
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2013-02-01 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - Post #857 - Friday 2013-02-01: Exploring London's Heart

Hey everyone! Welcome back to the Pink Tutu Blog, where every week we explore the world with a twirl and a giggle! Today's adventure takes us to the bustling heart of London, and believe me, it's been an absolute dream!

So, this week I decided to take a little trip down south for some much-needed culture and, of course, a good dose of fashion. As a true devotee of the railways, I swapped my ballet shoes for my favourite pair of sensible, yet oh-so-stylish, flats and hopped on the train from Derbyshire. It's something I truly love, that clickety-clack of the tracks, the friendly chatter of fellow passengers, and the anticipation of arriving in a new place.

I have to admit, the journey was rather exhilarating. You see, today was all about discovering London's soul, not just its famous sights. So I planned to immerse myself in the buzz of its streets, lose myself in a few shops, and even enjoy a heartwarming cup of tea at a quaint little cafe. What could be more London than that?

Now, it's no secret that my favourite colour is pink, and when Iā€™m not twirling on stage or teaching my ballet class, Iā€™m usually found planning my next big trip. And wouldn't you know it, my favourite shade has its own street in London: Pink's Street in Belgravia, a quaint little lane named after the infamous pink wallpaper that was once a highlight of the neighbourhood. How amazing is that?

Of course, a pink tutu has a rightful place in my London adventures. But to truly immerse myself in the city, I traded it in for a lovely blush pink floral dress. You know I couldnā€™t resist adding a touch of pink! And let's be honest, my love for tutus will always shine through, regardless of what I'm wearing. After all, it's about that effortless grace, the lightness, and the spirit of embracing the unconventional. And hey, there's no better place to spread that kind of love than London, a city where creativity and self-expression are embraced at every corner.

Speaking of which, today's itinerary was packed with experiences designed to leave me both inspired and breathless.

Morning Mayhem: A Theatre Loverā€™s Delight

The morning started off with a burst of theatre magic at the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. Can you even imagine, a play by the Bard himself in a building recreated from the one he actually knew?! I mean, I know, itā€™s not quite my usual realm of ballet, but theatre's got such incredible energy. Imagine the stories swirling through this space, the drama, the history. There's a touch of magic that ballet shares with theatre. The energy that runs between the performers and the audience. Just pure delight! And, speaking of delight, let's get this right ā€“ theatre calls for a delicious brunch, and this week's was a dream come true. My eyes, heart, and stomach were filled with the gorgeous spread at The Ivy in Covent Garden. They had an incredibly beautiful, vibrant flower-filled patio - perfect for people watching, which is a favourite activity for all the tutu wearers I know.

Afternoon Adventure: Shopping for the Soul

I donā€™t know what it is about London but the shops really make me feel like Iā€™m at the centre of everything fashionable! After the glorious brunch, we embarked on a shopping escapade in the legendary Liberty London. A haven of art, craft, fashion, and beautiful things, itā€™s basically a palace of treasures. Now, I canā€™t say Iā€™m leaving without a pink purchase! I mean, just the sheer number of possible combinations for outfits with my tutus? It's truly inspiring! I feel like I'm crafting a whole wardrobe around the possibility of one single, pink tutu moment.

You know what? I even found some lovely, colourful ribbons ā€“ perfect for the tutu collection back in Derbyshire!

Evening Escapade: A Breathtaking Ballet Show

Of course, no trip to London would be complete without a performance at the Royal Opera House! Itā€™s a world-class ballet centre, where history, grandeur, and graceful performances blend together in the most enchanting way. And guess what I saw? The enchanting ā€œSwan Lakeā€! If you ever get the chance, Iā€™d highly recommend it, the story of the swan queen, the beautiful choreography - absolutely magical! It was one of the most visually stunning performances Iā€™ve ever seen! The graceful, elegant movements of the dancersā€¦pure magic! Even watching from the sidelines, I could practically feel the power of their art!

And of course, being surrounded by fellow ballet lovers made for the most wonderful experience.

You know, there is something special about seeing the beauty of ballet unfold on stage in London. Maybe itā€™s the historical significance of this art form here, maybe itā€™s the grandeur of the Royal Opera House, or maybe it's the excitement of knowing the greatest dancers in the world are there, performing their magic, but London is just the place to fall deeper in love with this dance, a love affair I already consider myself to be lucky enough to have.

Evening Adventures: Finishing the Day with a Flourish

Londonā€™s not a place you leave when the sun sets. This evening, we found ourselves strolling along Regent Street, the energy of the city is buzzing all around, the lights twinkling and reflecting in the windows, and oh, what I found! Thereā€™s an incredible new cafe, right on Regent Street. Imagine it - gorgeous, golden lights illuminating everything in a gorgeous warmth, and this magnificent chocolate mousse that could make any ballerina melt! What can I say, thereā€™s magic in London even in the evenings.

And then, as night fell, I found myself captivated by a magical street performance! Imagine it: Trafalgar Square, illuminated, beautiful in its historic grandeur, and this troupe of talented dancers performing right on the street, bringing the beauty of ballet out to the everyday people, weaving their magic right there under the open skies! That's London in a nutshell for you: a melting pot of art, life, and a sense of pure wonder!

A Pink Tutu Dream

The truth is, a trip to London with a pink tutu isn't just about me, itā€™s about spreading a little joy, a little magic wherever I go. Maybe itā€™s about reminding everyone of the playful, passionate heart of the tutu ā€“ a symbol of beauty, a reminder that life can be as free and full of grace as a beautiful dance.

You know, my ultimate dream? Itā€™s simple: to see the world dancing, to see every girl, every boy, every person embracing the magic of a pink tutu. A world where the lines between elegance and fun blur, where the power of movement transforms lives and the world around us! I mean, why not, right? After all, what's life without a touch of magic, a touch of colour, and a good, old-fashioned, whimsical dance?

As always, my dears, thanks for joining me on this wonderful journey. Keep those pink tutus ready, and stay tuned for next week's adventures! And don't forget, a pink tutu doesn't just bring happiness, it also makes for incredible memories. Stay lovely!

xx Emma

P.S. Don't forget to check out our website www.pink-tutu.com for more fun pink-tutu-themed content!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon #TravelDiary #PinkLove #BalletLover #LondonAdventures #SwanLake #RoyalOperaHouse #Shakespeare'sGlobe #LibertyLondon #TrafalgarSquare #RegentStreet #PinkStreetBelgravia #PinkTutuTravels

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2013-02-01 Exploring London