Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-07-31 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #674 - A London Whirlwind in Pink! 🩰✨

Hello my dearest readers! It’s Friday, and you know what that means? Time for another Pink Tutu Blog London post! This week, I've been taking on the vibrant capital, fuelled by dreams of pirouettes and a love for all things sparkly.

As always, I've traded my car for the charming chug of a train journey to London, and let me tell you, nothing quite compares to watching the English countryside whizz by as you’re transported towards the bustling heart of the city. It's always an adventure, and the anticipation bubbles over like champagne!

Before I delve into my Friday London frolics, let's talk about this glorious Friday, 31st July 2009. What a summery treat it has been! I woke up to the sunbeams filtering through my bedroom curtains, casting shimmering streaks across the crisp white sheets. The birds were chirping, a happy melody that seemed to announce a day filled with possibility. I couldn’t wait to get dressed, twirl around in my favourite pink tulle tutu and head to London.

After a hearty breakfast, I carefully packed my trusty backpack, the one I take with me on every London adventure. Inside, nestled amongst my essential items like ballet shoes and a well-thumbed copy of The Nutcracker, there’s always room for my London essentials: a notebook for jotting down all my inspirational finds and a good old-fashioned travel guide (the digital version never quite does it for me).

Today, the pinkest train on the line whisked me off to Kings Cross Station. Yes, the iconic home to platform nine and three-quarters! It's a bit of magic every time, especially with the red double-decker buses zipping around in the background.

The minute my feet touched the capital's pavement, my heart danced with glee. I simply adore London. There's an electric energy here, a rhythm that’s impossible to resist. I’ve been waltzing through the streets with a big smile on my face and a spring in my step.

Today, my day revolved around two of my dearest loves: fashion and dance. So let’s delve into the wonderful whirlwind that is my Friday in London!

First stop: Covent Garden.

You all know how much I love to explore the market. It's a visual feast of colour, aroma and of course, all things fabulous. It's the kind of place you get swept up in, where every corner presents a new wonder.

The shops at Covent Garden are pure delight. I discovered the most gorgeous scarf adorned with a ballet ballerina motif - absolutely perfect for adding a dash of grace to my summery outfits. You know me, I couldn't resist a few extra pink and blush accessories to elevate my ensemble, and let's be honest, my suitcase can never have enough sparkles!

Afternoon Delights: The Royal Opera House

After a quick coffee and a scrumptious croissant (topped with a sprinkle of icing sugar, naturally!), I made my way to the Royal Opera House, a truly iconic landmark and one of my most cherished places.

Today's show was an extraordinary ballet performance that left me completely enraptured. There’s just something special about the energy of a live show, especially in a grand old theatre like this one. It transported me to a world of beauty and grace. Every twist, every leap, every delicate arabesque captivated me. I felt a tingle run down my spine with every move.

The story unfolded on stage in a flurry of elegance and passion, captivating both my mind and my senses. As I emerged from the theatre, my heart danced a joyful waltz, feeling as light as a feather.

Evening Festivities: London’s vibrant theatres

After a quick stop back at the hotel to freshen up, I headed straight for the West End theatre scene. Now, you might not be surprised to learn that one of my favourite types of show is ballet on stage. However, when the theatre is in a place like the West End, where you're surrounded by so much creative energy, well, it’s just an unforgettable experience!

The performance tonight was simply brilliant. From the costumes to the choreography to the sheer talent of the performers, it was nothing short of mesmerizing.

As I sat back and enjoyed the artistry, I realized something beautiful. It’s so incredible how one shared passion for the performing arts, like ballet, can connect so many different people. Whether it’s the performers on stage, the backstage crew, or the audience cheering with enthusiasm, we’re all part of a vibrant tapestry.

Finding The Pinkest Corners of London

My Friday in London wasn’t just about big spectacles. It's also about savouring those little moments that add sparkle to my day, which are what truly make the experience special.

I always try to make the most of my time, exploring hidden nooks and vibrant corners, discovering new cafes and enjoying every single bite of a London ice cream (don’t judge, it’s practically a necessity!).

After wandering through the charming back streets of Kensington and marveling at the architectural beauty of its squares, I finally landed upon the prettiest little pink cafe tucked away on a side street. The tables were painted the palest of pink, and the menu offered a selection of cakes and teas, each one more delightful than the last.

Sipping my pink grapefruit tea with a delicious raspberry and rose cake in hand, I made a mental note to write down the name of the cafe. You just know it’s going to become one of my regular stops, don’t you?

Ending the Day on a Pink High

As I finally bid farewell to my London adventure, my mind overflowed with memories: a kaleidoscope of colourful sights, delicious smells, inspiring performances and the warm embrace of a city brimming with life.

But before you get the impression I was in London alone, I simply must mention my most recent discovery.

A friend suggested a fun way to find kindred souls, and since I always love meeting like-minded individuals, we joined a dance class for the evening. Imagine, a whole room of tutu-wearing ladies all wanting to pirouette together. It was truly a sight to behold, especially because a whole host of others joined in and turned the lesson into a joyous, playful celebration of dance.

Now, this may be the secret to achieving my life's dream: to get everyone in the world wearing a pink tutu! Who knew it would be a ballet class that helped me on my way to realizing my pink tutu ambition? It felt good! Maybe one day the whole city will be decked out in tulle!

And there you have it, my friends! A delightful, fun-filled London day, where I’ve indulged in the beauty of dance, discovered hidden treasures, and felt the magic of the city envelop me. Now, I'm off back to my quaint Derbyshire home, filled with stories, fresh inspiration and my heart overflowing with love for all things pink, sparkly and wonderful.

Until next Friday, darlings! Remember to embrace life, spread a little bit of sparkle and never underestimate the power of a beautiful pink tutu.

Stay fabulous and twirl with confidence!


Emma 💖🩰

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-07-31 Exploring London