Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-03-09 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - Post #549: Friday, 9th March, 2007

Hello, my darling tutufans! It's Friday again, which means another exciting Pink Tutu Blog London post. I'm still buzzing from my incredible train journey from Derbyshire this morning - a whizz through the countryside, all the way to London! The best part about train journeys (other than the glorious views, of course) is that I can fully embrace the Pink Tutu look. You see, when I travel, the tutu isn't just an accessory, it's a statement, a symbol of my joy and freedom. A statement that's all too often met with a smile and a wink - a recognition that something delightful and unexpected has just rolled onto the train.

This week's adventures? Let's just say they've been all about the glorious fusion of dance, fashion, and London itself. And you know what? They're all connected. Just like I believe we're all connected in a kind of big, beautiful Pink Tutu family.

First off, a shoutout to my recent ballet performances! You guys were so incredible - all those twinkling eyes, clapping hands, and genuine laughter at my playful choreography. It truly feeds my soul and allows me to continue to chase my dreams – like, you know, traveling around England, discovering London's hidden gems, and, of course, spreading the Pink Tutu Gospel!

Today was a day of exploring, a dance through London's cobblestone streets and buzzing markets. After arriving in London with the grace of a Swan Lake ballerina (except my swans are pink!), I checked into a little boutique hotel that just had to have pink flowers in the lobby. This place was my haven, a perfect starting point to explore London's charm.

A Touch of Theatre

My first stop? London's historic theatre district. Just breathing in that air – a heady mix of anticipation, performance, and, well, quite a lot of hotdogs - made me feel like I'd stepped right into a grand opera! Oh, how I love the theatrical aura of London! I felt so inspired I even had a moment where I practically twirled and leaped in front of a bus stop… but I saved the major moves for the ballet studio later!

* Fashionable Finds*

From the heart of London's theatre scene, it was a hop, skip, and a twirl over to the fashion-forward shops around Oxford Street. My mission? To find a perfect pink bow for my trusty tote bag. After hours spent browsing and trying on (and a bit of lighthearted "pink power" chanting), I found the most adorable fuzzy bow, pink with sparkles! It instantly matched the whimsy and joy that emanated from my pink tutu - I knew it was the perfect addition to my wardrobe, ready for the next adventure.

* Covent Garden Dreams*

Later in the afternoon, I had a special treat waiting: the magical Covent Garden market! The hustle and bustle of street performers, musicians, and artists really gave me a rush! I spotted a group of street dancers, and you know I just had to have a little twirl with them! It turns out Londoners love the unexpected – they even applauded me! The market had every imaginable charm, with an array of delicious snacks, stunning crafts, and so many charming shops I lost myself in a whirlwind of delightful discoveries.

* The Ballet's Grace*

Of course, no London visit for me would be complete without a ballet class. I found a gorgeous little studio nestled amongst cobblestone alleys, with the perfect blend of history and grace. The instructor was a real gem, she had this wonderful sparkle in her eye that mirrored my own pink tutu passion. As we moved through the steps, I felt every bit of London's energy in the studio: a beautiful, elegant ballet classroom with a vintage charm that stole my heart. The music was heavenly, and we ended our class with the most joyous pliés!

* Evening Glow*

By the evening, I was positively glowing with London’s energy. I switched into my evening ensemble - a light, flowing pink dress (I'll admit it's probably the most casual dress in my wardrobe!) and a tiny matching tutu for extra bounce – before heading to one of London’s famous theatres. It wasn't the ballet tonight (though I did have a sneaky peak at the Royal Opera House, it was magnificent!), but an enchanting musical. Oh, I could almost hear a faint, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" melody, if I listened carefully enough… but that’s just my imagination, I think!

The night air felt alive with anticipation. My pink tutu bounced in the gentle night breeze. Even though London was quiet for the evening, there was still this thrill of hidden magic that I love about the city – a thrill I always feel most deeply after a London adventure. I feel completely inspired, energised and ready for the week ahead.

And before I go, my tutufans, a little tip: Never forget, the power of the Pink Tutu goes beyond fashion. It's a symbol of fun, creativity, and a joy that should be shared!

Remember, the world needs more pink!

Until next week!


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-03-09 Exploring London