
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-05-28 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #717 โ€“ Friday 2010-05-28 โ€“ Exploring the Capital in a Whirlwind of Pink!

Hello my darlings! Emma here, back from another whirlwind adventure โ€“ this time in the amazing, bustling, ever-so-fabulous city of London! This week's blog is extra special as it's my first post dedicated to my London exploits โ€“ drumroll! Let's get into the pink-tastic details...

I arrived in London yesterday on a comfy train journey from my quaint little home in Derbyshire. I can't help but love train journeys, especially when I get to travel in style in a crisp, pink dress (a little nod to my signature colour, of course!). It feels like such a glamorous, fairytale start to any trip, you know?

Speaking of fairytale, arriving in London is always like stepping into a magical story. It's vibrant, it's bursting with life, and it always seems to be swirling with excitement โ€“ a feeling that definitely matches my own, Tutu-tastic spirit.

First things first โ€“ my favourite way to start a London day: a quick stroll through Kensington Gardens. I adore the combination of beautiful gardens, majestic architecture (like Kensington Palace, so royal!) and a touch of elegance that truly fits the London charm. It's like stepping into a romantic Victorian novel with all its beauty and grandeur!

After my stroll, a spot of lunch at a charming little cafe nestled within Kensington Gardens, overlooking the water. They had the most divine quiche with a side salad, absolutely divine! And of course, my trusty pink tutu was the perfect accessory for this quaint little picnic, wouldn't you agree?

Then, it was onto the heart of the theatre scene โ€“ Covent Garden. As a dancer at heart, Covent Garden has to be a must-visit for any trip to London. I swear, just the air smells of drama and artistic brilliance! Walking through the cobblestone streets, seeing the incredible Royal Opera House, the stunning theatre facades... It just fills me with excitement and the urge to get on stage myself!

However, I had to remember that this London escapade wasn't just about enjoying my love for ballet, although, seeing "Swan Lake" at the Royal Opera House tonight IS on the agenda. The main attraction today was a fashion tour de force โ€“ a shopping trip in the grand, majestic department store, Harrods!

Oh my, Harrods! Words simply don't do it justice. This is the ultimate wonderland of designer goodies, the kind that could make any ballerina's heart flutter (and their bank account weep). The grand arches, the polished marble floors, and of course, the incredible selection of luxurious items โ€“ my eyes just couldn't believe the opulence!

Of course, my heart belonged to the designer shoe section. I have to admit, I may have indulged in a new pair of dancing pumps in a gloriously soft pink, just the right touch of glam for a special performance I have coming up next month. A bit of self-indulgence is needed when surrounded by such magnificence, right?

The rest of my afternoon was spent wandering the boutiques, taking in the window displays and admiring the fashion of the capital โ€“ a mix of edgy and classic that always keeps London a true fashion capital. Did I spot some pink tutus amidst the crowd? Perhaps... You never know what surprises London has up its sleeve!

And now, to end this eventful day, a perfect finishing touch โ€“ a traditional London Afternoon Tea at The Dorchester, of course! How could one possibly explore the London fashion scene without enjoying a quintessential English experience, adorned in my best pink tea-dress?

Creamy finger sandwiches, tiny scones slathered in clotted cream and a mountain of delectable petit fours, served on beautiful china with dainty teacups โ€“ a symphony of flavour and elegance that epitomizes London in a perfect miniature!

As the evening approached, my Pink Tutu outfit for the Royal Opera House is set - a sparkling pink tulle skirt, a shimmering pink top, and a dash of blush on my cheeks โ€“ a pink ballerina in her element, ready for the magic of the evening. I am almost giddy with excitement, can you tell?

My dear friends, this is London! The vibrant heart of this incredible country. My aim is to share the magic of this amazing city with you all, so stay tuned for the highlights of my "Swan Lake" experience tomorrow!

Until then, may you all have a week filled with sunshine, glitter and โ€“ dare I say it? โ€“ a touch of pink!

P.S. Have I convinced you to join my movement? It's time for all of us to embrace the power of the pink tutu โ€“ let's bring a bit of sparkle, joy and a dash of femininity to the world, one Tutu at a time!




#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-05-28 Exploring London