
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-04-11 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! (Post #919)

Hello my lovely lot, and welcome to another fabulous Friday from yours truly, Emma, your ever-so-pink ballerina extraordinaire! I'm writing this from a little cafe nestled in the heart of London, with the sound of bustling streets swirling around me, and oh my goodness, is it exciting! I finally made it to the big smoke!

For those of you who are new here, a little catch-up: this is the Pink Tutu Blog and my aim, as always, is to bring a touch of whimsy, sparkle and of course, pink tutus to everything I do! Now, it might be a little strange for you, darling readers, to imagine me swanning about London, tutu and all, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

This week's adventures were born of my love for all things travel and theatre - oh, and pink tutus, of course! As soon as I saw the announcement for the new production of 'Giselle' at the Royal Opera House, I knew I had to get down to London. Plus, I just had to have a proper London fashion extravaganza, what's a girl to do!

Train Travel in My Pink Tutu

I left Derbyshire on Wednesday afternoon, excitement bubbling like champagne in my heart. As usual, I was feeling bold, so I donned my favourite hot pink tulle tutu, a fluffy white sweater for a touch of cosy charm, and of course, a bright pink bag (because pink just makes everything better, don't you think?)

I love travelling by train. There's just something magical about watching the landscape blur past, imagining all the lives that have touched those rolling hills and bustling towns. I was particularly amused by the guy opposite me trying to read his paper whilst desperately trying not to look at my magnificent tutu - I just knew he wanted to say something, but then again, who wouldn't!

The journey was so peaceful and I managed to read half of my newest ballet novel, ā€˜The Dance of the Cranes,ā€™ before dozing off in a daze of swirling tutus and sparkling costumes.

Pink-tastic London Arrival

As I stepped off the train, London greeted me with open arms - the hustle and bustle of the crowds, the vibrant energy, the intoxicating smell of freedom - I was officially in London, baby! My heart, already buzzing from the journey, was dancing a happy jig. I decided to head straight for my favourite pink boutique - it's on a little side street just off Oxford Street - you know the one, with the bright pink facade and the fabulous window display of pink tutu ballet shoes - because you can't ever have enough pink shoes, can you?

And oh my, they had a brand new shipment of tulle, in a gorgeous peachy-pink shade. It was a must-buy. My new tutu is going to be spectacular - imagine, a hot pink base, layers of peachy pink tulle swirling around my legs - my London premiere has got to be fabulous!

Fashion Friday in London

This Friday, my mission was to soak in all things fashion, so I spent the morning in a fabulous little boutique tucked away on Portobello Road, called ā€œThe Dusty Pink Dressā€. Itā€™s truly my kind of place. Think antique chandeliers, delicate lace dresses, and a whole shelf dedicated to vintage pink tutus (one was even embellished with tiny feathers! I'm talking a flamingo dream right there!)

After a well-deserved (and delicious!) lunch in a cafe overlooking Hyde Park, I headed to the Royal Albert Hall for a day full of fashion shows! I felt the magic in the air ā€“ designers unveiled their latest creations in a kaleidoscope of colours and textures, each more extravagant than the last. The audience was a who's who of London fashion - so much glamour! It was truly inspiring! I found myself sketching frantically in my notepad, envisioning myself in flowing silks, bold colour combos and, of course, an ethereal, glittery, and ever-so-pink tutu that would have every head in the room turning.

The best part? After the show, I wandered through Kensington Gardens, where I happened to stumble upon a street dance performance! It was amazing to see the skill and energy of these talented dancers. I couldnā€™t resist getting up close, and a kind gentleman, who recognised my love of dance, gave me a spinning lesson! We spun round and round, him showing me the proper techniques, until I was practically seeing stars. I had so much fun, and who knew dancing on a cobblestone street could be so invigorating!

Backstage at The Royal Opera House

I arrived at the Royal Opera House as dusk was setting over the city. There was something truly magical about entering that grand building. The grandeur of the foyer, the vibrant tapestry and murals, even the air seemed charged with anticipation.

Now, the truth is, Iā€™ve spent more than a few nights in the audience of this wonderful theatre. Thereā€™s just nothing that compares to the magic of ballet, those swirling tutus, those leaping ballerinas - oh, and don't get me started on the music! It makes my heart soar!

However, tonight was different, tonight I was actually going backstage!

