Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2008-04-04 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! #605

Friday, 4th April 2008

Hello my darlings!

It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, back from a whirlwind weekend in the big smoke! This is my first time blogging about a London trip, and I can't wait to share every glittery, sparkly, and utterly fabulous detail with you.

Remember my last blog post, where I was telling you about that dream part I got in the new production of Swan Lake? Well, that has led to a fabulous new avenue of fundraising for my pink tutu adventures - my own private ballet performance for a charity dinner. It's for the local hospice in Derbyshire and I’m thrilled to be using my passion to help such a wonderful cause. So, thanks to the generous support of those lovely folks, I'm off on a whistle-stop trip to London!

I left Derbyshire bright and early on Friday morning, and settled in for the grand train journey up to London. There's something so glamorous about a train journey, isn't there? It gives you time to relax, people-watch, and really soak up the scenery - especially in springtime. It’s quite lovely watching the countryside fade into a blur of greens and yellows, then watching the houses and towns come into view.

I have to confess, my outfit today was practically begging to be photographed by fellow travellers on the train - it’s a full-blown “pink perfection” theme: my lucky pink ballerina tutu, my favourite pink lace top, and my go-to pink beret. My new bright pink nail polish, compliments of my best friend Chloe, definitely finished off the look. Oh, and how could I forget, a touch of pink lipgloss – just a touch of glamour. Of course, I wasn't going to be without my little pink ballerina handbag - just big enough to fit my essential items – a book (currently it’s Pride and Prejudice, it just seems right to be reading a Jane Austen classic in London) and a stash of Pink Panther-shaped jelly babies (you know, just in case my energy levels start to dip).

Oh! Did I mention the train? I mean, the journey was pretty perfect - not a single delay, the carriage was almost empty so I could stretch out and even managed to catch some sleep.

So, we arrived in London a bit after lunch, and I could not wait to dive into the heart of this magnificent city. I chose to stay at a lovely little hotel in Covent Garden - perfect for my London explorations! This hotel felt quintessentially London, with beautiful wood floors, freshly-painted white walls and those cute old-fashioned wardrobes.

After settling in, my first stop was the National Gallery - it is an absolute must when in London. As soon as I stepped into the grand entrance, I felt transported to another era. All those beautiful paintings, a real feast for the eyes, not to mention some brilliant photography - and I found myself getting totally lost in those breathtaking landscapes and stunning portraits.

Afterward, I was feeling peckish, and decided on a traditional British afternoon tea experience at a cute little cafe. Scones with clotted cream and jam, cucumber sandwiches - just so perfectly English, and all while watching the street performers entertain the crowds in the sunshine.

Then it was back to the hotel, for a quick change before heading to the Dominion Theatre to see a preview of a new production of “Grease” – it is pure theatrical delight! The energy was electrifying, the music fabulously 1950s - what’s not to love? I can honestly say I was completely enthralled by the talent, the dancing, the songs! They have just the most beautiful set design – think hot pinks, neon colours, the very best in vintage rock ‘n’ roll flair. Oh, and don't even get me started on the dancing! This cast have mastered the moves, and boy, can they sing! It's pure escapism, and I felt my worries completely melt away, replaced with joy and happiness.

When it was over, the world just seemed so vibrant and so full of potential. I caught the tube back to Covent Garden. And after exploring the streets, filled with the aroma of delicious food ( I made a mental note to come back on my next trip and do a proper food tour) I ended the evening at one of the “oldest” pubs in London, (although this particular pub had undergone a complete overhaul in recent years). It had so much atmosphere, and that traditional English feel.

Of course, I didn't go to bed without a night-time ballet warm up – after all, dancing helps to release all the endorphins that give me that lovely “happy” glow. There's something special about getting into my soft ballerina leotard after a long day of exploring and taking in all those fabulous performances – a really perfect end to the day!

Saturday morning dawned bright and clear - perfect for a day of London shopping! My mission for the day - to find a special piece for my ballet costume collection. Covent Garden was the ideal starting point, with its cute independent boutiques and its historic character. I loved wandering around, picking up treasures. I found a beautiful ballet cardigan in soft pale blue with a vintage-looking brooch in the shape of a dancing ballerina that I absolutely had to have - and some stunning silk scarves with paisley prints.

Oh, and I couldn't resist getting another pink tutu! This time, it is a stunning pastel pink with a full layered skirt - it just made my heart sing.

Next stop was Harrods - such a luxurious department store. The windows alone are a sight to behold, let alone the interior with its exquisite selection of clothes and jewellery. You know I had to visit the Shoe Department and that iconic Food Hall! And even though I had just been to a delectable afternoon tea, I just had to have a little cupcake from the Patisserie – and, my love, I can tell you, it was well worth the treat!

After lunch, I headed over to Oxford Street - an absolute mecca for anyone who loves fashion and shopping! All the famous shops are there: Topshop, Zara, New Look - you name it, you can find it! I was in my happy place, exploring the different shops, looking for more gems and treasures! I even stumbled across a shop filled with vintage tutus and costumes - a true dream! I had to stop myself from buying more than my budget allowed.

It wouldn't be a trip to London without some retail therapy. But to my surprise, I managed to resist the urge to completely bankrupt myself – my bank account thanked me, later, I promise you!

The day was ending with an enchanting evening at the Royal Albert Hall. I had tickets to see a show called "A Tribute to the Great Ballet Composers," with a combination of live orchestra, world-renowned dancers and choreography from different periods. This was definitely a chance to witness true artistry and brilliance. The performances had such emotion and expression - some moving, others humorous. All breathtaking. And the Royal Albert Hall itself - the atmosphere was electric, so full of history. I left feeling inspired and motivated by the extraordinary talents on display.

My train journey back home the next morning was just as smooth as the outward trip. And I felt so inspired to start working on my next ballet performance - maybe a piece using music from “Swan Lake” or “Grease”? I’ll just have to think carefully about it. And of course, I already know just the right tutu to wear for that special performance!

See you all next week for another pink tutu blog.

Until then, stay beautiful and don’t forget, there’s a pink tutu waiting for you!

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2008-04-04 Exploring London