutus for the Evening Show

But this isn’t a blog without a mention of outfits. The ballet shoes got me inspired to assemble a perfect evening outfit. My trusty pink tutu (always my go-to, you know me!) paired with a silken, navy-blue camisole and a little cardigan for when the theatre air-conditioning kicked in. Let’s be honest, London weather is often fickle. 😉

My journey continued into the theatreland where the lights are bright, the pavements buzz with excitement and I simply feel… alive! Tonight, we’re experiencing the musical sensation "Hairspray", and I'm sure it’ll be just as lively and glamorous as the outfits! My friend, Emily, is coming along. We’ve been friends since ballet school. And of course, it wouldn't be a true theatre trip without a stop for ice-cream on the way back. It’s my one small vice – ice cream, that is, not the whole theatre trip, though perhaps that might be true too! 🍦

Time To Share My Love of Tutu and Ballet!

This evening, I’m back at home, penning my thoughts and preparing a few photos for the Pink Tutu Blog. As I write, I'm listening to some of my favourite music - a selection of ballet themes and a touch of vintage jazz for a little 50s vibe - to truly capture the essence of this magical day.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to twirl myself around my bedroom until I feel completely carefree and giddy. After all, who needs an excuse to twirl, right?

And remember, my darlings, don’t ever be afraid to wear your heart on your tutu! And, if you’re ever in London, make sure you pop by!

Till next Friday, stay glamorous, stay pink and keep on twirling!

Lots of love,

Emma 💕

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2006-05-26 Exploring London