
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-12-18 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #694 - A Twirling Friday in the Capital!

Hello my darlings! It's Friday again, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Blog London post! I'm so excited to share my adventures from a whirlwind day in the capital. As usual, I travelled by train ā€“ there's just something so romantic about watching the countryside whizz by, especially when I'm wearing my favourite pink tutu, of course!

I've got a whole new Pink Tutu London story for you. After a couple of gigs with my ballet troupe, I had the most gorgeous time exploring London's vibrant heart. It was like stepping into a fairytale ā€“ just the way I like it! I even found the most charming little shop tucked away in Covent Garden that sold the cutest pink tutus you've ever seen! You know I had to grab one, right?

And my dears, I simply must tell you about this spectacular show I saw in the West End. Imagine my delight, an absolutely dazzling production full of colourful costumes, incredible dancing, and, of course, the most beautiful pink tutu ever! Yes, the main ballerina wore it, it was like she was born to twirl in it. Honestly, the whole show was simply magical, a total treat for the senses!

Let me tell you all about my whirlwind dayā€¦

London Calling: A Train Journey into Pink!

I hopped on the train in my home town of Chesterfield, Derbyshire, with my little pink ballet bag in tow. Everything about train travel screams "romantic escape" to me, from the vintage plush seats and the gentle clattering rhythm of the wheels to the glimpses of the changing landscape zipping by.

The journey is the perfect opportunity to let my mind wander and to think about all the pink-tastic adventures awaiting me in the big city. I love daydreaming about all the colourful sights and sounds, and, of course, all the glorious ballet shoes I'll discover in the vintage boutiques hidden away in the side streets of London.

A Whirlwind through Covent Garden

After an absolutely delightful journey, I finally arrived in the heart of London. And the first stop? Of course, Covent Garden! Now, I simply adore Covent Garden. Itā€™s a feast for the eyes with all its street performers, quaint shops, and bustling atmosphere. I feel right at home here, it's as though London just rolls out the red carpet for me (or shall I say, the pink carpet?!)

Every time I visit, it seems like Covent Garden becomes more and more magical. Itā€™s practically a scene from one of those ballet stories I used to dream of being in! As I was walking by, I spotted the most dazzling display of flowers ā€“ bursting with vibrant colour! Just imagine the perfect ballet choreography set right in this gorgeous flower market, I felt an idea blossoming within me for a future ballet performance! I was so enchanted, I had to take a quick snap for Instagram. I even wore my favourite pink tutu that day. I know, it sounds obvious, but when in Londonā€¦

And wouldnā€™t you know it, right there in the heart of Covent Garden, I discovered a treasure! A tiny little shop, nestled between the other boutiques, overflowing withā€¦ you guessed itā€¦ beautiful pink tutus! And not just ordinary ones! No, these were made of luxurious satin, soft tulle, and adorned with sparkly sequins. There was one with fluffy pink feathers that took my breath away ā€“ perfect for a graceful, elegant swan number! I was in my element. I spent ages admiring them all, and of course, I couldnā€™t resist treating myself to a brand new one. You see, you simply cannot have enough pink tutus! I told the lovely shopkeeper that I was a ballerina, and I was about to perform in a show in the West End, I thought she might give me a discountā€¦ Maybe I should try a Pink Tutu persuasion dance, ha! I ended up with a little bargain, but oh well, I knew I'd be dancing in it all week!

I always leave Covent Garden feeling like a princess, twirling my way out of the cobbled streets with my head held high, and this day was no different! I couldn't wait to see the show I had booked tickets for in the West End that evening.

Ballet in the West End: A Sparkling Performance

Before venturing into the heart of the theatre district, I did something I always do when I'm in London. You know that cute little boutique I told you about earlier that's right on a corner of the West End, that little store that always catches my eye, with the chic clothing and vibrant displays? It's almost impossible for me to pass without stopping! This time, it was even better. They'd just gotten in the prettiest silk scarves in shades of pink. They were so pretty.

