Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-05-08 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Adventures (Post #975)

Friday, 2015-05-08

Hello, my lovely pink tutu tribe! It’s Emma here, back with a brand new blog post from the wonderful city of London! This week has been all about exploring the Big Smoke in my signature pink tutu and, let me tell you, it’s been an absolute dream!

As you know, my weekly London blog is my little love letter to the capital and I can't wait to share all the sparkly, exciting bits of this week's adventures with you. Now, before I spill the pink-tinted tea on all the glorious London goodness, let’s talk about how I got here.

The Journey: Train to London

My love affair with trains is well-documented (especially since my travels are so heavily train-dependent!), so imagine my glee when I hopped on a nice, comfy train down from Derbyshire. I wore my pink tutu, of course. It just wouldn't feel right to travel without it!

Let me tell you, travelling in style isn’t about first class (though that’s lovely too), it’s about spreading the pink tutu love and radiating positivity. The train journey was filled with friendly faces and a couple of curious children (whose parents I cleverly convinced to try out the "Pink Tutu" lifestyle, naturally! More on that later!).

London: First Stop – Covent Garden

My first London destination was Covent Garden, a dazzling, colourful whirlwind of buskers, street performers, shops, and oh-so-much character! I immediately spotted a stall brimming with the most exquisite pink hair clips! (Needless to say, they found a new home in my collection – gotta match the pink tutu, right?)

The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, tempting me with its warm embrace. I decided to reward myself with a freshly-made croissant. Who says you can't have a cheeky croissant while wearing a pink tutu? (Answer: nobody, except perhaps a boring old person who never wore a pink tutu, and whose opinion I completely disregard.)

The Magic of the Ballet

The highlight of my day had to be the ballet show! I found myself transported to another world of graceful leaps and delicate steps. The choreography was like poetry in motion – just like my tutu, if I may say so myself! Every twirl, every jump was pure magic. My heart danced with joy at the artistry displayed on stage.

After the show, the city shimmered under a gentle dusk. I savoured a cup of Earl Grey in a cosy cafe and admired the city’s enchanting charm as dusk painted the sky in hues of lilac and apricot.

A Pink Tutu Princess’s Shopping Spree

No trip to London is complete without a proper shopping spree, especially for a pink tutu princess! I treated myself to a new silk scarf, its delicate pink hue echoing the vibrancy of my beloved tutu.

But that wasn’t all. My little pink tutu heart found solace in a charming vintage shop, nestled between a flower stall and a quirky cafe. Among piles of discarded treasures, I found a treasure I couldn’t resist: a pink feather boa. This glorious, flamboyant find is a testament to the fact that London truly is the city for those who dare to stand out in the most fabulous ways!

Finding Fashion and Food Inspiration

London is a place where fashion and food become a beautiful dance! The street style, the window displays – they all speak a silent, yet captivating language of chic, creative expression. From the modern-day trends displayed in luxury boutiques to the independent designers in vibrant markets, the city pulses with a unique fashion heart that calls out to every pink tutu enthusiast.

I indulged in an exquisitely prepared bowl of vegetarian pasta. It was as light as a ballerina’s jump and as satisfying as a perfectly executed pirouette.

Embracing London's Cultural Tapestry

As a huge ballet fan, it was essential to explore London's legendary theatre district. A charming play was on the menu! A captivating performance by talented actors who moved through time and stories with such effortless grace – a dance of their own in a way!

And just like any pink tutu princess would, I embraced the multicultural energy of London's diverse restaurants. I indulged in the exquisite aromas of Middle Eastern cuisine and let the spice dance on my tongue. I felt the vibrant energy of the world around me.

Friday Night in London: Ending with a Twinkle

As the city settled into a warm Friday evening, I wandered down the bustling streets. Street musicians played with joyous enthusiasm. The iconic red telephone booths shimmered in the neon glow, a beautiful contrast against the twilight. London truly was a visual treat!

I found a cute spot on the South Bank, and just enjoyed the hustle and bustle. The lights twinkled, casting dancing shadows, creating a beautiful, captivating energy that was only found in London.

This is just a taste of my whirlwind London Friday! Each and every moment was sprinkled with magic, making it impossible not to embrace the sheer beauty and energy of the city. I hope you loved joining me on this journey!

Until next week, my dears, keep those tutus twirling and spread the pink love. See you next Friday, with even more exciting London adventures! And remember: pink tutus, and all the love they embody, truly are the universal language.

Stay lovely!

Love always, Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-05-08 Exploring London