Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-10-23 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Adventures (Post #686)

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-clad adventurer, and I'm back with a new blog post from the bustling metropolis of London! This week's journey is all about a glorious Friday filled with fabulous finds, sparkling performances, and of course, the pinkest tutu I could find.

As you know, I adore travelling by train. The rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels against the tracks, the glimpses of charming countryside, and the quiet hum of the carriages all make for the most perfect prelude to a day of fun and frills in the big smoke. My journey from Derbyshire was particularly magical - the autumn leaves were turning a beautiful shade of amber, and the sunshine streamed through the windows, casting golden streaks across the seats.

Stepping onto the platform at King's Cross was a sensory delight. The air buzzed with energy, the sounds of the city were a symphony of chatter and clanging, and the scent of autumn leaves and freshly baked bread was a heady concoction.

The first thing on my London itinerary? You guessed it - shopping! A quick hop on the Tube (my absolute favourite mode of transport!), and I found myself in the heart of Oxford Street. I'm absolutely smitten with vintage shops, so my first stop was the quaint and quirky "The Dusty Attic". Inside, a whirlwind of tulle and velvet, feathers and lace, swept me away. Imagine my delight when I unearthed a pristine, coral pink tutu, a perfect complement to my raspberry lipstick and bright pink tights. The owner, a sweet old lady with sparkling blue eyes and a twinkle in her voice, told me she’d held onto it for years, hoping it would find its perfect match. She needn't have worried. It was absolutely meant to be mine!

Next, I popped into Harrods, a must-visit for every fashion-conscious girly. The beauty hall was a wonderland of shimmering cosmetics and heady perfumes, and I couldn't resist trying out a new lipstick - a shimmering magenta, of course. The lady at the counter said it looked "like I'd been kissed by a cherry blossom", which, I must say, was a compliment worthy of my new lipstick!

But it wasn't just about the glitz and glam of shopping; the beauty of London lies in its hidden gems too. So, after a quick pit stop for a delicious afternoon tea at a charming little café in Notting Hill (with, you guessed it, pink cupcakes!), I took a leisurely stroll through Hyde Park. The crisp autumn air filled my lungs, the gentle rustling of leaves beneath my feet felt soothing, and the gentle sway of the trees against the vibrant blue sky, a breathtaking scene. I simply couldn't resist whipping out my new tutu and twirling beneath the iconic Serpentine bridge, feeling as light as a feather and as free as the birds overhead.

Later that evening, I was lucky enough to catch a stunning ballet performance at the Royal Opera House. "Giselle" was a masterpiece, with every gesture, every leap, and every twirl so beautifully executed. I was mesmerized by the dancers' effortless grace and the story they unfolded through their movement. It was a reminder of the transformative power of art and how it can take us on magical journeys, no matter what our reality.

You might wonder how I manage to travel so often. I have a little secret: ballet! I’m fortunate to be a regular performer with a few dance companies, and I use my performance fees to fund my adventures. As my motto goes: "Life’s too short for beige, and travel’s too expensive for flats." And what better way to embrace life's adventures than twirling my way through beautiful cities in a pink tutu, right?

But my love for London isn't just about its theatres, boutiques, and beautiful parks. It's also about its energy, its history, its spirit. This city vibrates with life, creativity, and a vibrant artistic pulse that gets your heart pumping.

Speaking of energy, what could be a better way to wrap up a magical London day than a captivating musical theatre performance? And tonight was no exception - I saw "Les Miserables" at the Queen’s Theatre. The story moved me to tears, the songs brought me to my feet, and the powerful performances left me wanting to dance down the street in my pink tutu.

Now, as the London lights begin to sparkle and the city hums with the energy of another vibrant night, I'm going to retire to my cosy hotel room, tucking myself into my new tutu, dreaming of new adventures, and waiting for another beautiful Friday to explore more of this extraordinary city. Until next week, my darlings, stay sparkly!

Lots of love,


P.S. If you want to experience the joy of London's bustling streets and the magic of a vibrant theatre scene, there's something for everyone, young and old. Here’s a little taste of what’s happening in London today:

  • The Royal Opera House is putting on an exceptional performance of "The Sleeping Beauty" - perfect for families looking for a fairytale evening.
  • The National Gallery is hosting an exhibition featuring the greatest artists from the Italian Renaissance - a great opportunity for those looking to immerse themselves in history and art.
  • If you're looking for some festive cheer, head to the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park - there are rides, entertainment, food stalls, and even a skating rink, sure to put you in a holiday mood.

So, pack your sparkle, put on your best pink tutu, and head to London for a fantastic Friday filled with adventure, inspiration, and perhaps, even a dash of magic!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-10-23 Exploring London