Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-06-19 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - #668 - Friday 19th June 2009 - A London Frolic in Pink!

Hello, my darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the vibrant capital, London, where my trusty pink tutu is twirling its way through the most glamorous sights! This weekend is dedicated to a love affair with this iconic city – from the bustling markets to the legendary theatre district, and everything fabulous in between.

My trusty pink tutu arrived with me by train, of course! It always feels extra magical to watch the countryside whizz past from a train window. I must confess I got a little carried away and ended up twirling my way down the platform in my little tutu! Such a riot! I'm a little obsessed with train travel, it's so wonderfully romantic. And let's face it, it's all about those glorious vintage carriages, the clatter of the tracks, and the chance to sneak a peek at the quaint countryside. My journey from Derbyshire, the place I call home, is always a journey for the soul.

And I'm here to share every glorious pink-tinged moment of my London adventure with you! Remember, you can always catch my adventures on every Friday, so buckle up, darling, and prepare to be swept away on a whirl of tutus and delightful discoveries!

Pink Perfection - My London Dress Code

I love to think of each city as having its own personal style, and for London, I decided to go for a sophisticated twist on the classic tutu look. Picture a shimmering, cerise tulle tutu layered over a delicate, blush-pink lace blouse, complete with a sassy black blazer and my signature, fluffy, pink cardigan. And of course, my trusty ballet pumps, adorned with a cute little bow in the same blush shade. There’s nothing like the freedom and elegance of a pink tutu! I aim to have every one of you swirling around in pink tutus by the end of this year - one Tutuful day at a time.

Day One – A whirlwind of shopping, sights, and stories.

Arriving in London feels like stepping into a magical fairy tale! The city buzzes with energy, creativity, and a love for the unexpected. So, what was first on my London list? You guessed it, darling - a bit of shopping, naturally!

Oxford Street - Fashion Oasis

Oxford Street, a dazzling emporium of fashion and dreams, welcomed me with open arms, or perhaps I should say, open shop windows! I had to pop into Liberty’s, just for the sheer prettiness of its decor, those vibrant prints and that enchanting Victorian-era architecture! It's so beautifully feminine, a total must for every tutu-loving London traveller! I treated myself to a gorgeous pink cashmere scarf - can't help but be a little bit tempted by the cashmere counter - I even found a sweet, vintage teacup set. Oh, my goodness! It’s like a vintage wonderland, right there in the middle of bustling London.

Then it was on to a flurry of fun at Topshop, H&M and Zara – you know how it is. That exciting search for that elusive fashion treasure amongst a kaleidoscope of colours. London is perfect for discovering that unique look that whispers, "Pink Tutu" and "Ballet Beauty!"

The Pink Tutu – London Style.

You know I have a certain rule, when it comes to tutu wearing, the key is to find the perfect balance. The right dress code. Too fancy and you risk looking a little out of place, but too casual, well, we all know what that can lead to. And today, I’m definitely rocking that London style: pink tutu with just a hint of the iconic fashion scene here in the capital! And you know what, darling, nobody even blinked, everyone seems to love my tutu!

The Ballet Inspiration - A Dream Comes True

After shopping, my London story had to involve the stage, right? This city breathes theatre! I booked tickets for the Royal Opera House - how glamorous! Imagine a classic ballet production, with those legendary red velvet seats and all that theatrical glitz! My Tutu heart almost burst, watching those beautiful ballerinas, their leaps and twirls echoing my own love of the art form. I have always dreamt of performing at the Royal Opera House, and every time I come to London, it just makes me more and more determined!

Dining With The Stars – Covent Garden Delight.

After my theatre experience, I decided on Covent Garden for dinner - the heart of London's food and entertainment scene. And I swear, I felt like I was stepping into a magical world - charming cobblestone streets, street performers, quirky stalls bursting with colourful goods, and oh, that aroma of delicious food wafting through the air! I enjoyed a delectable Italian meal with the aroma of fresh basil swirling around the little alleyway. Covent Garden is pure magic!

Back To The Pink – The Notting Hill Escape

A brisk walk later, my trusty pink tutu and I found ourselves exploring Notting Hill. You simply have to embrace the cute and colourful houses and boutiques lining the streets. Oh my goodness! And those bookstores, a haven for any bookworm! It was so enchanting. Just when I thought London couldn’t get any more adorable, I found a vintage tea shop! Imagine tiny, mismatched china cups, delicious homemade cakes and a setting so pretty it’s almost unreal! My cup of tea was a symphony of flavours and colour - the perfect end to a fairytale London day.

Friday night - London Lites

London lights twinkled in the distance, as I prepared to call it a night, but my evening was not quite done. We headed out for some light drinks - oh, so many tempting bars to choose from! London has a vibrant, cool vibe about it, so trendy. But one thing is certain – no matter what your style is, this city is guaranteed to ignite your soul!

More Pink Adventures Tomorrow

So, another unforgettable London adventure concludes! Tomorrow I will take a stroll through the most stunning parks London has to offer - Hyde Park, Regent’s Park – Oh my, just thinking about their floral displays and the charm of London in bloom, and I’m bursting with joy. I love nothing more than the quiet beauty of nature amidst the city’s hustle and bustle! London just knows how to create the perfect blend of peace and passion.

Until then, Remember to find your inner tutu and shine! Stay tuned for more pink-tastic stories from London’s wonderland! And do tell me, have you ever worn a pink tutu? Would love to hear your thoughts on my favorite piece of attire!

Love always,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-06-19 Exploring London