Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-08-31 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #574 - Friday 2007-08-31 Exploring London!

Hey darlings! Emma here, back from my weekly adventure and ready to fill you in on all the London delights I discovered.

It’s been a while since my last trip to the Big Smoke, but my pink tutu was itching to take a spin in a new location, and London just screams "fashion" and "drama".

As always, I hitched the train from my home in Derbyshire. I simply love travelling by train, there's a certain elegance to it. Of course, no trip is complete without a sprinkle of pink – my tulle train (my very own portable dance floor!) shimmered like a giant candy floss amongst the bustling passengers. My travel outfit was a pink lace dress with a sweetheart neckline and my favourite ballet flats. I’d also thrown on my trusty little pink cardigan – perfect for chilly trains!

After an exhilarating hour and a half (all those beautiful green fields and charming countryside towns), we arrived in King's Cross Station. I confess, I had a little shriek of delight. My favourite fictional station – the start of Harry Potter's adventures – it just feels like a gateway to a world of magic and wonder. It was then that I decided, as if I hadn’t already planned it, that the Royal Opera House would be our first stop!

The Royal Opera House is always a dream to visit, it's just bursting with grandeur and glamour, a veritable fairyland of twinkling lights and elaborate decor. I had to make sure my pink tulle was on display for all to see, I mean, it would have been rude not to, right?

Today was the first day of a new opera, Così fan tutte, and although I have seen it several times before, I just couldn’t resist the temptation of the enchanting music and the vibrant costumes.

It's always a treat to step inside a place where art comes alive. The auditorium, with its scarlet velvet seats and ornate decorations, felt so decadent, I imagined myself as a young prima ballerina ready to take center stage!

But the true highlight of the evening? The magnificent costume design! You all know I’m a HUGE fan of ballet tutus and elaborate outfits and there were definitely some seriously swoon-worthy looks. For one scene, a dancer had the most dazzling bright pink and emerald green bodice. She looked like she'd walked straight out of a storybook!

Afterwards, I wandered through Covent Garden, with its beautiful flower stalls, the buzzing atmosphere, and a troupe of street dancers showcasing their amazing moves. The cobblestone streets and ornate buildings reminded me of an elegant painting - absolutely lovely! I found the perfect little vintage shop where I snagged a silk pink scarf with hand-painted floral patterns, the perfect touch for my summer wardrobe.

Oh, did I tell you? On my way to Covent Garden, I passed this darling little coffee shop with pink macarons on display. How could I resist? I savoured a dainty macaron as I watched the world go by – a real taste of the finer things.

By the end of the day, I felt invigorated by the city's energy and enchanted by its beauty. The feeling? Just divine! It truly feels like a city made for dancing – and I will be returning very soon!

Remember to subscribe to my newsletter on for even more London adventures, my lovelies! You never know where the next twirl will take us…

Don’t forget to spread the pink love – it's time to embrace the tutus and dance your way into happiness!

Sending you all the glitz and sparkle,

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-08-31 Exploring London