
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-11-27 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! (Post #691)

Hey everyone, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog! It's Friday, and you know what that meansā€¦ time for another exciting London adventure!

This week, I decided to swap my usual Derbyshire life for a weekend in the bustling heart of London. And you guessed it, I took the train, of course! The train journey always feels like stepping into a storybook; I just love watching the countryside fly past and dreaming of all the exciting adventures waiting for me in London.

As I disembarked at Kingā€™s Cross, I could already feel the thrill of the city pulse through my veins. That iconic station with its impressive clock and grand architectureā€¦ It always makes me want to put on a dramatic waltz routine and twirl through the waiting area! Thankfully, my fellow train travellers are all used to a little Pink Tutu flair by now.

And, just to ensure Iā€™m radiating maximum pinkness today, I'm wearing a new dusky pink tutu, a beautiful fluffy pink sweater (a recent bargain!), and a matching pink bowler hat. (It's surprisingly practical!) Letā€™s face it, a pink tutu makes any city adventure infinitely more fabulous.

A Day of Ballet, Theatre, and Shopping!

First on my agenda was the Royal Opera House. Iā€™d bagged tickets for an afternoon matinee of ā€˜The Sleeping Beautyā€™, and trust me, seeing it live is simply breathtaking. The intricate choreography, the colourful costumes, and the incredible talentā€¦ It really takes you into another world! My inner ballerina squealed with delight as I watched each graceful move, and even managed to snap some pretty stellar photos. (Keep your eyes peeled on my Instagram ā€“ it's going to be a tutu-tastic update!)

After the show, I popped into a cafe near Covent Garden. The cafe was buzzing with chatter, a symphony of Londonā€™s energy and excitement. And I felt it was a great time to do some street-side people watching ā€“ I was on the lookout for my fellow tutu-wearing friends, of course!

My next stop: Londonā€™s glittering West End. A quick (but totally glamorous) tube journey brought me to the heart of the theatre district. Iā€™d been meaning to see ā€œMiss Saigonā€ for ages and this seemed like the perfect opportunity! The energy of the theatre was electrifying, the performances were stellar, and I couldnā€™t help but find myself tapping my feet throughout the show. I may have even hummed along a bit too, shhhā€¦ donā€™t tell anyone!

Now, a girl canā€™t visit London without a spot of retail therapy, can she? So I decided to stroll through some of Londonā€™s iconic shopping streets. I popped into Liberty for a quick peek (hello, gorgeous Liberty print fabrics!), before finding myself lured into the fabulous world of vintage at the Portobello Road Market.

The Ultimate Pink Tutu Challenge

While London has no shortage of adorable shops for a pink-tutu loving girl like me, I discovered an exciting new challenge: spreading the pink tutu love to the masses! As I twirled through the crowds (it was hard to resist!), I decided to do a little street performance! I was, of course, mindful of everyoneā€™s time and didn't disrupt the flow, but a few moments of elegant spins and leaps managed to garner some appreciative smiles and laughter!

I noticed several folks, some shy, others quite brave, seemed tempted to try a twirl themselves! Perhaps it was my pink tutuā€™s infectious joy, but everyone seemed to be a bit bolder about their inner dancer today. And trust me, the sight of Londoners spontaneously breaking out into a graceful spin in their suits and dresses made me want to dance the whole day through!

London By Night: A Symphony of Lights and Stars

As the day melted into evening, I decided to head back towards the Thames. I took a stroll along the Southbank and was treated to stunning views of London Bridge and the Houses of Parliament bathed in the soft glow of twilight.

For dinner, I stopped at a little Italian trattoria near Westminster Bridge, where I treated myself to some delicious pasta (followed by a dreamy pink dessert!). And then, to top off the day, I headed for the Shakespeare's Globe. I managed to secure last-minute tickets to their production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The performance was magical; the Elizabethan theatre, the historical backdrop, the talented actorsā€¦ It was a real taste of London's incredible cultural history.

After such a dazzling day, I hopped onto a night bus back to Kingā€™s Cross Station. I caught a glimpse of Londonā€™s illuminated landmarks as the bus zipped along, feeling strangely grateful for a glimpse of Londonā€™s urban beauty before returning to the quieter pace of Derbyshire.

Travel Notes:

  • If you're planning a weekend trip to London, I highly recommend catching a show or two. From West End musicals to historical plays, thereā€™s something for every taste!
  • Donā€™t forget to take advantage of the vibrant market culture ā€“ itā€™s a treasure trove of amazing food, trinkets, and vintage finds. (I snagged a cute, embroidered tutu bag from a market stall today - itā€™ll be perfect for holding all my dance supplies.)
  • Donā€™t be afraid to wear a pink tutu ā€“ it might just make your London adventures even more fun! (But do try to be respectful of your surroundings and any dress codes).
  • And if you see a ballerina with a pink tutu twirling in London, just smile, give a nod, or maybe even join in! Let's make the world a more joyful place, one pink tutu at a time.

See you next Friday for more pink tutu adventures!




#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-11-27 Exploring London