
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-05-30 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-05-30: Exploring the Magic of London

Hello darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the heart of London! As you know, I'm all about twirling my way through life, and this week's adventures have been positively magnificent. This weekā€™s blog post is #926 ā€“ wow, I canā€™t believe we've reached that number!

I left my little corner of Derbyshire early this morning, a giddy flutter of excitement swirling in my stomach. You see, there's nothing quite like hopping aboard a train and feeling that sense of journey and adventure bubbling inside. London is a haven for all things pretty, and I always know Iā€™m going to be indulging my love of dance, fashion, and all things glamorous when I arrive!

London Calling!

Stepping off the train and into the bustling Kingā€™s Cross station always feels like entering a fairytale world! I swear, the brickwork of the station has a magical glow thatā€™s just begging to be captured in a photograph. Today, it was an ethereal misty grey - it couldnā€™t have been more perfect for the occasion!

Iā€™d planned my London jaunt meticulously, and my schedule was packed with excitement from the moment I landed. First stop was, naturally, a spot of shopping!

A Flutter of Pink

Every ballerina knows a girl needs a stunning pink tutu for any occasion! Now, while I have a sizeable collection, thereā€™s nothing like the excitement of finding a new piece to add to my wardrobe. Today I stumbled across the most divine shop in Notting Hill called "Miss Bloom's Vintage" - tucked away in a cobbled courtyard, it's like a dreamland of vintage fashion!

Just imagine my delight when I found the most perfect ballerina pink tulle skirt - the delicate pink shade shimmered beautifully in the soft sunlight, it was absolutely destined for a photo op! This skirt was perfect, a real statement piece. For my day in London, I decided to pair it with my trusty white shirt (for a little elegant edge) and my trusty rose-gold ballet flats.

Now, let's just talk about my rose-gold flats! They're my latest obsession! These shoes are so chic, they add a touch of glamour to any outfit and I must confess, I'm finding myself slipping them on pretty much everyday - perfect for dancing in the street, dashing from the theatre to my favourite tea shop! And let's be honest, they're just practical, perfect for the London commute and for those days when you're exploring on foot, and those days you feel like adding a splash of colour to your outfit!

On Stage at the Dominion Theatre

After indulging in a little retail therapy (the pink tutu and flats are already my best London purchases!), it was time to immerse myself in one of my all-time favourites ā€“ the West End. I made my way to the grand Dominion Theatre, for the iconic musical ā€œChicago!ā€ Now, there's nothing I adore more than a good musical. And the energy of ā€œChicago!ā€ ā€“ a dazzling mix of jazzy vocals and witty, sexy moves - never fails to leave me mesmerized. It was truly a glorious spectacle, Iā€™ll be thinking about it for days to come!

I sat there, twirling away on the inside, absolutely swept away by the show's magic. Every moment was spectacular, every performance full of pure joy - truly, nothing beats the excitement of live theatre!

Fashion Meets Dance at the Ballet

After a wonderful dinner of pasta and sparkling water, (a must-have for every ballerina!) it was time for the highlight of my day, a spectacular performance at the Royal Opera House. Now, let me tell you - a ballet performance is simply a must for any London visit! Thereā€™s nothing quite like the grace and elegance of the Royal Ballet, the perfect combination of art and athleticism. Tonight's performance of Swan Lake had me captivated, the dancing was exquisite.

Iā€™ll be posting photos of my beautiful ballet skirt on my website later this evening, so stay tuned! It will go perfectly with the new pink tutu, but I'll need a new outfit for next week! It might have to be another trip to "Miss Bloom's Vintage."

The Charm of Cobbled Streets

Today was a magical blend of Londonā€™s charm and grace ā€“ from the vintage charm of Miss Bloomā€™s shop and the vibrant energy of Covent Garden to the dazzling spectacle of the theatre ā€“ my heart truly is happy in London!

Next Week in Pink Tutu Londonā€¦

But alas, even the most dazzling of days must come to an end! Itā€™s time to make my way to the station, for my journey back to my cosy little home in Derbyshire. My heart's already brimming with plans for next week's visit - Iā€™m dreaming of discovering hidden alleyways and exploring the beautiful canals. Who knows what gems I'll unearth next week! But one thing's for sure, thereā€™ll be a touch of pink tutu magic in my next London adventure!

Join me next Friday for another exciting episode of #PinkTutuBlogLondon ! You can find more about my travels and dance adventures at www.pink-tutu.com. I can't wait to share more with you all!

Until then, twirl on, darlings!



#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-05-30 Exploring London