The afternoon sunshine filtering through the glass storefront turned those silk scarves into something almost ethereal. They had these shimmering silk scarves in delicate shades of peach and rose. I even found one that was adorned with tiny sparkling stars! Oh, my! You guessed it, I bought a pink scarf ā€“ a very special pink scarf to wear to my theatre performance that night.

Then, the moment arrived. My grand entrance at the theatre was a real triumph! A mix of the glittering pink sequins, the luxurious feel of silk, my bright pink ballet bag on my shoulder, and of course, the fabulous pink tutu! Even the ticket seller looked amazed, he smiled as I said hello. Everyone on the train on the way to the West End seemed to give me the most dazzling smiles too! Itā€™s a funny thing, it seems people love a pink tutu. Maybe the West End needs a touch more pink?! I'm off on a mission, everyone. Youā€™ll have to read next weekā€™s post to find out what happened.

This time I was going to see "Swan Lake", and it truly was everything Iā€™d dreamed it would be. Honestly, itā€™s almost impossible to express how much it took my breath away, but I'll give it a go: The choreography was absolutely magical, and the main ballerina? Well, she stole the show. She was ethereal. And, get this, she had this amazing pink tutu! It was almost as if she had walked straight out of my Pink Tutu dreams. There she was in a stunning soft pink tutu that swirled with every movement ā€“ pure enchantment! I even thought to myself "I wonder where she bought that? I need it!" Oh, and they played "The Swan Lake" on the piano at the theatre when the intermission finished. The whole orchestra even took a bow! How beautiful, it just brought tears to my eyes! I could feel my whole being vibrating with inspiration. I wish my pink tutu could talk! She could tell you so muchā€¦

It was a wonderful experience ā€“ the kind of magical evening that lingers in your memories long after the curtain has fallen. That night, as I slept on the train home, I kept dreaming of swirling tutus and beautiful pink blooms.

Finding Inspiration Everywhere

My time in London, a whirlwind of color and wonder, left me feeling inspired, and bursting with ideas. Iā€™ve come back home brimming with new dance routines, I've already begun choreographing and I think I have the most fabulous idea for my new blog post next week. I'm also excited to begin practicing the ballet poses that I was so inspired by at the Swan Lake performance. Maybe I will even give my pink tutu collection a tiny update with a new tulle creation, just becauseā€¦

Until next Friday, my lovely readers! Iā€™ll leave you with a gentle reminder ā€“ a pinch of pink makes the world a little more magical! I'll be here next Friday with another fabulous, pinktastic adventure! Stay tuned!

P.S. ā€“ This Week in London
  • In case you are wondering what was on in London, in December of 2009? For those of you who have forgotten the year, let's all try to live in the moment shall we? Okay, so we're having a Pink Tutu Time Warp to December 18th, 2009!

There were quite a few exhibitions and shows, at that time, there was also a little something called a ā€œ recessionā€. You know that time that everyone was a little more economical, maybe it was just a test for us to see if we were able to do something really, really nice without spending too much, or not at all! If I could give advice for what to do in London, on a budget, Iā€™d sayā€¦ make a playlist of inspiring classical music to get in the mood, try ballet! It is incredibly therapeutic. It is free to visit The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square, free to listen to buskers, ( and try not to spend any money, unless you really really want to! And, donā€™t forget about Pink Tutu - it makes the most fabulous accessory to your evening, for a real Pink Tutu statement and for all those evening concerts at the Royal Albert Hall ā€“ the ticket for a ballet can be very reasonably priced! If I don't say so myself.

See You Next Friday for Another Pink Tutu Blog London Post!

Be sure to visit my website every Friday, www.pink-tutu.com, and donā€™t forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter at @PinkTutuBlog to keep up with my adventures and let me know what you're thinking!

I canā€™t wait to share more stories with you next week! Until then, twirl your worries away!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2009-12-18 Exploring London