
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2006-10-06 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! (Post #527)

Hello, darlings!

Itā€™s Friday, and you know what that meansā€¦ a new Pink Tutu Blog post, this time straight from the heart of London! This week Iā€™ve traded the rolling hills of Derbyshire for the hustle and bustle of the capital, arriving this morning via the gloriously comfy train. (Oh, I do love a good train journey - the gentle rocking motion, the countryside whizzing past, and of course, a good dose of pink-hued attire - this time it was a raspberry-coloured sweater and my go-to polka dot tulle skirt - perfect for travelling in style, wouldnā€™t you say?)

A Ballerina's Dream

As many of you know, London is a ballet lover's dream! This weekend, I'm in town for the glorious Royal Opera House, and Iā€™ve got my eye on an enchanting performance of Swan Lake, just waiting to whisk me away into a world of elegance and grace. My tutus are already packed - ready for a night of pure ballerina bliss!

But before the magical world of swans and princes takes over, thereā€™s plenty to do! This is my first time exploring London sinceā€¦well, forever! (Maybe youā€™re catching on to my infrequent London tripsā€¦Iā€™m not always great at planning. My dance schedule usually gets in the way!). But Iā€™m determined to make the most of this whirlwind weekend, packed full of pink delights, fashionable finds and London landmarks!

Pink in the City

So, where to begin? The air itself seems to buzz with excitement! I arrived at Euston Station earlier today, my eyes immediately drawn to a charming little boutique - the perfect spot to pick up a new pink scarf! I couldnā€™t resist - you see, the colour pink simply calls to me! I love how a pop of pink can transform an outfit ā€“ it's so uplifting and joyous. After all, a world without pink is a world un-danced!

Finding Fashion & Fun

This afternoon, my ballet class took me to Covent Garden, a charming place, where the cobbles are always abuzz with activity. Imagineā€¦street performers, cobblestone alleyways filled with colourful shops, and even a beautiful, pink-hued fountain. Perfect for a bit of pink inspiration!

My afternoon was a bit of a blur of glorious shopping - from charming antique shops to elegant department stores (letā€™s just say there was a pink-and-sequinned ballet shoe clutch involved - I just couldnā€™t resist!)

From Ballet Class to Broadway (London Style!)

But the most exciting part of the day was definitely ballet class itself! My heart thumped with anticipation as I stood at the barre. Covent Gardenā€™s vibrant energy was all around, with snippets of laughter and street music weaving their way into my thoughts as I executed each elegant pirouette and graceful arabesque.

Speaking of excitement, later this evening Iā€™m catching a show at the West End! I snagged tickets for ā€œWicked,ā€ a truly sensational production, filled with beautiful costumes, enchanting music and heart-warming stories. You know I'm hoping for a magical moment or twoā€¦ (and maybe a bit of sparkle from the pink fairy dust on the stage? One can dream!)

Pink Power - The Ultimate Inspiration

There's something magical about Londonā€¦a city that pulses with creativity and beauty. And honestly, it wouldnā€™t be the same without its vibrant spirit!

Donā€™t get me wrong - my heart still belongs in the quaintness of my Derbyshire home. Thereā€™s something comforting about knowing every cobblestone, every nook and cranny, the way the sun plays across the fields.

But, dear friends, let's be honest, a dash of city magic is a necessary ingredient in my life - thatā€™s where the truly transformative energy takes over. It's here, amongst the crowds and lights, that my little tutu-clad dreams truly flourish.

And maybe, just maybe, that bit of London spirit is exactly what my next Tutu creations will capture - an unexpected explosion of colours, textures, and of course, the bold pink touch of my trademark, with perhaps a sprinkle of vintage charm!

I canā€™t wait to share all the inspiration and exciting discoveries I find here in London with you - you can count on an abundance of pink and glittery moments in my next post! So, keep checking in, darlings!

Until then, may your tutus twirl with joy, your shoes tap to the rhythm of your heart, and may you all be surrounded by a generous sprinkle of pink magic!

P.S. Donā€™t forget to visit the Pink Tutu website (www.pink-tutu.com)! I have some special, sparkly deals on my tutus and accessories just in time for your own personal London adventures!

*Now, my darlings, tell me what youā€™re doing this weekend? Let me know if you've got any fabulous fashion tips or tutu ideas to share! *

Until next Friday, Happy Dancing!

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2006-10-06 Exploring London