
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-03-23 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #551 - A Whirlwind Friday in London Town! ๐Ÿฉฐโœจ

Hello lovelies! It's Friday, and you know what that means... it's time for a new Pink Tutu Blog post! I'm back from another exhilarating London adventure, my dear readers, and ready to share all the pink, twirling, and glitter-tastic fun with you. This week, I embarked on a whirlwind journey to the big smoke, arriving by train with my trusty pink tutu in tow. And oh my, what a week it was!

Remember those train journeys I told you about, where every clickety-clack of the wheels just screamed "ballet?" Well, this was one of them! As the countryside scenery flew by my window, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. London, here I come! It was a gloriously sunny morning and the birds were chirping, even in the busy station, and you know what? That just set my soul alight with anticipation. My pink tutu was already feeling like a part of the show. It really just gets everyone in a better mood. Honestly! ๐Ÿ˜„

I must admit, the whole trip felt quite magical. It was just a bit like one of those ballet stories, where you start off on a grand adventure with a flurry of pink tutu-tastic excitement! And let me tell you, it didn't disappoint.

Let's start with the shows...

This week's London performance took me straight to the Royal Opera House for a show-stopping rendition of Swan Lake. Let me tell you, it was amazing! I just couldn't believe how flawlessly they executed those complex ballet steps, and those stunning costumes - just magnificent! They even had a swan princess costume that almost made me want to swap my pink tutu for it! (Almost.)

Oh, the elegance, the grace, the artistry... My tutu was twirling and spinning with excitement all through the show. Seriously, the energy was so incredible! You really felt a sense of that iconic fairytale story unfolding right in front of you. The whole thing had me in tears, both with sadness and with pure awe, but you know me, I'm a big softie when it comes to the finer arts. โœจ

But London's not all about ballet! I have to tell you, one of my favourite things about this vibrant city is all the lovely clothes shops. Now, you know me, I live for clothes! ๐Ÿ›๏ธ I had a delightful time exploring a new boutique I found near Covent Garden called "Fleur de Paris." The clothes were SO unique, each one seemed to scream, "Dress me up and let me spin!." The mannequins were all in tutus, of course, in every shade imaginable, from dusky pink to the most vibrant fuchsia, it was like walking into a dream world of fluffy skirts and dainty slippers. My tutu felt a little overwhelmed, even I must admit. ๐Ÿ˜„

This particular shop just spoke to my fashion soul, and of course, I just couldn't resist buying a few lovely pink and ivory pieces to add to my wardrobe! Let me tell you, dear readers, my closet is bursting with beautiful colours! Thereโ€™s enough pink and pink-related merchandise to open a boutique on my own. I could start with the "Pink Tutu Emporium", what do you think? I wonder if my little town in Derbyshire could handle so much pink?

Speaking of pink...

I couldn't leave London without making a trip to the world-famous Pink Ladies Vintage Tea Rooms. Everything from the dainty furniture to the delicate china was awash with that lovely pastel shade. And the cakes? Oh, the cakes! Each one looked like it was straight out of a fairytale - delicious little works of art! ๐Ÿฐ

It was such a charming place, a little haven in the midst of the hustle and bustle of London life. The ladies who run it are absolute sweethearts, and they even have a pink tutu-wearing mannequin! (Of course, they do!). It was just like a dream come true. It really does just confirm, to my complete joy, that there's no such thing as too much pink, or too many cakes. I was absolutely in my element!

*But what was London up to this Friday, March 23rd 2007? *

As I sipped my tea, I couldn't help but notice a big commotion at the nearby square. People were dressed in their best outfits, looking excited and festive. It turned out, it was St Patrick's Day! Londoners really went all out for this holiday. There were parades, music, and a real sense of joyous celebration in the air. People even brought out their dancing shoes, and I swear, I saw a few people who had slipped on some tutu-style dresses. My tutu just got so excited.

It was an unforgettable experience - one that filled my heart with so much joy and admiration for the vibrant energy of this fantastic city. It was all just so, so beautiful. โœจ

And so, after a long, exciting, and, frankly, exhilarating day of ballet, fashion, and the best pink cake in the whole wide world, I had to call it a night. The clickety-clack of my train journey home seemed like a lullaby after that day. It was a day, and a London trip, I'll remember forever. It made my pink tutu feel just as happy and pink and sparkly as me! ๐Ÿ˜„

But enough about my pink tutu, itโ€™s about you and sharing this amazing love for this magical colour. What colour makes YOU feel fabulous? Are you a pink fan too? Tell me your favourite pink things and what adventures YOUโ€™ve had on your travels in the comments! And letโ€™s chat on my website at www.pink-tutu.com

I can't wait to hear all about your fabulous journeys and to see all the gorgeous pictures you post! Until next Friday, I hope your week is full of twirls and smiles. ๐Ÿ’–

Yours truly,

Emma ๐Ÿ’•

(Don't forget, a little pink tutu makes everything just that little bit more fabulous, no matter where your travels take you.) โœจ

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-03-23 Exploring London