
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-05-23 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - Post #925: London Calling! 🩰🌸

Friday, 2014-05-23

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina blogger, writing to you from the heart of London town! πŸ™οΈ I'm so excited to share with you my adventures from this fabulous city. This week's journey started with a little train ride from Derbyshire. There's just something so romantic about trains, wouldn't you agree? They always put me in a happy mood and ready for adventure. Plus, I'm pretty sure I've mastered the art of tutu-wearing-train-travel – though don't tell my fellow passengers. πŸ˜‰

I must say, I'm truly living the London dream right now. This city is simply magical! The cobblestone streets, the grand old buildings, the bustling markets – it's like stepping straight into a classic film. And of course, London's a haven for a ballerina like me. With incredible ballet companies like the Royal Ballet and English National Ballet, plus an abundance of stunning theatres, this city has got it all.

Speaking of shows, guess what's on today? I'm off to see the Royal Ballet's performance of "Swan Lake"! The Royal Opera House, oh my, how majestic. I just love those historic buildings. And I'm especially looking forward to seeing the world-renowned dancer, Sylvie Guillem. Her talent is truly breathtaking.

Morning Inspiration: Covent Garden Market

Before I head off to the theatre, I couldn't resist a visit to Covent Garden. This vibrant market is a visual feast of flowers, street performers, and – my favourite – incredible clothes and accessories! I even found a beautiful, soft pink cardigan with delicate floral lace detail that would perfectly compliment my ballet tutu for a day of exploring. πŸ˜‰ You know, just because we love pink tutus, doesn't mean we don't embrace all kinds of pretty, feminine clothing! Sometimes it's all about the layers!

The Queen of Hearts - Shopping at Liberty

You know, a trip to London just isn't complete without a visit to Liberty. I think I just melted into a pool of sartorial bliss when I stepped inside. The store is a total fairytale. There are racks and racks of stunning dresses, intricate blouses, luxurious fabrics, and dazzling jewels. It's honestly a ballerina's dream come true. This place is an ode to beauty, and the fabrics? Oh, those fabrics! I could spend hours running my fingers across their soft textures and marveling at their vibrant colours.

Pink Tutu Style Tip: Sometimes, all you need is a single splash of pink to transform a look. While I live in my tutu, you can find the pink touch everywhere from a delicate necklace to a quirky handbag. Even a pretty pair of pink shoes can be the statement piece in any outfit.

Evening Escapade - "Swan Lake" and Theatre Etiquette

As evening arrived, so did my heart's delight - "Swan Lake"! Now, I love attending performances at the Royal Opera House. The entire atmosphere just feels electric. You know I love pink tutus, and at the Royal Opera House, I really enjoy watching everyone's lovely gowns, fascinators, and dapper suits! There's something special about how a performance like this inspires a celebration of fashion.

And let's be honest, a trip to the theatre wouldn't be complete without some proper "theatre etiquette," which means...no tutus in the audience! 🀫 This, dear readers, is one rule even a dedicated tutu-wearing ballerina like me knows how to follow! But don't worry, you know where to see my tutu if you're looking for it! ;)

Food and Fun: A Taste of London's Culinary Scene

You know I can't spend an entire day in London without indulging in some delightful food. We hopped onto the tube for a trip to the South Bank. It's like a microcosm of all that's good about this amazing city - vibrant street food, bustling crowds, and breathtaking views of the Thames. I devoured a beautiful salad topped with juicy grilled halloumi - my new obsession - while taking in the gorgeous view. The colours of the sunset on the Thames and the reflection of the city in the water just took my breath away. Honestly, what could be more romantic than a London sunset?

Dancing with Dreams:
Now, back to that train ride from Derbyshire. You know what always motivates me to come up with blog post ideas? Thinking about the amazing tutus I could wear on my adventures! And with this London journey, the idea I have is to try a tutu inspired by all the amazing clothes I've seen this weekend - imagine soft pink silks and satiny flow. Can you just picture the graceful swirl?

And that's a wrap, my lovelies! I can't wait to share my next London adventure with you next week. Until then, don't forget to follow me on Instagram (@pinktutublogger) to get even more tutu-tastic insights and peek into my travels!

And never forget, a little pink tutu can bring a lot of happiness and colour to your day!

Stay gorgeous,

Emma 🌸🩰

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-05-23 Exploring London