Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2008-10-17 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #633 - A Whirlwind Friday in the Big Smoke!

Hello lovelies!

It’s Emma here, and it’s Friday, which means it's time for a fresh #PinkTutuBlogLondon post! This week, I took a rather splendid journey to the capital, trading the rolling hills of Derbyshire for the bustle of the Big Smoke. The train was packed, full of folks going about their business, but let's face it, there's nothing more exciting than a train journey - especially when you're adorned in a delightful, fluffy pink tutu, of course!

I always pack a spare tutu in my bag for just such an occasion, so I changed into it at my destination station – just to add a little sprinkle of pink magic to my day, darling! 😉

I decided to dedicate this trip to the ultimate in theatrical and artistic exploration. The programme was crammed with shows, shopping sprees and a sprinkle of London's unique charm. Let’s get right into it, shall we?

Friday Fandango:

London felt buzzing as I stepped onto the platform, and the air was thick with the promise of adventure. I popped straight into the tube to avoid the maddening crowds and arrived at my first stop – The London Palladium. You can’t really call yourself a true theatre enthusiast without spending some time at the iconic London Palladium! The grand facade of the theatre always takes my breath away – and you’ll forgive me for feeling a touch more excited with a delicate tulle tutu swirling around me!

The Palladium – The Show Must Go On

Oh my, this was the day I was most looking forward to – the show I had been dreaming of seeing for weeks! Today's treat was none other than " The Phantom of the Opera". Oh, darling! The majestic costumes, the spectacular scenery, the passionate music… it all combined to create a truly captivating spectacle. The Phantom's chilling aria still resonates within me – it’s a show I'll never forget!

The performance was absolutely thrilling, and as the last notes of music echoed through the auditorium, I was mesmerized.

After the final curtain call, my heart was bursting with pure joy. This kind of energy is what I live for!

Let's Eat!: A Culinary Detour

To celebrate my fantastic night, I thought it would be a lovely idea to treat myself to some fancy food. Now, I know I should probably mention that I’m an absolute sucker for afternoon tea – and when you're in London, you just have to indulge!

I settled into a charming little tea shop, the smell of fresh pastries wafting through the air like a delicious dream. They had a selection of exquisite sandwiches, mouthwatering cakes and of course, copious amounts of tea. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a better afternoon tea - it was the perfect balance of sophisticated elegance and pure indulgence. The atmosphere was delightful – people chattering, giggling, enjoying their teacups – all united in their appreciation for the simple pleasures in life!

I finished off my delectable treat by trying a few new types of tea – something exotic and floral with delicate jasmine flavours, and something spicy and bold infused with cloves and cinnamon. This made me think about my tutu collection – I may need to start making a tea themed tutu, darling!

A Spot of Retail Therapy: Pink Dreams at Liberty

I do love London – it has so much to offer when it comes to retail therapy! I decided to head to Liberty London, a truly iconic department store full of beautifully designed items. Now, Liberty is famous for its unique and quirky offerings. This was my favourite stop because you’re guaranteed to find something special there – even more special when adorned with a pink tutu, you know!

Of course, as you can imagine, I couldn’t resist adding a few things to my bag – including a stunning pink clutch that will surely brighten up my upcoming events. They say ‘if you love something, you should buy two – one for you, and one to be admired’, so that’s exactly what I did! There was also a wonderful silk scarf with intricate embroidery that looked like a pink bloom – I have a soft spot for florals, and this one is surely going to become a favourite!

A Walk Around Mayfair:

After the extravagance of Liberty, I took a stroll through Mayfair – an elegant district filled with handsome townhouses and upscale boutiques. I had my nose to the ground, checking out all the stunning shop windows – some of which even had pink tutu-related displays, darling!

There's something so inspiring about strolling through the streets of London, breathing in the fresh air and soaking up the lively atmosphere. You feel like you're part of something bigger – the history of the city, its vibrant culture, and the many people bustling through the streets. It’s this kind of buzz that energizes my soul!

I am all about soaking up the unique sights and experiences of the place I’m in! It’s truly magical, being in a new place – especially when it's as enchanting as London!

My Thoughts on London:

London, for me, is the embodiment of beauty and elegance. I absolutely love its cobblestone streets, historical buildings and charming parks – all sprinkled with an unexpected touch of modernity. It’s a whirlwind of creativity, with stunning theatre performances and an incredible music scene. The fashion, oh darling, the fashion is always top notch – something truly delightful about the elegance of London style. There’s always something new to discover, an incredible mix of old and new, modern and vintage.

There are so many beautiful stories just waiting to be discovered in this fascinating city! London is an artistic haven, a place where dreams can be realised – and what could be a more magical and vibrant environment than that? I truly love exploring the world’s fascinating cities and letting their beauty infuse me with a new level of inspiration – because I find it’s through travel and experiencing life to the fullest that we truly unlock the creativity within.

Coming Up on the Pink Tutu Blog!

I can't wait to show you all the inspiring things I've planned for the coming weeks. More incredible shows, new tutu creations and some wonderful travel adventures await – London, you're the perfect muse for my imagination! As always, please do leave me a comment or two and let me know what you thought about my London trip. What are your favourite things about London? Remember, darling, life is a stage, so let your pink tutu be your passport to fun and adventure!

Sending love and twirls!


PS. I’m thinking about holding a “Pink Tutu Weekend in London” next spring. If you’d be interested in joining, leave me a comment – you can even share ideas for activities! It’ll be so much fun to explore London with my wonderful, tutu-loving friends! 💖💖💖

Don’t forget to subscribe to my website at for new posts every Friday!

You can also follow my adventures on Instagram: @PinkTutuLondon. ✨

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2008-10-17 Exploring London