Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-08-15 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-08-15 | Post #937

Oh, hello lovelies! Emma here, your favourite tutu-clad traveller, back with another adventure! I'm in London, darlings! Yes, the big smoke, the city of dreams! The place where you can wear a pink tutu in the middle of a bustling street and, instead of judgment, be met with a wave, a smile, and a "Lovely tutu!"

As always, I journeyed by train - what better way to start a grand adventure than with a view of rolling countryside flashing by? I love that train journeys, even though they take a bit longer, are so peaceful and meditative, especially when there's no wifi and no phones allowed, just you and your thoughts and the rhythmic clatter of the wheels on the tracks. And besides, there's nothing more inspiring than spotting those countryside views - rolling green hills, quaint villages, even a field of sunflowers, a splash of vibrant yellow against a deep blue sky... It's enough to set my creative spirit alight and get those ideas flowing!

I packed my trusty, bubblegum pink suitcase, and my trusty ballet shoes, of course! (There's always a chance of a spontaneous ballet performance in London - never let down an opportunity, my dears!). Plus, I just had to squeeze in that fabulous new silk top with pink polka dots! Just the thing to wear while traipsing through the London streets, I reckon!

I arrived at the London station feeling like a giddy schoolgirl, eyes sparkling like the twinkly lights of a city centre Christmas display! My love for this city just keeps on growing with each visit. It's a vibrant, magical place, buzzing with history, excitement, and an energy that I can't quite explain, but it makes me feel electric. And my first view of the city from the top of the train station always gets me so excited for everything that awaits.

First Stop - The Heart of Fashion: Oxford Street

Where else to begin my exploration but the haven of all things stylish and beautiful? Oxford Street, the shopping haven, the fashion nirvana. With all the glittering shops, mannequins dressed to impress, and all that colourful merchandise – my eyes went a little wild with joy. I've always been a huge fan of vintage fashion, so my first stop was one of my favourite charity shops, loaded with clothes just begging to be loved again! I spotted the most beautiful vintage pink coat with exquisite embroidery, and for just a few pounds, it was mine! Score! It was an absolute steal. It was meant to be, and I just knew I had to have it!

After my vintage score, I couldn't resist browsing the familiar rows of fashion giants, soaking in the window displays. I spotted a dazzling tutu-like, sequined dress (though not technically a tutu!) in a gorgeous shade of pale pink – perfect for a cocktail party in my opinion, and something I know I'd look absolutely fabulous in. I even had to resist buying a few pairs of gorgeous new ballet shoes that just screamed to be danced in!

London's Ballet Theatre - An Evening of Enchantment

After an afternoon of retail therapy, I was ready for some serious culture. I was so lucky that I managed to grab a last-minute ticket to a performance at the Royal Opera House. Tonight, I was experiencing The Sleeping Beauty! Now, The Sleeping Beauty is my absolute favourite ballet. And what's even more exciting is that this production featured a dazzling, pink, sugar plum fairy tutu – one I simply had to wear at some point on this trip! I couldn't have been happier when I stepped into the majestic Royal Opera House and was welcomed by the grand beauty of this historic venue. The energy there was incredible, even before the performance began. Everyone was dressed up, from elegant gowns to crisp suits - perfect for London, and the place seemed to pulse with a certain vibrancy. And I felt like I was a part of something so special.

The performance itself was just breathtaking! The story came alive right before my eyes. From the moment the curtain rose, I was swept away. The costumes were so lavish, and the dancers’ movements, well, let's just say, it was like magic. I can't explain how beautiful the dance moves were, the grace, the strength, and the storytelling – it just took my breath away. The pink tutus just shimmered like starlight! My soul was soothed by the graceful ballet, my imagination soared, and I felt incredibly moved and connected to every dancer onstage. I left the opera house, a little dazed, completely in awe.

Finding The Magical Heart Of The City - A Tutu Walk in London

To cap off my Friday adventures, I wanted to feel the true heartbeat of this amazing city. I'm convinced there are hidden magic spells woven into London's cobblestone streets, in its winding alleys and its buzzing energy. So, I donned my beautiful vintage pink coat and took a stroll down one of London’s most famous roads - the historic Westminster Bridge! I felt like a real Londoner, you know, with the lights of the houses of Parliament reflecting in the Thames, the majestic London Eye peeking out in the distance. I love those glimpses of the old London nestled right next to the hustle and bustle of the modern city. It's what makes London such a special place - the way it seamlessly blends the old and the new, the classic and the cutting edge, and makes it all work! I was struck by the city’s captivating history as I passed Westminster Abbey, the grand Houses of Parliament, the iconic Big Ben (which, even though it’s been quiet for repairs, still commands the skyline). These landmarks whisper stories of generations past.

A magical evening deserves a magical sunset, right? With that in mind, I took a walk through Kensington Gardens, enjoying the serenity of a beautiful English evening. It's always so peaceful there, with the birds chirping and families enjoying picnics. It was the perfect setting for a quick tutu twirl! After all, my aim is to bring pink tutus to every corner of the world, so it seemed appropriate to perform a tiny tutu routine amongst the daffodils! (I am hoping to film one of my videos there next time – can’t wait!). I can just picture the surprised smiles, the children’s excited shrieks, the tourists pulling out their cameras, the dog walkers’ curious wagging tails - London loves tutus. And after all, who could resist a bit of colour, whimsy, and dance in the heart of the city?

An Evening's Delight

As night descended, London started twinkling, and I knew it was time for dinner. I found the perfect spot in a quiet little nook in the bustling Covent Garden. The aroma of freshly baked bread and the sounds of chatter made it feel incredibly welcoming. Over a steaming bowl of tomato soup and a sandwich, I jotted down notes in my trusty notebook, reflecting on the magic I'd experienced in this beautiful city.

Until next Friday…

My time in London may be brief, but it's always enough to reignite that spark of inspiration and leave me brimming with stories and new ideas for future blog posts. And with every experience, every street I walk, every adventure I embark on, I just want to get even more people wearing pink tutus! Until next time, darlings.

Until next Friday…

Lots of love and twirls,

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-08-15 Exploring London