Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2011-07-29 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Adventures - #778

Friday, 29th July 2011

Hello darlings! Welcome back to the Pink Tutu Blog! This week's post comes to you from the heart of London, where I've been having a positively smashing time!

I’m so thrilled to finally be in the capital. It’s been a dream of mine to spend more time exploring this magical city. You know me, I'm a true romantic at heart. Just the thought of walking past the grand architecture, sipping tea in a quintessentially English tea room, and catching a show in the West End sets my heart aflutter.

My trip began with a journey from Derbyshire to London, the train gliding through the English countryside, painting a picturesque canvas as I peered out the window. I can’t think of a more romantic way to travel, and of course, I embraced the occasion with a fabulous pink tutu!

Arriving in the heart of the bustling metropolis, my senses were immediately bombarded by a cacophony of sights, sounds, and smells. It was thrilling! I was particularly taken with the energy, the buzz, the relentless drive to keep moving forward that London seems to exude. I felt like I could do anything.

A Tutu-ful Day in London

My Friday began with a walk through Hyde Park. As I strolled, surrounded by a lush carpet of green, the sun shone upon my pink tutu, adding a sprinkle of whimsy to the afternoon. There were families having picnics, dog walkers and cyclists alike, everyone enjoying the sunshine.

Next, it was time for a spot of shopping in the West End! And, oh, my darlings! You simply haven’t seen shopping until you’ve experienced it in London! From Oxford Street to Covent Garden, the streets were bursting with designer labels and independent boutiques. The variety and extravagance were quite overwhelming, but in the best way possible! My purchases? Well, let’s just say my suitcase is positively bursting with gorgeous pink items… you'll be seeing a haul post about them all soon!

As evening drew in, the excitement really began to build. I’d managed to score tickets for "The Phantom of the Opera"! Talk about a dream come true! Now, I know that I'm not a complete novice when it comes to theater – I love a good musical, and as you know, I live for ballet – but the sheer scale of the performance left me utterly speechless. I truly can't even describe the beautiful costumes, the haunting melodies, and the dramatic acting.

London By Night

The magic of London wasn't over after the show, oh no! I decided to soak up the nighttime ambience. As I wandered along the brightly lit streets, the aroma of delicious Indian food lured me towards the infamous Brick Lane. A kaleidoscope of street food vendors, shops and cafes greeted me with a lively soundtrack of chatter and laughter. My heart was positively full of joy.

After dinner, I decided to experience a more relaxed side of the evening and catch a show on the Southbank, just next to the Thames. What an amazing atmosphere! There were artists of every persuasion showcasing their skills, musicians filling the air with tunes and singers giving it their all. A perfect end to a truly wonderful day in London.

I really had to remind myself that I wasn’t a princess just magically beamed to London by fairy dust, but that I'd worked incredibly hard for this! My career in ballet pays the bills and makes these amazing trips possible. I feel a bit like a warrior princess. You’ve just gotta find your inner strength and the rest will follow!

My Top Tips for a Fabulous London Trip

Well, darlings, if you are ever planning a trip to London here are a few tips from a girl who's just had a truly incredible time:

  • Wear your Pink Tutu: It's a must for any self-respecting fashionista and truly makes you stand out in the crowd.
  • The tube is amazing! London's underground is incredibly easy to navigate.
  • Visit the National Gallery: A must for any art lover!
  • Make time for the theater: The West End is truly world-class, and even seeing a show on the Southbank can be a unique experience.
  • Enjoy a traditional English breakfast: You'll find it all over the place. Don't forget the black pudding!
  • Experience a real afternoon tea: The Royal Albert Hall has an exceptional tea service - perfect for a proper ‘lady’ like me!

Well, darlings, that's all from me for now. This little snippet of London life has filled my heart with inspiration, joy and the overwhelming urge to come back! Until next Friday, stay fab and remember...

Let’s get the whole world wearing a pink tutu!

Lots of love,


P.S. Be sure to check back in next week for another London-themed blog! I can’t wait to share the adventures in my upcoming posts!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2011-07-29 Exploring London