Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2008-04-25 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! 🩰🌸 (Post #608)

Hello, lovelies! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood ballerina and purveyor of all things pink and twirly. Today I'm back with a fresh dose of London loveliness – and you know how much I adore this vibrant city!

As you all know, this week I’m travelling up to the big smoke to indulge in my passion: all things theatrical and fabulous! After a rather bumpy start – a bird decided my packed lunch looked delicious mid-journey - the train trip was surprisingly scenic and enjoyable. There's something magical about being cooped up in a train carriage, watching the world zip by.

My Pink Tutu London Adventure Starts Now!

I'm not sure what it is about this city, but every time I visit London, it feels like stepping into a storybook! Today was all about exploring the wonders of the West End. My trusty tutu was naturally a key component of the ensemble – how else could I hope to truly absorb the theatrical magic of this city?

A Trip To The Theatre

My first stop was the iconic Lyric Theatre, home to the timeless masterpiece Les Misérables. It was an absolute privilege to see the show – such a captivating performance, it had me tearing up and clapping with pure joy! There's just something magical about those soaring melodies and moving stories that never fail to touch my heart.

You wouldn't believe the fab fashion I spotted in the theatre! From bold colours and shimmering sequins to stylish suits and timeless gowns, everyone was dressed to the nines! I swear I even spotted a girl wearing a pink tutu – we were clearly kindred spirits! 😉 I might have even done a little pirouette myself during the interval! Don't judge! 😜

Lunch at Covent Garden - My Favourite Spot in London!

No trip to London is complete without a visit to the beautiful Covent Garden, and this time was no exception! The air was filled with the joyous chatter of tourists and locals, the smell of freshly made crêpes wafted from street vendors, and there was an infectious energy buzzing throughout the market.

It's no surprise Covent Garden holds a special place in my heart! It’s just brimming with vibrant colours and playful delights. From exquisite street performers showcasing incredible talent, to the beautiful displays of vibrant flowers and artisan wares – there’s a unique charm to Covent Garden that never fails to enchant me. And it’s all so deliciously pink and theatrical, just like me!

A Ballet Masterclass in Central London - A dream come true!

As you know, ballet is my true passion. And lucky for me, today was the day I’d been eagerly awaiting! I joined a beginner’s ballet class at a studio in the heart of London. Let me tell you, I was on cloud nine! I had so much fun – even the warm-up was full of magic! My legs may have ached a bit after class, but it was definitely worth every step! I felt empowered, graceful, and utterly delighted to be amongst fellow ballet enthusiasts.

Afternoon Tea: A Treat Fit For a Ballerina

As any discerning ballerina knows, one cannot indulge in the art of dance without fueling the body with delicious sustenance. So, naturally, an elegant afternoon tea at a quintessential London café was next on my agenda.

Think delicate pastries, miniature sandwiches, steaming cups of fragrant tea, and the most divine cakes. Honestly, the pastries were so pretty, I almost couldn't bear to eat them – but they were too delicious to resist! 😜 I wouldn't be surprised if some of the teacups and teapots actually had tutus adorning them! It really was the perfect way to cap off a perfect day!

Evening Entertainment: Shakespeare in the West End!

Tonight was all about exploring the magical world of Shakespeare. After indulging in a quick fashion fix at the fantastic department stores on Oxford Street – seriously, who can resist a new pink outfit when visiting London?! – we were ready for a theatrical treat.

The Royal Shakespeare Company was putting on a production of "Romeo and Juliet" at the Barbican Theatre and we wouldn’t miss it for the world! There’s something truly awe-inspiring about seeing a Shakespearean masterpiece brought to life in such an intimate setting, especially as I’d already gotten my culture fix by watching “Les Mis” earlier in the day!

Dancing in the City of Lights

My love affair with London always leaves me wanting more. The vibrant energy, the inspiring architecture, the intoxicating buzz – this city has a magnetic allure. And tonight, as I took in the enchanting beauty of London illuminated by night, I couldn’t help but feel that London’s heart beat to a theatrical rhythm. Just like mine.

It really was a magical day in London. A day where tutu twirls became an essential accessory. A day where my love for pink was met with endless inspiration.

Join me next week for more exciting London adventures, and in the meantime, be sure to check out my latest outfit post at for inspiration on how to embrace your own inner ballerina! Remember, life is too short to be anything but pink!


Emma x

P.S. Don’t forget to share your pink tutu adventures with me on Instagram using the hashtag #PinkTutuBlog! Let’s get the world wearing pink! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2008-04-25 Exploring London