Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-10-09 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #684 - A Whirlwind Friday in the Big Smoke!

Hello, darling readers! It’s Emma here, your resident Pink Tutu enthusiast, and it’s Friday again! I’m so excited to share my adventures in the glorious city of London. I’ve been twirling through the capital’s streets since Wednesday, fueled by my love for ballet and a suitcase full of gorgeous pink tutus! This week's been jam-packed with everything fabulous - from thrilling performances to glamorous shopping trips and a healthy dose of those all-important ballet classes!

Let's rewind a little: Wednesday morning, my pink polka-dotted suitcase packed with all the essentials (including a sparkly pink tutu for the Royal Opera House), I hopped onto the train in Derbyshire. I must say, train journeys are my absolute favourite! The rhythmic sway of the train always inspires my inner ballerina and it’s the perfect chance to jot down all the fabulous blog posts bubbling in my mind. This trip's theme was decidedly 'Pink Princess', with a delicate rose-pink lace tutu taking centre stage, cascading over a simple but elegant cream blouse. A touch of my signature sparkle came courtesy of a tiny silver ballerina brooch - simple yet so utterly captivating.

Arriving in London's Kings Cross station felt like stepping into a fairytale! I swear, it was straight out of one of those charming Christmas movies – the magical steam engine trains and those soaring ceilings adorned with twinkling fairy lights… pure magic!

Wednesday evening was all about ballet bliss. My favourite part of every London visit? Why, a performance at the magnificent Royal Opera House, of course! The Royal Ballet's rendition of "Swan Lake" was breathtaking, with delicate tutus and stunning choreography. I was swept away, lost in a world of pure grace and beauty. Honestly, you'd think my tutu was about to take flight!

Thursday saw a whirlwind of fashion! After a delightful, quintessentially British breakfast at a little café by Hyde Park (with a delightful pink iced bun, naturally), I spent the entire morning discovering the latest trends on Oxford Street. Oh, the temptation! From the vintage treasures of Camden Market to the luxurious delights of Bond Street, I was practically skipping with joy!

The highlight was definitely Harrods - that place is just a wonderland for a pink tutu girl like me! The incredible selection of ballerina shoes was pure eye-candy, but the piece de résistance? A magnificent silk pink tutu with intricate floral embroidery that had me weak in the knees! Oh, how I dreamt of twirling in its shimmering splendor! But let's just say it would have needed a second suitcase - maybe next trip!

Feeling energized from the retail therapy, I booked into my little boutique hotel in Covent Garden – all warm lighting, vintage accents, and a surprisingly delicious lavender-scented bath. That night was a real treat – dinner with my ballerina bestie, Claire, at one of London's hottest spots. It was a delicious explosion of flavours and the perfect way to celebrate my London adventure!

Now, let’s jump to today – Friday – a day dedicated to ballet classes and a spot of cultural exploration. My morning started with a fabulous, energetic barre workout at the Royal Opera House's "Open Studio" – perfect for getting the blood pumping! After all, you need that stamina to twirl all day long, right?

Then came a leisurely stroll through the beautiful Royal Albert Hall, an architectural masterpiece that I always get lost in, so majestic, the beautiful glass windows are so full of history!

Right now, it's lunchtime – I'm sat at this darling café called "Teacup and Crumpet" (seriously, could the name be more charming?!), enjoying the most delicious lemon tart (of course, it was presented on a vintage pink plate!)

I'm all fuelled up and ready to see a magical matinee of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at the Globe Theatre. It’s a Shakespearean classic with a dash of magic and just a tiny bit of glitter! Can’t wait!

My evening will be dedicated to some good old-fashioned girl power with an exciting "Ballerina Brunch" in Notting Hill with a group of inspiring dancers. We’re going to be sharing our favourite moves and talking all things ballet, fashion and of course, the inevitable tutus!

London, I'm falling more in love with you every day! From the dazzling performances to the magical streets and the charming people, it’s no wonder I always feel like a real life ballerina in a fairytale when I’m here. I know I said it before, but I can't resist saying it again, London, you are absolutely enchanting!

But, sadly, like all good things, this whirlwind London trip is nearing its end. Tomorrow morning, I’m boarding the train back to my lovely Derbyshire.

My aim, darling readers, is to take the spirit of London's magical energy and all its beauty back home with me, and spread some sparkle and joy throughout the whole week. I know that you’ve all been following my adventures and hopefully I've inspired you all to twirl a little bit higher this week.

Stay tuned for next week's post where I'll be sharing a recap of this magical London adventure and more tips for adding a little bit of Pink Tutu magic to your life!

And remember, you too can be a Pink Tutu Princess, wherever you are! Embrace your inner dancer and twirl on!

Until next week, keep it pink!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-10-09 Exploring London