Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-03-21 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon - Post 916: A Tutu-ful Day in London Town

Good morning, darlings! It's Friday, the 21st of March, 2014, and guess what? I'm in London! I’m finally here, having arrived by train earlier this morning, and the city’s already swirling around me like a tutu in a whirlwind.

London's like a big, sparkly pink ballet shoe – full of exciting steps and glittering opportunities. As a ballerina and a fashion-lover, I've been planning this trip for months, fueled by the dreamy promise of stunning theatre performances, fabulous shopping, and the chance to explore this city that breathes magic. It's all been paid for thanks to the wonderful grace of ballet, and this trip’s going to be the ultimate pink tutu performance of fun, style, and wonder!

I know many of you adore a good tutu moment as much as I do – maybe even more. You lovely people have become like my very own, fabulous ballet class! That's why I try to blog every Friday on, so you can share the experience with me – even if you can't be here twirling beside me! Today, my little darlings, we'll be touring London in a pink tutu whirl, exploring all its dazzling delights!

I set off for London from my lovely Derbyshire home, where the crisp March air made the train journey even more magical. The rolling countryside turned into sprawling suburban estates before finally unfolding into the glittering vista of the London skyline. As we pulled into Kings Cross Station, the iconic brick façade with its grand arches and the looming clock tower, it felt like a scene straight out of a period drama! A moment to remember – and to snap a few pics, of course! It wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu blog post without at least one perfectly poised photo in a picturesque location. I even managed to find a cute little shop selling hats right in the station that perfectly matched my pale pink tutu, so you can be sure that shot ended up on Instagram. I had a feeling it was going to be an awesome day.

As the iconic black cab taxi zipped through the busy London streets, I caught glimpses of iconic landmarks through the window: the mighty red double-decker buses, the imposing Buckingham Palace, and the magnificent Houses of Parliament with its iconic clock tower – Big Ben, of course! London truly has an intoxicating blend of historic grandeur and modern flair – the kind of place that's perfectly balanced on the edge of a captivating dance!

My first stop was the grand and imposing Covent Garden. The cobblestone streets, lively cafes, street performers, and historic buildings are absolutely beautiful – the perfect starting point for a day of adventure. The market's hustle and bustle felt just as much a performance as the show I'd be seeing later! As I wandered past stalls showcasing everything from fresh produce to handmade jewelry, a sudden rush of adrenaline surged through me. It was a ballerina's thrill to be at the heart of a place where artistry, talent, and beauty collided!

My first encounter with the magic of the day was a street performance. There in the middle of the square, surrounded by the noise and chatter of a London afternoon, a man on the street had gathered a small audience to witness a stunning display of pure acrobatic talent. With nimble leaps, impressive contortion, and an air of effortless athleticism, he danced in mid-air, performing a gravity-defying solo that defied logic and left everyone utterly breathless.

My shopping bug bit with fierce enthusiasm and, true to form, I headed straight to a small vintage boutique on the corner – one with a doorframe painted pink, of course! It was a veritable tutu wonderland. The shelves were laden with a cornucopia of chic clothing – bold dresses, glamorous tops, sparkling necklaces, quirky vintage treasures, and, yes, my darlings, even a few tutus (they’re definitely having a fashion moment!) – and of course, everything had a beautiful vintage charm.

Later, I headed over to the theatre district – West End, darlings! To the dazzling and dramatic Theatreland! It’s a place brimming with all the theatrical delights you could ever dream of. From world-famous musicals and legendary plays, to ballet companies that tell stories with every pirouette and every graceful plié, London’s West End is a wonderland for every aspiring ballerina like myself. I found myself wandering down streets with names that felt like characters from a fairy tale – Haymarket, Leicester Square, and Shaftesbury Avenue. I simply had to experience a quintessential English pub – so I settled into a cosy, traditional pub right near the theatre, with wooden tables, a roaring fire, and the warmest hospitality you could wish for.

The magic wasn’t just about the shopping and street entertainment – even the mundane could feel magical in London! I spent hours exploring the captivating architecture of London's iconic buildings and streets, from grand museums like the Tate Modern, with its modern masterpieces, to the iconic Royal Opera House – an absolutely divine theatre where I dream of performing one day, as I’m sure you do too. Oh, darling! I must admit – it all made my heart skip a beat, made me want to grab my ballet shoes and spin into the streets like an elegant ballerina – with a touch of tutu glamour, of course!

To add even more wonder to the day, I had a brilliant lunch in one of London’s renowned tea rooms. The perfect pit-stop for a tired tutu traveller like myself! I savored delicious finger sandwiches, delicately baked pastries, and, of course, the quintessential afternoon tea with scones that tasted like they were from heaven itself – perfect for an afternoon of indulging in tea time in this magical city.

The evening was for ballet – the reason for the whole trip! I found myself swept away into the graceful storytelling of the London ballet performance at the Royal Opera House. It was absolutely stunning – a breathtaking story told through movement, music, and every ounce of passion, all played out on a stage bathed in the dazzling glow of a thousand lights! There was a magic in the way the ballerinas’ bodies told stories, making me feel that they understood what it was to dream big, to push boundaries, to embrace every step with passion! Their exquisite performances gave me a rush of excitement that simply cannot be matched by any other art form. You're already feeling it, my darlings – just like we always do when we step into our beloved tutus!

Of course, it's not all about being a proper ballerina. We do love our food too, and the evening’s food adventures began at a traditional British pub. My dinner was simply divine – juicy sausages with mashed potatoes and delicious gravy, served with a hearty portion of good cheer. As I sipped on a glass of sparkling wine, the warmth of the atmosphere filled me with a sense of contentment. It was all the proof I needed that life was good, life was full of laughter, life was tutu-licious!

By now, London was wrapped up in a dreamy, citywide fairy tale. Even as I strolled through the city streets with its brightly lit stores, festive nightclubs, and charming coffee houses – even the streets had become a stage for this performance called London! It's amazing what you can experience in a day, and I’ve had my share of magical, exciting moments in London!

As I hop on the train to head home tomorrow, I will carry with me not only memories of London’s thriving city life, but the feeling of being inspired to be a strong, brave, and elegant ballerina in this wildly amazing world of ours.

Oh, darlings! Before I sign off, I've got to ask! Are you wearing a tutu this week? If you do, share it on Twitter or Instagram and don't forget to tag #PinkTutuBlogLondon – I can't wait to see all your fabulously fun fashion choices!

And for the week to come, I can’t wait to get back in the studio. The world needs a good dose of pink tutus, my darlings, and I'm here to deliver it! Until next Friday!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-03-21 Exploring London