Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-08-24 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #573 - A Friday Filled with Frills in the Capital! 🩰

Hey loves! It's Emma, and it's Friday! Can you believe it? The weekend is finally here, and I'm positively buzzing with excitement. You see, my darling little pink tutu and I are on a grand adventure to London! Just the thought of the vibrant streets, the majestic theatres, the bustling shops…it sends my heart into a happy pirouette. And to make things even more delightful, I'm here on a beautiful August day, the sun shining down and filling everything with a gentle warmth. Truly, this is what I call a perfect day for a pink tutu princess! 💕

The Train Journey: A Waltz of Nostalgia

I love the journey on the train. Leaving the rolling hills of Derbyshire behind and arriving in London always makes me feel like a star about to take to the stage! My tutu, tucked safely into my suitcase, seemed to rustle with anticipation. Today, however, the journey felt extra special, because the train carriage was practically an ode to my favourite colour. There were rows of seats in different shades of pink - a light blush here, a candy-pink there, and even a deep fuschia tucked in for good measure! It was almost like I was travelling through my very own personal rainbow! 🌈

But you know me, I couldn’t just sit back and enjoy the view (although, let’s be honest, London's skyline from the train is quite breathtaking!). I whipped out my notepad and a fresh pink pen (how could it be anything else?) and began sketching. After all, even on a trip, a ballet girl's got to be creative! My notebook was quickly filled with intricate designs, notes about my favourite outfits, and doodles of tiny, tutued ballerinas twirling amongst London landmarks like Big Ben and the Tower Bridge. I may not have been wearing my pink tutu on this particular part of the adventure, but my heart was certainly dressed for a dance!

London Calling: A Choreography of Delight

Finally, London! Stepping out onto the platform at Kings Cross, I could almost hear a rousing symphony of honking cabs and excited chatter, creating a joyful melody. I loved the bustle, the constant movement, and the feeling of endless possibilities!

This time, my darling little pink tutu was waiting for me, and with a flourish, I draped her over my shoulders. Ready for a day of London magic, my heart thrummed with a delicious mix of nerves and exhilaration.

The Grand Royal Opera House: A Grand Performance

My first stop: the majestic Royal Opera House. There was nothing I loved more than the elegant grandeur of the grand halls, the smell of history in the air, and the anticipation that swirled around the theatre like a ballet’s final pose. As I admired the architectural beauty of the building, I thought of all the extraordinary dancers and musicians who have graced this stage. Their legacy echoed through the building, filling every corner with artistry and a whisper of the magic that only theatre can create.

And guess what, I got to see one of the most breathtaking performances! The Royal Ballet had put on "Swan Lake" - a masterpiece of classical dance, with beautiful costumes, graceful movements and heart-wrenching drama. Oh, to be a swan for just one moment!

But let me tell you, a ballet like "Swan Lake" doesn’t just take amazing talent and breathtaking artistry, it also needs incredibly detailed and elaborate sets! They literally have entire workshops dedicated to making the costumes and sets! I managed to get backstage, for a sneak peek at some of the amazing creations, and I could almost hear the hushed whispers of the sets being built for the next ballet, waiting patiently to make its big debut on the grand stage.

Shopping Spree: A Plié in the Pink District

No London adventure is complete without a shopping spree! Of course, I’ve come prepared with a map of the city’s best fashion districts, and there is nothing better than a pink-tutu pilgrimage around London’s iconic shops! I love the iconic luxury boutiques, the colourful vintage stores, and the friendly independent designers showcasing their unique styles.

The afternoon was dedicated to fashion, my dear love! From Liberty to Selfridges, my pink tutu twirled alongside me, adding a touch of whimsy and style to my day. You see, for me, fashion isn’t just about following trends. It's about expressing myself and my own personal style, just like a dancer chooses a specific ballet costume to reflect their role and the spirit of the dance.

With the glorious summer sun still beaming down, I headed for Harrods! There are always amazing sales happening at this iconic store, and my eyes gleamed at the vibrant pink and purple hues on display. I found the most incredible pink handbag! It’s perfect for a princess on the go. It has the perfect mix of modern style and classic design - I was positively smitten with it.

Later, I took a trip to Carnaby Street, it's a haven for independent boutiques and quirky shops. I love this neighbourhood for its energy and vibrancy! Just be warned, dear readers, be careful! It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of colourful fashion and forgotten you had a shopping list (though my dear pink tutu kept me on track - and reminding me to buy a new dress, darling!).

Dinner with a Twist: Dancing in a Parisian Café

Feeling hungry but still energized from all that shopping? I headed towards Covent Garden and enjoyed the most charming little French café. As I tucked into a delicious pasta dish with a glass of crisp white wine, I was mesmerized by a captivating performance by a small group of talented musicians and dancers!

The music was a joyful mix of French folk music, jazzy swing rhythms, and hints of classic Parisian chanson. The dancer was incredible! She wore a beautiful shimmering pink dress that made her movements flow effortlessly. The way she moved to the music, and the graceful way she interacted with the other dancers made me realise the beauty of performance art that transcends ballet and takes dance to an entirely different dimension!

A Final Twirl under the London Sky

As the day began to wind down, I strolled through the parks, with the sun casting a golden glow on the leaves of the trees. The peace and tranquility were a welcome contrast to the energetic bustle of the day! With every breath of fresh air, I felt my heart filling with the contentment only a day in London can provide.

After all the excitement of the day, it was time to retire to my cosy hotel room. But as I put on my pyjamas (yes, a silky, blush-pink onesie - my night time style needs to match my daytime spirit, darlings! ), I thought about London’s pulsating rhythm, the constant dance of life in the city that never sleeps.

Even when it's dark and the lights go out, London has a magic, a captivating aura that makes me want to return time and again. Perhaps I'll see if I can get to some jazz performances this weekend? Maybe I’ll even visit a theatre in London’s West End! Who knows? But one thing is for certain, the city of London has a place reserved just for me, in its pink-hued corners, where imagination and artistic expression dance together in a joyful symphony of inspiration.

I can’t wait for the weekend to be over so I can be back here again! See you next Friday!

Xx Emma 🩰💖

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-08-24 Exploring London