Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2006-12-08 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Adventures - #536 (Friday 2006-12-08)

Dearest Tutu-Lovers!

It's Friday, the day we all eagerly anticipate at Pink Tutu Blog! Today, I'm back from another whirlwind adventure in London, my beloved capital city, and let me tell you, it's been a fabulously pink affair. I truly feel that my time in London is a big part of why I do what I do with the blog - it's my city inspiration, my cultural hub, the place I find inspiration in all its pink glory.

Now, before we delve into today's adventures, let's just take a moment to bask in the fact that it's a Friday, right? Weekends are a delightful time, the perfect excuse to slip into our pink tutus and twirl with joy. Even if it's just in the privacy of your own home, you know, twirling to that favorite album while you put on a cuppa. There's magic in those little moments, I truly believe.

Journey of the Pink Tutu: London by Train

My journey began in Derbyshire, where the air was crisp and the countryside was painted with autumn's fiery colours. As always, I embraced the train journey. There's something truly delightful about settling in, catching up with my latest reads and of course, making sure my pink tutu sits just perfectly in its bag for its big London debut. A tutu, by the way, has a delicate sense of drama - like a princess demanding respect. So, I make sure she gets comfy for the ride.

This time, I took a First Class carriage, purely for the lovely leg room and to stretch out in full pink-tutu-wearing glory, with no one looking askance at my sartorial choices. Don't worry, I was fully clad, in my favorite shade of pale pink, the one that matches the cherry blossom trees in spring. My travel look was, if I do say so myself, a work of art. Think long scarf that looked like it was spun from spun sugar, my trusty vintage floral satchel and, of course, my ever-present trusty pink beret. I'm all about accessorising!

The Heart of London: The Royal Albert Hall and Ballet Bliss

Once in London, my pink tutu was itching to get a twirl. Naturally, I headed straight for a ballet show! It was my third time seeing "The Nutcracker" this season, and I simply can't get enough of it! Today was a special performance, because they had invited children from all across the UK to enjoy the magic. I got goosebumps as the audience went wild for the little ones, especially when they watched the Sugar Plum Fairy twirl her magic. It truly was an experience for all.

Later, I met up with some friends at the Royal Albert Hall, a landmark I adore. It is a a glorious symbol of the arts, and you know how much I appreciate artsy venues! They serve tea and cakes there too, and if I wasn't on my strict training regime, I'd have indulged in a slice of something delightful and Pink-themed.

A Friday Evening of Pink in Covent Garden

Now, who doesn't love Covent Garden on a Friday evening? This place has always felt magical to me. It’s such a delightful mishmash of street performances, bustling shops, street vendors with fresh produce, a mix of old and new and - to my absolute delight - there was a new Pink-themed clothing stall popping up. Let me tell you, I spent at least 30 minutes in there, admiring the pretty pinks and pastels and indulging in some vintage accessories, some which even reminded me of my favorite era, the 50s and 60s - it felt like the most fashionable pink time warp ever!

The highlight? I managed to nab the most darling, fluffy, pink handbag - a vintage find! I even got the vendor to throw in a beautiful satin scarf for my ballet shoes, all in matching hues of a dusty pink that’s both elegant and ethereal - It looked like it could have been straight from the Swan Lake set. Now, those of you who are true Pink Tutu Blog aficionados know this scarf will find its way onto my blog in the next week - you can count on it. I love sharing these vintage finds!

The street performers were a true spectacle! There was a delightful violinist playing classics on a tiny, delicate violin (like, think miniature size!), some acrobatic performers on stilts and, of course, some rather eccentric characters doing something which resembled a tango! It really was a lovely mix of everything, but a bit like my wardrobe, mostly a dash of vintage with a modern flair.

The Theatre Royal: Ballet Beauty & a Little Fashion Indulgence

A little further down the road, I had the pleasure of catching a performance at The Theatre Royal, a stunning building with such an illustrious past! The show was, dare I say it, absolutely spellbinding! The ballerina was just beautiful in the most elegant of pink and white tulle - truly captivating.

You know what I realised? London's streets are an open-air fashion show! My little tutu had so many admirers! Everyone stopped to admire it, even the shopkeepers! The most amazing part was a group of young school girls dressed in their dancewear, giggling and waving at my tutu! It filled my heart with such joy - I felt like a proper princess for a night!

My adventures didn't end there, darling. I must confess, the shop windows are always my kryptonite, so I did manage to make a pitstop at a few boutiques, just for a quick look (no promises about the credit card bills). There’s just something magical about seeing the latest designs in the heart of London! My must-have? I'm dying to find that pink tutu from the Royal Ballet that I saw on stage.

My Little Slice of Pink Heaven

Evenings in London have this peculiar magic that wraps you in warmth and cosiness - no matter how chilly it is. As I boarded my train home, feeling wonderfully inspired and with a shopping bag full of treasures, it struck me how London can leave you wanting more, in a really good way.

Until next week, dear Tutu-Lovers. Remember, Pink Is Always In!

Love, Emma

*P.S. * Did you know, London's the Christmas capital this time of year, and everywhere you look you see twinkle lights, festive decorations and that wonderful festive atmosphere that everyone adores? But I'll be back next week to report all the Christmas wonders! Stay tuned!

Pink-Tutu-licious Fact: This week's featured pink fact is the pink teacups, created by an English designer. He started this trend in the 18th Century, and pink has never gone out of style in the tea world! They add that sweet touch, just like my blog does to all of us.

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2006-12-08 Exploring London