Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-08-03 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Adventures! #570

Hello my lovely readers! It's Friday, which means it's time for another instalment of Pink Tutu Blog, this time, from the heart of London! I'm absolutely bursting with excitement about today's adventures, and I just have to share every minute detail with you all!

As many of you know, I adore taking the train. It's the perfect way to relax, people-watch, and dream up new Pink Tutu outfits. The journey from Derbyshire to London was just blissful - the countryside scenery whizzing past the window, a good book, and, of course, my trusty pink tutu adding a touch of magic to the whole experience!

London! You know I had to start my Friday off in the right way! I always say a little bit of retail therapy is a must when exploring a new city, so I headed straight for Oxford Street. It was a riot of colour and noise, the ultimate fashion frenzy! There were so many gorgeous clothes - everything from boho-chic styles to sophisticated tailored pieces. Of course, I picked up a few goodies to add to my ever-growing wardrobe, and you just know there will be a lot of pink included! 😉

The afternoon was all about London's rich cultural tapestry. The Royal Opera House has always been on my bucket list, and this afternoon I saw a dazzling performance of Swan Lake! It was simply mesmerising. The ballet was utterly beautiful, from the graceful choreography to the exquisite costumes. Seeing such talent and artistry in action really made me wish I could slip into a pair of pointe shoes myself. Maybe one day, I'll join a London ballet class – what do you think, my dear readers?

Before leaving London for the day, I couldn’t resist stopping at a quaint little café near Covent Garden. The warm aroma of fresh pastries drew me in, and I had the most delicious hot chocolate with marshmallows (extra marshmallow, of course!) whilst soaking up the lively atmosphere of the streets.

I ended the day watching an incredible show in the West End - Grease! I was so caught up in the fun, singing along to every iconic song. I know it's cheesy, but there's something just so delightful about classic musicals. And of course, I felt a twinge of inspiration for some Pink Tutu-inspired costumes – maybe a "Pink Ladies" spin on my usual?

This weekend, my London adventure will continue with even more discoveries! But before I go, I have a question for all of you. Do you have a favourite pink tutu-inspired look? What would be your perfect outfit? I’d love to see photos if you’re brave enough to share them on my Instagram - don’t forget to use the hashtag #PinkTutuBlogLondon!

That's it for this week! Until next Friday, happy twirling!

Love, Emma xx

P.S. Don’t forget to check out my website: to see more of my adventures!

P.P.S Today is August 3rd, 2007, in case you’re wondering!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-08-03 Exploring London