Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2011-03-04 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Adventures (Post #757)

Friday, 2011-03-04

Hello, darlings! It’s Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to London, and oh my, do I have so much to tell you! I practically burst with excitement. You see, this little pink tutu-wearing ballerina embarked on a train journey to the big city, armed with a bag overflowing with shopping desires and a heart brimming with anticipation for a day of theatre, ballet, and the ultimate London indulgence: afternoon tea.

Oh, the magic of a train journey! As I boarded, settling into my comfy seat, I watched the Derbyshire countryside slip past, replaced by bustling towns and sprawling cities. The anticipation was like a bubble inside me, just begging to be released. It felt as though I were dancing in a symphony of clicks, whooshes, and the constant hum of the train engine. It's the ultimate preparation for a day in a vibrant city!

Reaching London was a spectacle, the city sprawling before me like a glittering, dynamic stage. My little heart thumped with the excitement only a tutu-clad girl can feel! First stop? The enchanting National Ballet. The building was a breath of architectural history, a stately palace of art, and as I walked through its grand doors, the sound of laughter and hushed whispers, mixed with the scent of history and anticipation, just amplified the anticipation.

And what a treat was in store for me! The performance was a spectacular dance through time, a whimsical ballet production that swept me off my feet! It was such a breathtaking masterpiece, full of elegant dancers in shimmering costumes, the sheer grace of movement, the enchanting storytelling. A bit like myself, but, of course, on a grander stage, with more elaborate, yet equally sparkling outfits. Oh, the beauty of ballet! It was just the inspiration I needed, to spark the creative spark that ignites a fashion sense. It made me want to twirl with all my might.

A Fashionista’s Delight:

The London shops beckoned me, a colourful symphony of sights, sounds, and fashion! The vintage stores, full of retro treasures – think the most exquisite lace-trimmed dresses, brooches that scream vintage elegance, and even a few items perfect for that '50s ballet dancer look. I had a field day finding those unique little gems!

My next stop was Oxford Street, the grand dame of fashion in London. From Topshop to Liberty, to every brand you can imagine – and more! - I spent the afternoon trying on outfits, imagining myself on stage. And yes, dear reader, a few items that had the 'Pink Tutu' stamp of approval found their way into my shopping bags. You can’t take a ballerina out of London without a dash of new, exciting attire, now, can you?

A Tea Break with Royalty

My final act before leaving the grand metropolis was an unforgettable tea experience at The Ritz. Talk about luxurious! This is where history whispers through the elegance of teacups and finger sandwiches. As I delicately nibbled on exquisite cakes, with perfectly brewed tea warming my hands, I couldn’t help but feel like a true royal, indulging in an experience only a Pink Tutu girl could appreciate! It was a symphony of elegant settings, traditional tea rituals, and a delectable spread of goodies that simply couldn’t be missed. It’s just like a graceful ballet performance, except it’s about tea, sandwiches, and sweet delights instead of elegant leaps and pirouettes.

The End of a Whirlwind Day:

And then, just like a ballerina at the end of a performance, I took a bow. Bidding adieu to London, the echoes of the city’s energy pulsating in my heart, I stepped back onto the train, ready for a journey home to Derbyshire, but with my mind dancing with the echoes of a day well-spent, a city well-explored, and the inspiration for another week of ballet and pink tutus.

If you’ve never been to London, darlings, add it to your list, put on your best pink tutu, and head on over! You won’t regret it. This magical city always promises an unforgettable adventure, and after all, every adventure is worth a pirouette, right?

Don’t forget, you can follow my blog adventures and see all my amazing outfits and ballet inspiration on my website:! See you all next Friday!

P.S. Did you know, that this Friday (March 4th, 2011), is World Book Day? Maybe you could visit a bookshop and browse for a classic tale?

Stay radiant, darlings! Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2011-03-04 Exploring London