Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-10-30 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #687 Friday 30th October 2009

Hello, darling tutu wearers! It's your favourite pink tutu blogger, Emma, and this week, I'm taking you on a whirlwind tour of London, the city that never sleeps, and which certainly kept me hopping!

The Journey

I started my London adventure in the quaintest of ways: by train from Derbyshire! Oh, the charm of a good old-fashioned train journey, with the chugging rhythm lulling you into a dreamy state while the English countryside whizzes by. There's just something magical about leaving your worries behind and embarking on a journey towards the bright lights and endless possibilities of the big city. I had a cup of tea, nibbled on a scone (jam and clotted cream, of course!), and daydreamed about all the exciting things I was about to experience.

Pink Perfection in London

Speaking of exciting things, the first order of business in London was, naturally, a little shopping therapy! There's something about London shops, especially the independent boutiques tucked away on quaint cobbled streets, that makes the hunt for a new tutu so thrilling. This time, I found a gloriously pink tutu, trimmed with lace and little sparkly bows – just the thing to add a touch of extra magic to my London experience. Of course, no London outing is complete without a visit to Harrods. Who could resist the lure of those beautiful window displays? I emerged with a new pink handbag (a perfect match for the tutu, naturally) and a whole heap of pink ribbon, just begging to be turned into something fabulously fabulous.

Dance & Delight

The real reason I'd come to London this weekend was the London Contemporary Dance School’s annual gala. I'd managed to get tickets for the evening performance, and my anticipation was growing with each step I took towards the grand theatre. The building itself was majestic, bathed in an elegant golden light, and I knew I was in for a treat. The dancers were captivating! They flowed across the stage with such grace and elegance, their bodies telling a story without saying a word.

After the show, I found myself completely swept away by the post-show excitement. A delightful sense of community fills the theatre afterward, and I chatted with other dance enthusiasts, exchanging tips and enthusing over the evening’s performances. London truly is the heart of the dance world.

Exploring London's Hidden Gems

But London isn't just about shopping and dancing (though those are definitely two of my favourite things!). It's also a city steeped in history and beauty. I spent the morning wandering through Covent Garden, marveling at the street performers and soaking up the vibrant atmosphere. The aroma of fresh flowers and freshly baked bread filled the air, and the beautiful cobblestone squares were buzzing with activity. I found a tiny little antique shop overflowing with trinkets and vintage treasures. There's just something about browsing old items that awakens the imagination and takes you back in time. I snagged a vintage pink brooch, adorned with a tiny porcelain ballerina, to commemorate my trip.

Later that afternoon, I strolled along the South Bank, taking in the breathtaking view of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. The River Thames sparkled in the late afternoon sun, and I felt a sense of peacefulness as I watched the world go by.

London's Delights: The Food

Of course, no London adventure is complete without some fabulous food. From a scrumptious afternoon tea at the Ritz (scones, clotted cream, and of course, a pot of steaming hot tea) to a mouth-watering burger in Soho (topped with a mountain of crispy fries), I indulged my senses with all that London had to offer. I even managed to squeeze in a traditional pub dinner (bangers and mash, anyone?) with some fellow pink tutu enthusiasts!

Ballet and Inspiration

The week was culminating in another exciting ballet event: an evening at Sadler's Wells Theatre to see a performance of "The Nutcracker". I've been a fan of this ballet since I was a little girl, and seeing it performed live with such passion and talent was truly breathtaking. It sparked such an inspiration within me, filling me with a renewed love for dance and the beautiful stories that ballet tells.

More than Pink: A Reflection

London has a magical ability to transport you, leaving you with an overwhelming sense of wonder and excitement. But this trip, beyond the beautiful sights, exciting shows, and delectable food, made me think about why I love London so much. Perhaps it's the way it blends history with the cutting edge, the blend of the grand and the quirky, the traditional and the experimental, that truly makes this city so enchanting.

But as I reflected on my journey, I realized that it's really the spirit of the people of London, their kindness, optimism, and openness to adventure that make it such a special place to visit. It is the Londoners, in all their delightful individuality, who really make the magic.

Pink Tutu Power!

I returned home from my London adventure, feeling invigorated and inspired, my mind swirling with ideas. My next blog post will be about incorporating my new inspiration from Sadler's Wells, the beauty of vintage brooches, and some London-themed tutu design ideas! But until then, darling tutu wearers, keep spreading the love of pink and tutu-ing on! Remember, the world is your stage!

With pink tutu love, Emma xx

P.S. I hope you enjoyed my London adventures this week! If you’re planning a trip to London, let me know and I'll be happy to share some more tips for finding the perfect pink tutu! And remember, you can follow my weekly pink tutu adventures on See you next week!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-10-30 Exploring London