
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2008-08-29 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - #626: A London Friday Filled With Frills and Frou-frou

Hello darlings! It's Friday again and that means another London adventure for your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller, Emma! This week, I've left the rolling hills of Derbyshire behind for the bustling streets of London, arriving by train in the morning (as always, my travelling tutu looked fab in the carriage, the way the fabric flowed with the movement of the train, so elegant!)

And you know what's amazing? I've realised this isn't just a blog about London, it's a celebration of living in London! This week I'm diving right into the thick of things: from ballet to theatre, with a spot of fab shopping, of course! (Can't resist a good sale, especially when it comes to frothy pink delights!)

Ballet - A London Feast For the Eyes

So, I had a feeling today would be a real treat because there's something so special about Friday's in London. Maybe it's the electric buzz in the air, the anticipation of a weekend, the promise of countless opportunities... But today, it felt even more exciting! It all began with my ballet class this morning - ah, to be amongst fellow twirlers!

The studio was bursting with energy and enthusiasm! You can just feel the passion in the air as everyone stretches and warms up, it's like a little community of pink-toned happiness. And wouldn't you know it, this week I felt the inspiration bubbling! We're all a bit "blah" after a summer lull, so I took it upon myself to kick-start our class routine with a new, upbeat warm-up routine... with, naturally, a sprinkle of tutu magic. We all took a minute to whip out our tutus and prance around a bit (after our proper warm up, of course!) It's the perfect way to add a touch of whimsy to any ballet class.

A Showstopping Day at the Theatre

Now, the reason for my London trip was more than just ballet: it's a Friday, after all! This week I'm finally getting to see the long-awaited performance of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at Shakespeare's Globe! Now, I'm a bit of a history buff (just look at the number of tutus I have – they are all antiques!), so a visit to such a historic theatre is a must! The Elizabethan era costumes (with a nod to the Shakespearean Bard, of course) had my pink heart thrumming - and I bet you won't believe this - the fairies had a slight inspiration from... yep, you guessed it: Pink Tut-tu! I think it was my inspiration; those tiny twirls are simply meant to be done in a tutu!

It was truly enchanting; the music, the costumes, the story – it swept me right into that whimsical Shakespearean world. As a side note: don't let anyone tell you that tutu's are not Shakespearean! They are all about expression, and a good old-fashioned whirl and twirl! I can already picture myself on a London stage, twirling alongside Puck in my shimmering, pink tulle. Imagine!

Shopping in a Pink Paradise

It wouldn't be a true London trip without a bit of retail therapy, right? I always make time to visit Harrods; it's the epitome of London elegance! The scent of designer perfume, the glint of sparkling jewellery, and the beautiful, stylish crowds – heavenly! But it's the beauty department that always calls to me; that's where I find the pinkest of the pink – lipsticks, eye shadow, you name it! I even found a limited edition Pink Tutu lipstick (that perfectly matched my latest purchase)! I can't wait to see what other treats they have waiting in store for my next trip...

Of course, London's got its fair share of fabulous independent boutiques and department stores too, brimming with everything a stylish Londoner (or a visiting pink-tutu enthusiast) could desire. From high-street staples to artisan creations, there's a piece for everyone, and, more importantly, the most beautiful pink hues! I spotted an absolute dream of a tutu on Bond Street that just had to come home with me; pink and lavender silk with iridescent sparkle! It'll be perfect for my next ballet class – maybe I can even add it to our routine! (Just try and stop me! Laughs )

A Day That Twirls

As my day winds down, I'm savouring this feeling of satisfaction, feeling like I've taken full advantage of all that London offers – a full pink, twirling, dancing day, and it's not even Saturday yet! My pink-tutu spirit is overflowing. That’s the magic of a London Friday - a whirlwind of creativity and excitement. This trip truly cemented the reason I travel by train to London - a Friday filled with all things pink is a dream come true! I feel so happy, inspired, and oh-so-ready to share my experience with you! I truly believe in the power of a pink tutu to uplift your spirits, embrace the extraordinary, and create a world where every day is a pink and fluffy ballet.

Keep on twirling!

Lots of pink love,

Emma xx

P.S. Don't forget to check back next week for another thrilling instalment of Pink Tutu Blog London! I can't wait to share my adventures with you again.

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2008-08-29 Exploring London