Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-10-22 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - Post 738: A Whirlwind Friday in the Capital! 🩰🌸

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad blogger, bringing you a delightful dose of London loveliness straight from the heart of the city.

This Friday has been a glorious whirlwind of ballet, shopping, and all things fabulous. You know how much I love hopping on a train for a day trip, and this time, London called!

Remember how I told you about my fundraising ballet performance last week in Derbyshire? Well, thanks to the generosity of the lovely audience, I've got enough funds for a day trip to the big smoke! That’s the power of pink tutus for you! You can dance your way to adventure. 💃

London, We’re Here!

I’ve always loved the feeling of arriving at King’s Cross Station. The sheer size and energy of the place always gets me giddy with excitement. The train journey itself was an experience! A delightful group of gentlemen in fancy dress, clearly heading for a party, filled the carriage with boisterous merriment, which I found utterly charming. (I might have snuck in a few selfies with them – Pink Tutu Blog readers get to see all the backstage secrets, you know!)

A Tutu-ful Itinerary

My Friday in London was perfectly planned (I’m all about efficient travelling and squeezing in as much as I can!) :

  • Morning - Royal Opera House

    First on the agenda: the magnificent Royal Opera House for a matinée performance of Swan Lake. The beauty of this iconic building always makes me gasp. I was practically giddy with anticipation as we walked through those magnificent doors. The atmosphere, the energy, the exquisite costumes – it’s simply a magical experience, even more so when watching a ballet like Swan Lake, full of drama and breathtaking dance.

    And how could I not snap a quick selfie in my pink tutu outside the entrance? It’s just the London-chic touch, you know!

  • Afternoon – Covent Garden Market

    After a spot of delicious afternoon tea with some of the loveliest ballet students I know, we headed over to Covent Garden. Shopping, fashion, and delightful finds, oh my! I simply had to take advantage of the gorgeous window displays and snap a few pictures for the Pink Tutu blog.

    I particularly loved the intricate jewelry, with its delicate flowers and tiny gems. One exquisite shop even had a display case full of beautiful pastel pink tutus! My inner ballerina squealed with delight. But as a responsible shopper, I settled for a whimsical pink floral headband instead, and an irresistible vintage floral teacup – because even pink tutu ballerinas need a good cuppa, don’t they?

    • Evening - West End Extravaganza

      The excitement just wouldn’t quit! The energy of London really draws you in, don’t you think? After an excellent dinner in Soho – with the most charming waiter, I might add (Pink Tutu Blog secret, but he really appreciated the tutu, you know! I told him, London boys are much more fashionable than they give themselves credit for!) - it was on to the theatre.

      Oh, darlings! We were seeing ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ at the Palladium, and the whole theatre was abuzz with joyous anticipation. There’s nothing quite like a classic musical! We were tap-dancing along in our seats by the end, and I think even my pink tutu was shaking with excitement.

    A Perfect Pink Tutu Friday

    Honestly, it's the kind of Friday you dream about, isn't it? A whirlwind of music, fashion, and laughter, all tied together with the perfect touch of pink tutus.

I’m already counting down the days to my next London adventure, which I’m sure will be equally filled with fashion, ballet, and those adorable, tutu-loving gentlemen from King’s Cross. (Secret, they really thought I looked great in my tutu! It was a magical Friday, if I do say so myself.

Remember, Darlings, Don’t Just Dream It, Tutu It!

See you next Friday with another amazing blog post about a day in London, but until then, keep your spirits bright, your steps light, and don’t be afraid to let your pink tutu shine!

Lots of Love,


P.S. You can catch me on Instagram @pinktutublogger for more pictures, tips and my newest fashion finds!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-10-22 Exploring London