Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2008-08-22 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Friday, August 22nd, 2008 - #625 A Day in the Big Smoke

Hello darlings! Welcome back to the Pink Tutu Blog! I hope this week finds you twirling with joy! I'm writing to you from London! That's right, the Big Smoke! I decided to hop on a train down from Derbyshire, grab my trusty shopping bag and just embrace the chaos that is a weekend in London.

So this is actually my very first visit to the capital. I know, I know, right? What took me so long? You'd think I'd have gone before now with my ballet obsession, wouldn't you? But, life has a funny way of getting in the way. And as a ballerina with dreams of dancing on the West End, you know how much time, energy, and effort I need to put into my craft.

Now, this trip is entirely funded by my performance schedule, and I just had the luckiest run with gigs this month. From the annual Midsummer Music Festival in Derby to the ballet Gala in Nottingham, it was a full-on tutu-clad whirlwind. So with some savings safely tucked away and a twinkle in my eye, I booked that train ticket. I couldn’t resist, the urge to explore the big city called out to me like a siren song.

Train Tracks and Twirling Tutus

I love a train journey! It’s a real adventure for me! And especially from Derby, because the journey's through those rolling countryside hills, green fields, little villages. I feel all my city jitters calm down and it feels just like one of those old-fashioned train adventures from when I was little. The one where the characters board the train, you know the type - off to some grand castle or even a grand metropolis like London!

And oh! Let me tell you - nothing beats the sheer excitement of that London station. Stepping onto that platform, breathing in that big city air. I felt it instantly - London!

I’m wearing my favourite, cherry-pink tutu and matching ballet pumps - for a little extra ‘wow’ factor I’m also sporting my signature pearl necklace - because let’s face it, you can’t go wrong with a classic! And don't forget my signature pink ribbon in my hair – everything is best in pink! A little pink in London never hurts, eh?

London Calling

Now, my initial plan, like any respectable ballerina, was to head straight for the Royal Opera House! Seeing a live performance of The Sleeping Beauty was a definite must. But let me tell you, finding a hotel room for a night wasn't as simple as it sounds. Apparently, everyone wanted to spend Friday night in London. I tried my best to find something with a little ‘sparkle’, you know, maybe some pink drapes or frills but everything was fully booked, every last hotel room was crammed full. I think there might even have been a wait list for hotel pillows - so maybe tomorrow for the Royal Ballet then!

Instead, I did the next best thing - a wander around London’s theatre district. What a delightful jumble of colour and hustle-bustle! It's a veritable candy store for a girl who dreams of performing on these very stages.

I found myself at the Leicester Square, where a huge billboard of some Hollywood stars had popped up, and wow! it was like being in a scene from a film, there’s nothing quite like the feel of that buzz, and excitement in the air!

Afternoon Tea and London Landmarks

I stopped for a quintessential London treat - a good cup of tea! No, not just a cup. I went all out - I had my tea at one of those cute cafes where they have tiny finger sandwiches and little cakes, you know the ones? Where they serve scones with clotted cream and jam? Divine! Just divine. I had to treat myself!

Now, what’s a trip to London without some sight-seeing? I’d seen so many photos of Big Ben, Buckingham Palace - those iconic London landmarks- on postcards and in my ballet books. So, of course, I took the opportunity to go explore.

London is a magical place. Each landmark tells its own little story - and they just radiate with so much history. Big Ben's grand clock tower with its huge, clock face, was simply spectacular. Standing there, amidst the hubbub of tourists and local life, I felt as though I'd stepped back in time.

Buckingham Palace was magnificent too, those gates! That facade, so stately! There's a serious sense of pomp and ceremony! I just love the grand old architecture of these historical London places, you get a real feel for their timeless grandeur and grandeur – something you don’t get very much back in my lovely little Derbyshire village!

Fashionably Pink

There are shops and boutiques around every corner. Fashion heaven. A tutu-lover's dream, wouldn’t you say? A little stroll around Oxford Street and Covent Garden, to indulge in some fashionista retail therapy is simply essential. Of course, my mission was to find something ‘pink-tastic’ - it’s my favourite colour, and you know my obsession with ballet. I'm after the perfect combination, of course! A London outfit that wouldn’t just get a second glance, but make me the star of the show.

I wandered into one particularly lovely shop. The owner’s name, as it happened, was Anna. Lovely woman, really nice chat with her. We talked about everything, everything from dancing to shopping. She introduced me to her signature line - beautiful hand-painted satin ballerina tutus with swirls of the most gorgeous shades of pink - pink! Could it get more perfect than this?

I told her about the show I’d seen last week, how it made me yearn for a stage, just for me, where I could dance and express myself with my ballet tutus and that’s when she gifted me the most beautiful pale-pink tulle ballet tutu you’ve ever seen.

Anna’s got an eye for this, you know! The delicate lace embroidery with floral patterns, she really gets the girly ballerina vibe, doesn’t she? You know how much I love lace! It just goes so perfectly with a ballerina’s outfit!

I am going to look the absolute dream on that stage tomorrow! Now, I don't know about you, darlings, but there's something about London that really gets you all dolled up, doesn’t there?

Evening Enchantment

After a delicious evening meal at a traditional London pub ( fish and chips! ), I set off to find a ballet school to visit and to take some inspiration.

And that's when the most enchanting evening started! It turns out, a big event called ‘Open City Ballet’ is happening right here in London tonight! An all-night festival dedicated to ballet in every way you can think! And here I am, walking through London's Covent Garden, this time with a big smile and a skip in my step.

This open-air performance on stage made the heart soar! I felt the city's buzz as the music and dance wrapped themselves around me. And it was truly magic, those talented dancers all working together, they were captivating! It was almost as if every light glimmered and pulsed with ballet’s rhythm. I just loved everything about it. The sheer grace, the way they floated around the stage - you know, like ballet’s meant to be.

As for my new pale-pink tulle ballet tutu well, it’s perfect, just as Anna had said! I feel a million dollars in it! It really shines, you know? Like, like, a star under those Covent Garden lights! And that was only just the start of my big, London ballet adventure.

Twirling Into The Night

Now I know some people will say, London can be overwhelming. But there is something enchanting about it - its energy, its history, its endless chances for exploring.

And, to my surprise, I am now, officially, in love! My head’s filled with dreams of twirling in every single London square, performing on each stage, and maybe even visiting the London Eye dressed in pink, you know, because I do love views. It really has captured my heart - London’s got a magical twinkle about it that just makes you smile!

I can't wait for more explorations of this amazing city, of course, wearing my pale-pink tulle tutu - because if there’s one thing that always brings joy and laughter - it’s spreading a little pink! And that is something I shall definitely do! So stay tuned! I'll be back next week to share all of the excitement and pink-filled magic that is London! And hey, you can’t blame a ballerina for chasing those dreams!

Until then, stay beautiful and twirl with joy!

Love, Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2008-08-22 Exploring London