Imagine this: backstage at The Royal Opera House, surrounded by stunning costumes, and watching those magical performers do their last-minute warm-up exercises - honestly, you can feel the anticipation!

Itā€™s no exaggeration to say, seeing 'Giselle' backstage was an absolutely surreal experience. Iā€™m pretty sure I gaped and giggled like a giddy schoolgirl! I got to meet a few of the dancers - they were all so friendly and gracious. They even let me try on one of the gorgeous, feathery tutus - just imagine, floating across the stage, the audience spellbound by my pink tulle magic! Iā€™ll be honest, it was like a dream.

I felt incredibly inspired by the passion and artistry of everyone I met. It's truly a privilege to be a part of such an incredible world! And, oh my, let me tell you about the ballet shoes! I have always loved a good ballet shoe, but these beauties! You could see the wear and tear, each one a testament to countless rehearsals and performances - little stories etched into each scuffed tip, a ballet dancerā€™s diary! I canā€™t wait to see if I can get some of those beautiful shoes, to add to my collection back home. I have a secret shoe obsession, just ask my husband, my shoes are my pride and joy.

London By Night

Now, for someone who's always dreaming of twinkling lights and starry skies, London at night is like a scene straight out of a fairy tale. I decided to have dinner at one of Londonā€™s famous Indian restaurants ā€“ and you know I went all out, with a brightly coloured, spicy vegetable curry, just what I needed after all that theatre excitement! The waiter was absolutely enchanted by my tutu, telling me that it reminded him of all the wonderful and colourful things he had seen when he lived back in Delhi.

With a full tummy and a heart brimming with memories, I went on a wander through the bustling night market on Seven Dials, mesmerised by the colourful lights, street food vendors and vibrant street music. The atmosphere was intoxicating! There was such a positive energy buzzing, with everyone from artists to shoppers all wrapped up in their own stories and dreams - London by night truly does live up to the hype!

My night ended in a classic London cafe, indulging in a decadent hot chocolate with lashings of cream, (because every ballerina deserves a treat after a busy day!). I was tucked into a comfy armchair, watching the city unfold outside the window.

Pink Tutu Mission Update: A London Surprise

I think you all know my heart belongs to tutus. I truly believe that pink tutus are more than just garments; they are a symbol of happiness, creativity and the ability to find joy in the ordinary. But more than that, a pink tutu can really lift your mood and inspire a little joy in the everyday.

During my time in London, I encountered so many delightful people and had countless, and quite frankly hilarious, discussions about the virtues of pink tutus!

Honestly, Iā€™m convinced Iā€™ve made some amazing new tutu ambassadors in the heart of London - I was quite surprised by the number of ladies who told me that they secretly love tutus, but are afraid to actually wear one out in public. I think theyā€™ve got the wrong idea. Whatā€™s the point of loving tutus, if you don't wear them?

To show that itā€™s absolutely possible to look and feel incredible in a pink tutu in the everyday, I took a photo of a stunning lady at a cafe, wearing a soft pink tutu with a crisp white blouse, a chic wool cardigan and a beautiful beaded necklace. It looked just absolutely fantastic! If youā€™re nervous to start, maybe you can use a tutu with a neutral color base and pair it with different accessories to create your own stylish look, I would love to see your attempts - please do tag me in any pics you might want to post on Instagram, I'm @pinktutulondon.

And the lovely lady I snapped a photo of promised she'd be back for the ballet next week and, oh my, maybe Iā€™ll have some exciting news to share on that subject!

Coming Up Next Week

Well, darlings, this London adventure was truly an unforgettable experience. From the buzzing streets to the stunning theatres, and of course, those fabulous pink tutus, Iā€™ve taken away memories that Iā€™ll cherish forever.

But I havenā€™t forgotten that this blog post is not about me - Itā€™s about inspiring all of you lovely lot to step out of your comfort zones, put on a fabulous pink tutu and live life to the fullest. Oh, and please do tell me if youā€™d like me to write about anything in particular, Iā€™m open to new ideas and requests - just like my pink tulle skirts, I am always open to spreading joy and positivity!

Next week, Iā€™ll be bringing you all the fun from the upcoming "Nutcracker" performance back in my hometown of Derbyshire. I canā€™t wait to share all my exciting thoughts and fashion inspiration! Until next Friday, stay glamorous, be brave and donā€™t forget to embrace your inner pink tutu spirit!

With love,

Emma www.pink-tutu.com

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-04-11 Exploring London