
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-04-09 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #710 – Friday, 9th April, 2010 – A Whirlwind London Day!

Hello, my lovely Tutu Twirlers! Welcome back to another exciting Friday and another Pink Tutu adventure, this time from the bustling metropolis of London!

This week, I packed my sparkly pink suitcase (don't you just love the way it catches the light in the station?), traded my Derbyshire countryside for the thrumming heart of the city, and arrived in London on a sleek, efficient train - always a treat. You see, I truly believe there's nothing quite like a train journey, watching the scenery whizz by and feeling that sense of adventure building in my heart. It's almost as exciting as slipping into my favourite pink tutu, if I'm being honest!

And speaking of excitement, this week has been an absolute whirlwind of dance, fashion, and theatre, and I can't wait to share it all with you. I feel like I've been twirling through a London ballet dream!

A Pink-tastic London Day

First things first: what a wonderful, crisp spring day! It truly felt like a fairytale - the city was awash in sunlight and a vibrant buzz filled the air, with the sounds of street performers, buskers, and excited tourists swirling together like a symphony. As I walked from Paddington station towards Hyde Park, a wave of happiness washed over me. Everything felt so fresh and hopeful - I felt like I could achieve anything!

A Dose of Culture at The Royal Albert Hall

I had tickets for a special performance at the legendary Royal Albert Hall. It felt so exciting walking through the grand, elegant halls and breathing in the history. And I simply couldn't resist slipping on my most fabulous pink tutu (it was a stunning layered number with pink feathers) before heading to my seat. The excitement was building as I watched the orchestra tuning, the stage lights getting adjusted, the hush falling over the audience. The thrill of live performance always sends a little tingle up my spine!

And then, the music began. The concert was magnificent! A celebration of contemporary ballet music, with a mix of famous classical pieces alongside brand new compositions that made my heart soar. There were pieces that were poignant and heart-wrenching, others were full of energy and life. It was the perfect blend of artistic expression and powerful, moving music.

As I walked out, I couldn't stop humming the melodies. The music still lingered in the air, as did the atmosphere of pure delight.

Pink Tutu Power Shopping

Now, after a delicious lunch of sandwiches and a pot of fragrant tea (it's a London ritual!), I had to indulge in a spot of retail therapy. After all, a ballerina's gotta look the part! And London is, of course, the perfect city to do just that! I started in Oxford Street, which always feels a little overwhelming but somehow exciting too. I spent hours navigating through shops, searching for a few gems, laughing with the friendly shop assistants (who, by the way, all seemed to love my pink tutu!), and just soaking up the atmosphere. I felt like a pink princess exploring her kingdom!

Later on, I found myself strolling through the stylish streets of Knightsbridge, my eye drawn to a stunning pink handbag that I absolutely had to try on. Now, I wouldn't normally wear a pink bag (it's just a little bit too much pink, even for me!), but this one, with its intricate design and perfect shade of rose-gold pink, was begging me to take it home! And let's be honest, what better way to showcase my love of the colour than to carry a pink masterpiece? Of course, the moment I held it in my hand, I knew I had to have it. And, what can I say, the credit card decided it was time for a mini-vacation too!

Evening of Magical Theatre

No London trip is complete without an evening at the theatre! I treated myself to tickets for one of the most famous musicals of all time - Phantom of the Opera! The whole evening was a theatrical delight!

I dressed up for the occasion, donning a pretty black cocktail dress and, you guessed it, a sprinkle of pink – a fabulous pair of sparkling pink ballet flats (every outfit needs a touch of the Tutu).

The theatre was an awe-inspiring Victorian jewel box, its ornate detail a captivating testament to a bygone era. The performance itself was nothing short of breathtaking. From the soaring vocal harmonies to the spellbinding set designs and costumes, everything was perfectly orchestrated. I truly felt transported to a world of operatic splendour!

A Pink Tutu Dream

Walking back to my hotel through the glittering streets of London, I was feeling utterly content. My pink-tutu clad feet were tired but happy. The city, bathed in the warm glow of streetlights, seemed almost magical under a velvety night sky. It felt like a fairy tale. It was a night to remember and I felt so blessed to be living this life – dancing, performing, and exploring all that London has to offer, my pink tutu swirling alongside me every step of the way.

Final Thoughts & Tutu Inspiration

London is a truly inspiring city – full of energy, colour, and vibrant personalities. It’s a city that embraces all kinds of style and expression, and encourages us all to dance to our own tune. And for me, my tune is most certainly a pink tutu waltz!

My biggest dream is to spread my love of the colour pink and to inspire others to twirl their worries away. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll all be walking down the street, a pink-tutu filled parade of colour, confidence, and pure, joyous movement!

That's it for this week, Tutu Twirlers! Stay tuned for next week's Pink Tutu adventures, which will see me exploring the city's art scene and a little bit of backstage magic – with maybe even a pink-tastic twist.

Don't forget to check out the www.pink-tutu.com website for more photos, fashion tips and a behind-the-scenes look at my exciting journey.

And always remember, even in the big city, a touch of pink goes a long way!

Until next Friday, keep twirling!

Emma xx

P.S. Do you have a favourite London memory, or perhaps a pink-tutu style story to share? Leave a comment below – I'd love to hear from you!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-04-09 Exploring London