
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-05-25 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! #560

Friday, 25th May, 2007

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to London town, and ready to tell you all about it! My dear friend Olivia, a fellow tutu-enthusiast, came with me on this little adventure, and as you can imagine, we had a right old time.

I just adore London. It's a city that never sleeps, with such energy and life. Itā€™s like one big, beautifully dressed stage where everyone is the star. Plus, let's be honest, there's nowhere better for a girl who loves a bit of pink, tutus and fancy footwork than the capital, right?

This week I decided to get to London by train, it's so romantic, you know? I put on my prettiest pink dress and the perfect new ballet flat, grabbed my little black clutch with all my essentials (pink lipstick, emergency sparkle powder and of course, a mini pink tutu ā€“ you never know when youā€™ll need to bust out a quick pirouette!), and jumped on board.

The train ride was utterly delightful! As soon as we were rolling out of Derby station, the lush green English countryside flew past my window. It was the perfect start to a weekend away.

Now, before I reveal all our fun, let's have a quick look at the highlights for Friday, shall we? The big date on the London calendar is, of course, the Chelsea Flower Show. It's a truly blooming event, filled with gorgeous flowers, vibrant colours, and fabulous garden designs ā€“ just perfect for a bit of inspiration! However, for us, it's about much more than just pretty plants... Itā€™s a perfect opportunity to admire the people! I mean, where else could you see the entire spectrum of stylish hats and fabulously accessorized outfits in a single place? Itā€™s basically a catwalk on the lawn.

Of course, it wouldn't be a proper Friday without a sprinkle of theatre. "The Phantom of the Opera" is back on the stage at Her Majestyā€™s Theatre, so for all those who adore a touch of melodrama and dramatic flair, make sure to check it out. You might even see me there. Ahemā€¦ (wink).

Anyway, onto my adventures, starting with the grand moment we stepped onto the platform at King's Cross station. Now, I'm a total train-spotter, especially old steam engines and beautiful Victorian carriages, but even I had to admit this station was something else. Imagine, it's the station for Hogwarts in Harry Potter (a story Olivia loves dearly!). This station is buzzing with people, suitcases, trains, and excitement, making it feel like the centre of the world.

We started our London experience in Covent Garden, naturally. What could be a better starting point for two girls obsessed with everything dance and dress-up? I've got to tell you, the first thing that caught my eye were the performers on the cobblestones. A guy juggling flaming torches! Olivia was quite mesmerized by the quick steps and flourishes of a fantastic tap dancer. The atmosphere was electric. It's a magical place, and seeing the performers adds another layer to the enchantment of the area.

We headed to a cafe for a bit of people-watching (and a very, very important pink macaronā€¦ obviously). The area just buzzed with creativity! I was quite entranced by the flower stall bursting with pink peonies.

Speaking of fashion, did I mention how utterly in love I was with London's vintage shops? Now, I may not always wear a tutu out and about, but I do enjoy an element of whimsical drama in my clothes! So we went exploring, and Olivia actually found a gorgeous vintage dress ā€“ she couldn't resist!

And while the shop wasn't full of tutus, it certainly felt like stepping into a wardrobe full of possibilities!

London was calling our names so we decided to take a stroll down Regent Street. It's like a street dedicated to stylish shops and boutiques! It felt a bit like walking through a film set; those charming brick buildings, all the fancy storesā€¦ It was definitely a must-see! We even spotted a boutique that carried the most beautiful ballet shoes - talk about a tutu dream!

By this time, our stomachs were grumbling for something delicious, so we decided to pop into a local Italian restaurant, You've heard me rave about London's vibrant food scene, and this little restaurant lived up to the hype! It was filled with warm lighting and the aroma of roasted vegetables. You wouldnā€™t believe it, but they even had pink cocktails, complete with edible sugar-pink rose petals! Now thatā€™s what I call a truly feminine feast.

The evening couldnā€™t be complete without a dose of theatrical magic. We decided to treat ourselves to tickets to see ā€˜Cabaret' at the Kit Kat Club in Piccadilly! Talk about an experience! From the moment we stepped inside, the energy was electrifying. The costumes, the music, the performances - it was simply brilliant! Now, Olivia, you see, is a bit of a shy soul. However, as the music and energy surged through the room, she started humming along, and before we knew it, she was clapping her hands and dancing in the aisles! Now, you all know what comes with every good performance ā€“ encore.

The whole night just added to our love for London. We felt alive, free, and full of inspiration. Every corner we turned brought us something new, a new colour, a new shop window, a new street musician, a new story. London really does capture that magical feeling of endless possibilities!

As we drifted off to sleep in our hotel, we felt so invigorated and excited, like children who had just lived out their dream day. The next day was just as fabulous, but that, my dear readers, is a story for another day. Donā€™t forget to tune in next week for more!

Until then, keep your spirits high and your hearts open, and of courseā€¦ never forget to embrace the power of the pink tutu!

Emma xx

PS. I am starting to put together some ideas for our next ā€œpink tutu partyā€! Weā€™ve had some fun ideas so far - maybe a picnic in a park or a picnic in the woods with music? Would love to hear from you and see what ideas you come up with, so leave a comment in the box below. It will be so exciting to meet up and have a dance together!

*PPS. Make sure to check out www.pink-tutu.com for more fashion and ballet tips. *

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-05-25 Exploring London