Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2013-08-09 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! #884

Friday, 2013-08-09

Hello my lovely darlings! It's Emma here, back with a brand new blog post for you straight from the heart of London! I can't believe it's been a whole week since my last post - feels like time's been flying by. This week was extra exciting though because I managed to squeeze in a quick trip to the Big Smoke! I was lucky enough to be performing in a ballet benefit for a local charity back in my Derbyshire village, and then bam, I booked myself a train ticket to London for a whirlwind Friday adventure!

Train journeys always put me in such a good mood, especially those ones that take me to a big city. There's just something so exciting about chugging along in that little compartment with a good book and my trusty headphones playing the latest Ella Fitzgerald tunes, that really puts me in a 'let's go explore!' state of mind. Plus, my pink tutu practically begs for a spot in the window seat, soaking up all the passing scenery. I'm actually a bit of a train fanatic, ever since I was a little girl! My family always called me 'The Railway Princess' - how can you not love chugging along on those beautiful, old railway lines with their romantic history?

I had arrived in the afternoon with the London sun already starting to make an appearance - the city just seems to sparkle a bit brighter when there's some sunshine about! Now, I had two missions for this whirlwind day, and both of them revolved around two of my favourite things: fashion and ballet. So let's jump into it, shall we?

First Stop: Covent Garden Market

Forget the Underground, the heart of this trip for me was absolutely walking it! Now, you can bet your tutu I'd found myself the perfect outfit for this trip – I'm talking a gorgeous shade of lilac silk skirt with a swirling, romantic design, paired with a sparkly lavender top and, of course, my beloved pink tutu, layered over the top because a true Pink Tutu Princess never goes anywhere without it.

And trust me, Covent Garden Market is THE place to wear your favourite tulle ensemble! The cobblestone streets were a symphony of colours, sounds, and smells – street performers (one guy actually did an impromptu violin performance right in front of me – I even managed to capture it on my Instagram!), musicians, colourful market stalls bursting with unique finds, street art murals galore, and the happy chattering of Londoners and tourists. You just couldn't help but get swept up in the bustling energy of the place.

I had planned my London adventure with a friend – Amelia, a fellow ballerina and my very own tutu buddy (a girl's gotta have her bestie by her side!). So Amelia and I made a beeline for the cutest cafe on the cobbled squares and grabbed a quick bite of lunch. It was actually a brilliant little place, called "The French House," and it served up some delicious homemade quiche and a steaming mug of tea, perfect for fuelling up before our afternoon exploration.

The market had SO much to offer, it felt like I could wander for days! We spent ages browsing the various jewellery stalls (I swear Amelia is secretly a magpie because she found some of the most stunning statement pieces! My wallet almost screamed, but hey, when it comes to gorgeous trinkets, sometimes you gotta splurge!), we wandered into the quaint little craft shops bursting with unique finds, and Amelia even managed to snaffle a ridiculously cool pair of vintage sunglasses – bargain of the century, I'd say!

Oh, and can I just tell you about the scent of the whole place? A heady mix of fresh flowers, delicious spices, freshly brewed coffee, and a touch of leather – swoon. I think it’s just another reason why I’m in love with London - a heady mix of tradition, creativity and the energy of its bustling lifeblood, all in one vibrant atmosphere!

Second Stop: The Royal Opera House

But we couldn't stay forever in the market. I mean, as a ballet aficionado, it would be a sin not to see at least one iconic show, right? I mean, after all, no visit to London is truly complete without a glimpse of the magnificent Royal Opera House, a true gem of a theatre in the heart of the city!

My mission this trip? Seeing none other than the enchanting "Swan Lake!" I've been dying to see it for ages and now was my chance! As we walked up the grand staircase of the Royal Opera House, my heart just skipped a beat. We couldn’t just take a simple peek - we had to capture it on camera! My Instagram feed needed this masterpiece, my darlings, this majestic building just screams glamour! You could literally feel the rich history in every brick of this gorgeous structure. Even without knowing any history, anyone could feel it's a truly special building, bursting with incredible stories and magic.

Stepping inside was another experience altogether. It was like stepping into another era, all velvet curtains, intricate chandeliers, gilded balconies, and whispers of exciting performances. It was actually pretty overwhelming at first! We got to our seats and were awestruck - my balcony view gave me such a fantastic glimpse of the beautiful auditorium! Then came the performance itself - and it was just breathtaking. I was mesmerized by the talent and the sheer artistry of the dancers. The intricate movements, the powerful emotions conveyed through dance, the gorgeous costumes – it was pure magic. Seeing all these incredibly talented dancers effortlessly gliding across the stage, expressing themselves in every twist, every turn – I practically shed a tear (not to mention Amelia!). It was incredibly inspirational to watch! I always come away from seeing ballet filled with inspiration – it reminds me of the sheer joy that movement, art, and music can bring, especially when combined!

Amelia and I went out for dinner afterwards - and we indulged in some delicious seafood at a nearby restaurant. But you better believe, the post-performance chat and reflection on Swan Lake took center stage. It was such a satisfying end to the evening.

Last stop - and one you probably already guessed: Shops galore!

Before hopping on the train back to my little village, Amelia and I knew exactly where to go. We're not afraid to admit that shopping is practically in our DNA - especially when we have the most perfect backdrop for our outfit-inspiration in a place like London. You've gotta have at least one last stop for some seriously delightful shopping. Now, for the shopping itself, my lovelies – I cannot go into details! My lips are sealed, I can't give you all my fashion secrets – let's just say we wandered through London’s iconic stores with oh so much inspiration from that day, from the vibrant street style to the artistry of the dancers in Swan Lake – there's no doubt you can get a pretty unique style in London! We snagged a few new bits that I just had to take back with me, I'm definitely posting all the details later on! My new Pink Tutu ensemble awaits your appraisal. Just a tiny preview – think vintage touches, some bold floral prints, and a whole lotta sparkle. You'll see all about it in next week's post, don't you worry.

So, my dear darlings, my trip to London this week was truly unforgettable. As always, it's those unique London experiences – the art, the food, the fashion – that truly fuel my love of all things beautiful. If you’re ever thinking of travelling, be sure to make your way over to London. Whether you’re looking for a fun day out exploring iconic sites like the Tower Bridge, catching a musical show in West End, or getting a dose of London’s vibrant street style - trust me, you'll love every moment of it.

Of course, before I forget - I’d love to hear what YOU've been up to! Don't be shy, tell me in the comments below! What was your favourite part of the week? Share with me, tell me all about your fabulous experiences.

I’m off now to start planning my next London trip. Remember to check back here next Friday for more exciting news and adventures! And of course, to help inspire more beautiful tutus in the world!

With love and a twirl, Emma xoxox

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#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2013-08-09 Exploring London