Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-01-08 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - Post 697: A Tutu-ful Friday in London!

Hello lovelies! It’s Friday, which means it’s time for another fabulous Pink Tutu Blog London post! This week, I’m bubbling with excitement because I've traded my Derbyshire hills for the bustling streets of London! Yes, my dears, I hopped on the train this morning, with my pink tutu strategically tucked in my bag, ready to embrace the capital in all its glory.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Emma, why the train? You could have flown!" And you know what? You're absolutely right, but for me, train travel is all about the charm and anticipation. It's a chance to soak up the scenery, get lost in a good book (or in this case, a pink tutu pattern catalogue, I might add), and enjoy a little slice of English countryside life. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a cuppa from the trolley? I confess, a cheeky slice of Victoria sponge didn't go amiss either!

A Pink Tutu Adventure in London

As the train pulled into King's Cross Station, I couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement. The familiar whiff of fresh-baked pastries and the iconic brickwork were enough to send me spinning in my metaphorical tutu. It’s no wonder it’s featured in so many books and films. But I couldn’t dawdle – today’s London agenda is jam-packed!

Shopping Spree: Finding Pink Perfection in the City

First on the list, a visit to Liberty London, a shopping haven nestled amongst the quaint, historical buildings of Soho. This beautiful department store is a haven for vintage and designer pieces, perfect for a pink-loving girl like me! I felt like a character straight out of a Jane Austen novel (but with a lot more sequins, of course). My first purchase: a delicate, pastel pink cashmere scarf – ideal for keeping warm whilst still rocking my pink fashion game, naturally!

Ballet Bliss: Covent Garden Opulence

No visit to London is complete without a visit to the Royal Opera House. This magnificent, historic theatre in Covent Garden truly took my breath away. As I approached the iconic building, I almost expected a flock of pigeons to burst into a synchronised ballet routine, wouldn’t that be a spectacle!

Although, the performances at the Royal Opera House are beyond amazing, they're sometimes a little out of my budget, even with my carefully planned tutu performances. Luckily, there’s a whole world of ballet to be discovered in London. So I headed towards a cosy theatre in the heart of London. Tonight’s performance is a delightful piece of classical ballet that is a perfect antidote to a day of shopping and sightseeing.

Later, as I strolled down a cobblestone street, a twinkle in my eye, I stumbled upon a lovely ballet class. Now, this was unexpected! It's so delightful finding those little gems you weren't expecting! I had to join, right? It’s such a wonderful way to unwind and enjoy a good stretch. Who knows, maybe a few more spins around the studio will give me new ideas for my blog and dance routine.

A Bite of London’s Culinary Charm

With the ballet done, I'm now famished and in the mood for a quintessentially English dining experience. Thankfully, the delightful scent of roasted lamb and potatoes guided me towards a cosy little pub on a cobbled street. The welcoming fire and hearty meals – not to mention the excellent selection of London ales! – made me feel right at home. I’m so glad I came to London this weekend, a Friday visit was the perfect plan.

Pink Tutu London Adventures: The Importance of Being a Pink Tutu Ambassador

Speaking of the Pink Tutu Blog, I feel a responsibility, not just to spread the love for all things pink and twirly, but also to inspire a sense of joy and confidence in every single one of you. Remember, you don’t need a special occasion to put on your pink tutu and twirl! Whether it’s a Friday evening at the park, a Sunday stroll by the river, or even just a trip to the local shop, the world is your pink tutu stage!

The fact is, that I fund these London escapades by performing at a local community ballet company, they always get a good turnout and help support the local theater arts. I am fortunate enough to enjoy a special interest of mine and find a way to travel, share, and spread some joy in the process! It truly is the best! I think I might have even inspired a few fellow dancers, in fact. A certain Mr. Smith over in the local theater guild seems very intrigued by the idea, perhaps we’ll get him to perform in a pink tutu next!

Back in the pink

I hope you’re inspired to try something new, try on a pink tutu! Who knows, it might become a new adventure.

Thanks for joining me on my London adventures today! I’m so grateful for your support as I continue to spin my way through life with my pink tutu in tow. Make sure to catch next week’s blog post on – where I’ll be spilling all the tea (and maybe even some pink frosting!) about my upcoming weekend in the capital!

Until next Friday, keep spinning!

With Love and Tutu Kisses, Emma

Extra - Pink Tutu Inspiration and Musings:

Just because this blog post is over, it doesn’t mean the fun has to stop! I have a little more pink tutu inspiration to share with you before you head off to do whatever fabulous thing it is you're going to do today.

  1. Don't be afraid to embrace the pink.: I know it can be a bit daunting at first, but pink isn't just a color. It’s a state of mind. It’s about letting yourself go, feeling confident and happy, and expressing yourself without a single fear in sight.

  2. Be creative with your pink!: We all love classic pink tutus. But if you are a budding ballerina, like me, think about mixing it up with new colours, or perhaps some feather embellishment, get crafty and make your own! I know this sounds like an excellent idea for the London fashion bloggers, maybe I can bring my own sewing machine next time I travel to London.

  3. Don’t be afraid to move your body: Let's be honest, life's too short to not be twirling and dancing in pink! Even if it's just in your living room, in the privacy of your own home. Think of your pink tutu as a reminder to put on your happy dancing shoes and embrace the moment.

I hope that has inspired you a little bit! Now off you go and embrace the world, you look fantastic!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-01-08 Exploring London