Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2012-09-14 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2012-09-14 - A Pink Tutu Adventure in the Big Smoke!

Hello, darling dears! Emma here, your favourite tutu-touting, pink-loving, ballet-obsessed blogger, back from a whirlwind weekend in the big smoke! This is post number 837, and I can't wait to tell you all about my adventures in London!

Remember that dazzling, silver-grey tutu I'd bought for the "Nutcracker" production in Nottingham? It seemed like the perfect excuse to hop on the train to London! The trains in the UK are truly my happy place – there’s something so luxurious about settling into a comfortable carriage, feeling the wind against the window and watching the world zip by. Plus, a good book and a few well-placed pink ballet shoes make it even more glamorous!

I decided to explore London on a Friday, since that's the day I usually post to, you see! It's like my little London tradition now - a pink-tutued rampage through the capital!

The City's A Ballet Stage

The morning dawned gloriously sunny, perfect for a pink tutu promenade. I grabbed my signature tutu - the one with the layers of delicate pink tulle and the little fluffy bows - and slipped it on with a pink peplum top, my sparkly pink handbag, and, of course, my favourite pair of pink ballet shoes. You'd never believe the smiles I got from passing commuters on the underground!

First stop: Covent Garden! This is like the heart of the London theatre scene, filled with buzzing energy and theatrical history. There were musicians busking with lively tunes, street performers dressed in elaborate costumes, and even some fancy dress shops showcasing some truly outrageous outfits - and just imagine how fabulous they'd look with a dash of pink!

As a proper ballerina, my day wouldn't be complete without seeing a show. This week, I caught a mesmerising performance of “The Sleeping Beauty” at the Royal Opera House. You'd think I'd be jaded after years of ballet class and countless performances, but it's a different story watching a classic production with the grandeur and the artistry of the Royal Ballet.

The Shops, Oh, The Shops!

No London trip is complete without some serious shopping! I’d researched online to find some pink-themed boutiques, and my heart fluttered with glee as I found the cutest little shop tucked away on Carnaby Street, called "Pink Paradise." Every colour imaginable was in that shop - not just pink - but oh my, did it have the most spectacular collection of pink garments and accessories. There were velvet jackets, tulle dresses, lace tops, and a magnificent collection of bright pink satin heels, fit for a princess! You know I had to snag a couple of goodies for my wardrobe.

Later, I had to stop by Liberty London - the quintessential British department store - to indulge my love for everything sparkly, lacey, and luxurious. You’d think after all the ballet performances and fundraising that I’ve done, I’d be a little tired of sequins. But darling, no! I just can’t help myself - anything with a bit of glitter makes me smile!

Pink, Tea and Cakes

In true English fashion, my day wouldn't be complete without a good ol' afternoon tea. I found a sweet, pink-themed tea shop tucked away in the charming Notting Hill. The interior was pure delight with lace tablecloths, flower-filled vases, and delicious, homemade pink-raspberry scones and cakes.

I spent the rest of the evening strolling through Hyde Park. The crisp air and the sunset paints the trees with shades of pink, which I thought was just too poetic for words. London is truly a city of dreams, where every day seems like a fairy tale.

Pink-tutu'ed Musings

London’s magic was amplified by the sheer delight of the pink tutu! Not only was it my signature look, it gave me the confidence to approach every interaction with a smile and a twirl!

People smiled at me. People commented on the vibrant splash of colour. People seemed to appreciate the whimsical, joyful reminder of ballet, something so elegant and graceful, against the backdrop of London's urban jungle.

I truly believe the pink tutu has the power to transform your outlook. You see, I wasn't just showcasing my love for dance and the colour pink, I was expressing myself. And who knows? Perhaps my colourful presence brought a little joy to someone's day, reminding them that life should be a celebration of all things pretty, inspiring and magical!

Well, my lovelies, until next week, when I'll share my next adventures, keep those smiles wide, and remember – never underestimate the power of a good, pink tutu!

And remember:


xx, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2012-09-14 Exploring London