Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2011-07-22 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! Post #777 (2011-07-22)

Hello my lovely tutu-ettes! This week, the Pink Tutu landed in the heart of London! I've had a rather spectacular time, even if I've had to run my tutus a bit ragged (don't worry, I’ll get them laundered!). My journey took me from my home in Derbyshire to the big smoke on the train. As you know, the railway carriage is my happy place – the rhythm of the tracks, the whirring of the engine, all mixed with a bit of rhythmic toe tapping and pirouettes... I find it so inspiring!

My weekend in London kicked off with a delicious treat, which you know I just have to share! Now, you all know I am crazy about a pink outfit (and that doesn’t even include the tutus!), and so I simply HAD to find London’s best pink food!

I landed right outside Borough Market and almost fainted with delight. This place is an absolute dream! From vibrant fruits and vegetables to the most delectable looking cheese I've ever seen, and oh my goodness! I spotted the pinkest donut I've ever seen! It was a fluffy, pink delight, generously sprinkled with bright pink sugar, and it was absolutely divine. (It also happened to have a lovely strawberry glaze, and let's face it - strawberries are basically just pink-dressed berries anyway! )

The Market was absolutely bursting with so much life – such wonderful colours and scents and sights, all with a lovely buzz that put me right in the mood for a day of exploration!

And, it goes without saying that my pink tutu was an absolute hit at the market! I even caught a few people trying to imitate my sassy little strut! My motto, of course, is “One pink tutu at a time.” It might not be instant, but I'm determined to bring the colour to everyone's wardrobes, one tulle dream at a time!

From Borough Market, I sashayed across the Thames and headed to the Tate Modern. Now, I don't always like modern art, but this gallery really knows how to throw a good party! I spent hours in the amazing Turbine Hall (with the giant spinning, kaleidoscopic installation, absolutely stunning!), before **falling in love with some incredibly interesting, modern paintings.

Next, I popped over to South Bank to enjoy some sunshine and catch some street performances. It's just such a wonderful, lively, and inspiring part of London. There was so much going on – talented musicians, even some circus performers who made me giggle with their acrobatic feats! (It's all such a lovely change from a quiet life in Derbyshire, that's for sure!).

To complete my day, I treated myself to a **magical treat: the most stunning pink tea, overlooking the iconic Tower Bridge! Just me, my pink tutu, some tiny sandwiches, delicious tea, and the city's skyline...what a perfect ending to the day!

A night of dancing!

Friday evening, and there was just one thing on my agenda – the ballet, of course! I was utterly smitten with the Royal Ballet - their performance of The Sleeping Beauty was an absolute dream. Their grace, precision, and flawless costuming really transported me. The magical story just seemed to swirl before me – it really is such a joy to experience. (And the music...pure magic! I could listen to it all day long!)

Saturday saw me indulging in a bit more London glamour - a trip to the theatre district for the coolest theatrical spectacle, where the lights of Piccadilly Circus and the roar of the crowds sent me into a real theatre-loving frenzy! I even spotted a pink wig! I almost gave a little squeal, but it was far too crowded!

The theatre was brimming with such joy and excitement – I think I soaked it all up like a sponge! It really felt like the centre of London's entertainment scene! After all, I don’t know what would be more entertaining - a grand performance of a ballet show with stunning tutus and graceful moves or a chaotic but brilliant theatrical spectacle... they both offer something amazing in different ways!

Shopping till I dropped!

I had to save some energy for a spot of London shopping. And where better than the legendary Oxford Street? The air buzzed with activity - tourists, locals, shoppers – everyone just soaking in the atmosphere!

You can’t visit London without a trip to the big brands, and the beautiful department stores, and the pink tutu made quite a splash as I glided between those extravagant window displays and wandered amongst the designer boutiques! My tutu attracted some attention! Maybe one day I can open a Tutu shop... Tutus for all occasions, and all styles! That would be my dream! I could even put the store front in pink and have little pink-tutu clad mannequins! And there would be a pink tutu fitting room, of course!

After Oxford Street, I found myself drawn to the quieter charm of Portobello Road Market. This market, with its antique trinkets and vibrant food stalls, offered a unique experience! You can easily spend the whole day here - so many stalls to explore! The vintage fashion stalls really spoke to me! There were some truly delightful, retro pieces with incredible colours! Just a few more additions for the ever-growing pink tutu collection!

I ended my London visit with another magical treat: a whimsical afternoon tea. Just picture this - delicate scones, dainty finger sandwiches, and an array of teacups in pastel hues - it really was the epitome of elegance and indulgence! (Of course, I topped it all off with a pink cupcake.)

Time to say farewell

All good things must come to an end, even London weekends. The train journey back to Derbyshire was tinged with a tinge of sadness, but it's so great to come home. After all, Derbyshire’s my happy place!

One last little treat as I left London was that the Train station was so busy that they all ran out of their sandwiches...and had to switch to the pink strawberry ones! Now if that isn't a sign that my little pink-tutu-wearing dream is taking flight, I don't know what is!

Well my dearest Tutu-ettes! This concludes my London blog. Catch you all next week, with the new blog post up every Friday at ! Until next time, keep those tutus twirling!

Until next week - The Pink Tutu

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2011-07-22 Exploring London