
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2008-07-11 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - Post #619: A Tutu-tiful Friday in London!

Hello darlings! Itā€™s Emma here, ready to twirl into the weekend with you all! This week, I traded the rolling green hills of Derbyshire for the bustling heart of London, and let me tell you, it was a complete whirlwind of a day! As always, I've packed my pink tutu for the adventure (a must-have for any London outing!) and am eager to share my explorations with you all.

First things first, letā€™s talk travel! Leaving my comfy Derbyshire home on Thursday afternoon, I boarded the train, the rhythmic clatter of the tracks already filling me with a sense of anticipation. Thereā€™s something truly magical about a train journey; watching the countryside whizz by, absorbing the scenery and feeling that excitement building within, knowing that Iā€™m on my way to the big smoke for another fantastic London adventure!

Now, itā€™s Friday morning and the streets are bustling with a joyful energy. After a delicious English breakfast at the charming little cafe around the corner from my hotel, Iā€™m ready to tutu-ta-twirl around this gorgeous city!

First stop: The Royal Ballet - My Dance Muse

Today was all about ballet, so the first place I had to head to was the Royal Opera House, the home of the glorious Royal Ballet. My absolute dance idol Darcey Bussell (a true ballerina goddess!) is performing in "Manon," and, darling, I had to see it! Even though itā€™s a matinee performance, Iā€™m a bit early, so Iā€™m taking this opportunity to wander through the charming Covent Garden area. The market stalls are bursting with vibrant blooms and tantalizing cheeses and artisan bread. Oh, the aromas! I feel so lucky to be able to indulge in these little delights.

As I stroll towards the Opera House, the architecture around me just takes my breath away. From the ornate buildings, each a work of art in its own right, to the cobblestone streets, the city is filled with character and charm.

Itā€™s almost show time! And as I slip into my seat at the Opera House, I feel the air thrum with anticipation. This, my loves, is what itā€™s all about! And then the music begins, the lights go down, and the magic of the ballet washes over me.

Itā€™s not just the sheer skill and elegance of the dancers that moves me; it's the entire experience. From the hushed stillness as the curtain rises, to the breathtaking costumes and captivating storytelling, the entire production comes together as a powerful emotional tapestry. Every leap, every turn, every arabesque tells a story that lingers in my heart long after the final curtain call.

Londonā€™s Fashion Frenzy!

With ā€œManonā€ still spinning in my mind, Iā€™m ready for some fashion therapy! A girl needs new ballet shoes, you see! I make a beeline for Liberty, an absolute haven of colour and craftsmanship! My eyes sparkle like a princessā€™s tiara at the sight of exquisite fabric, stunning silks, and intricate lace. The whole place exudes a romantic, enchanting atmosphere. This, darling, is the kind of shop I could wander through for hours!

After carefully selecting my ballet slippers (pink, naturally, in a perfect shade of blush) I pop into a quaint tea room tucked away on a charming side street. Tea, darling, is simply divine ā€“ with delicate sandwiches, fresh scones and exquisite pastries! The perfect place to indulge my girly side and reflect on the magic of the morning!

An Evening Under the Stars

Tonight, it's a tutu-tastic journey into the magical realm of the West End theatre. Iā€™m catching the musical "Wicked" - I'm a total fan of all things "Wizard of Oz" - and have been anticipating this evening since I booked my tickets. The dazzling sets and dynamic performances are everything I could have imagined, and I'm completely swept away by the energy and magic of the production! I sing along (very badly, Iā€™m sure!), I laugh, and I am completely enthralled, my heart brimming with happiness.

Later, after enjoying the night's theatrical extravaganza, I find myself wandering around the illuminated streets of Covent Garden, the air buzzing with the joyful chaos of the night. The market is alive with people enjoying the food stalls and entertainment - buskers are weaving magical melodies, creating an enchanting soundtrack to my wanderings. As I twirl down the street (yes, a tiny twirl, my pink tutu is ready for anything, even pavement!), I realise I canā€™t remember feeling so happy and full of joy.

As I drift off to sleep in my cozy hotel room, a quiet peace washes over me, the sounds of the London night fading into a soft hum. It's the kind of peace that only comes after a perfect day of exploring and dreaming!

Pink Tutu Tips for a Tutu-ful London Trip

  • Travel by Train: It's the best way to take in the scenery and arrive feeling relaxed ready for a great adventure.
  • Wear a Pink Tutu! Because letā€™s face it, darling, life's a bit more fabulous when you're twirling in pink.
  • Support Ballet! The Royal Ballet, the English National Ballet, the Royal Opera House ā€“ these are the institutions that are making magic happen!
  • Enjoy a Theatre Show! From the West End to the Off-West End, London's theatrical scene is incredible! Grab a ticket for something youā€™ll love!
  • Go Shopping! You've got Liberty's, Harrods, and endless boutiques - prepare to indulge your inner fashionista!
  • Treat Yourself to a Delicious Afternoon Tea: The quintessentially British way to feel like a queen!

Coming Up Next: A Weekend of Chic in Paris

Well, darlings, my London adventure has come to an end, but I'm not hanging up my tutu yet! Next week, I'm jetting off to the City of Lights - Paris - to continue my tutu-tastic journey! Imagine, all the beautiful boutiques, the delicious patisseries, the charm of the streetsā€¦ Oh, I'm already daydreaming about it! Join me next Friday for a blog all about fashion, fun and my Paris escapades! Until then, twirl on!

xx Emma


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2008-07-11 Exploring London