
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-07-24 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon: London Calling! - Post 986

Friday, 24th July 2015

Good morning, darlings! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I'm practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. You see, I'm finally in London!

As always, I made the journey by train. It's such a wonderful, romantic way to travel. I nestled myself into my first-class seat (courtesy of a particularly lovely performance of Swan Lake last weekend - the fundraising never stops, darlings!), sipping a lovely cuppa and enjoying the scenery. Even the dreary old industrial estates couldn't dampen my mood. There's just something about watching the world zip past from the comfort of a train that feels utterly magical.

Of course, no outfit for a day in London is complete without my trusty pink tutu. This time, it's a fluffy, whimsical number that shimmers like spun sugar under the midday sun. It's the perfect antidote to the inevitable crowds and jostling that come with navigating this iconic city. You wouldn't believe how many people stopped to smile at me as I sashayed through the station. Londoners might have a reputation for being stoic, but they can't resist a bit of pink tutu magic!

My day began with a visit to the glorious National Portrait Gallery. It's always a delight to get lost in the portraits of famous figures throughout history. I love the stories behind each face and the insights they offer into the times they lived. Today, I was particularly captivated by the portraits of the monarchs. Seeing the grandeur and regal aura of past sovereigns painted so vividly brought history to life, transporting me right back to their courts.

From there, I strolled through the charming cobblestone streets of Covent Garden. I'm a bit of a sucker for street performers, so I couldn't resist pausing for a few moments to watch a talented young juggler. It's truly amazing how skilled these artists are. They really manage to transform ordinary everyday items into works of art. And of course, no trip to Covent Garden is complete without a browse around the market stalls. I snagged the most exquisite vintage hat with a jaunty, oversized pink feather - it's going to be the star of many future #PinkTutuBlogLondon posts!

Speaking of shopping, I then had the most fabulous afternoon at Harrods. You just can't go to London without at least a quick visit to this magnificent department store. The sheer scale and opulence is enough to make you gasp! I even managed to snag a pair of exquisite, pastel-pink heels - my wardrobe just wasn't complete without them. They'll be perfect for my next performance, a dazzling rendition of "The Sugar Plum Fairy" next month. I can practically feel the sparkle already!

After a light but luxurious tea and cucumber sandwiches (essential London fuel, darling!), I headed to the West End to see the musical "Hamilton." What can I say about this show? Pure magic. The energy, the storytelling, the costumes - absolutely brilliant. It had me on the edge of my seat throughout the whole performance, and the ending left me wanting more. The whole cast, including the phenomenal Lin-Manuel Miranda himself, was simply sensational.

After the show, I took a wander through Leicester Square, soaking in the vibrancy of the area. Street performers and excited theatre-goers buzzed all around, a kaleidoscope of colour and energy. Itโ€™s fascinating how, even though this is the heart of a vast city, there's still a sense of community and shared excitement here. I could easily spend days here, lost in the bustling heart of London.

But tonight, I'm heading back to Derbyshire. A day in London is enough to charge my pink tutu batteries for weeks. As I settle back into my comfortable train seat and watch the lights of London gradually fade into the distance, I'm already looking forward to my next adventure. Who knows what magic awaits in the coming weeks?

Until then, darling!

#PinkTutuLondon #LondonLife #LovePink #TutuLove #TravelInspiration #FashionInspiration #LondonTheatre #WestEnd #HamiltonMusical #NationalPortraitGallery #CoventGardenMarket #Harrods #TravelBlogger #TravelDiary #Derbyshire #BalletLife

P.S. Remember, darlings, the world is your stage, and pink tutus are always in style. So embrace your inner ballerina, let your imagination run wild, and don't be afraid to spread a little pink magic wherever you go!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-07-24 Exploring London